The Canadian Chamfpion,. Tiàmsday, Dmcemnbmr 21,1999-2Z Swance %ee Faims Quality Fresh Cut Pine, Spruce, Balsam & Fraser Fir Wreath, Roping, Boughs Plus Chriltmas Craflo Open 9:00 - 9:00 Weekdays 9:00 - 5:00 Weokends Came visit us ai 2291 Kilbrlde St., Kllbrlde ANDREW SCENI ACRES >S'COTON BLOCK COUNRY WINERMY OPEN DAILY 11 -5 1 Fruit & Grape Wess S Strswbenry e Raspbenry e Black Currant à Pear ( Alsa Pies, Frozen Fruit, Jam, lloney, Maple Syrup and Cider Phone 8850 Nue. M-23 0-11 N. 4 0-5 WMaw u Ien tul but dmh fti N- Me Im r Rem»l " M m i SMASOAL HELP Wm are looldrlg for mature, respansible Individuels wilS flexible hours. Mîms: Mmas Eien aid Centre Mlan, OntulOi eavwerT5 Pasty When: Deouber ilmilM@reS 2000 contact: HuiT Prise <R)705730-IM0 (fax)701-730-lSU8 <cell>e5O& -7222 Weare laoldng for an mager, enthusiastic & soif mnotivated persan ta run a videa store. Super A fide. Mo0 Ontario OL S. 87i-3320 Circulation Sales and Service ReprsentativS The Oavl baver bas a fuit Urne posi- tian available immediatmly for s circulationl Sales and Service Reprosaantattve. Experlence la an assoit but wie vill train. ResponsbilUma InClude grawving pald circulation, lniltiaing promo- flions and senlclng existtng cliontele.The successul candidate ahil bave ambition, woek wmll lndependendty and In s tearn environnant, enlays warlng alth ii- dren, and has aJbackground in custamner service and promaflions. A rellsble vehicle le a necessity. ibis position pays aalarY plus car allayance and sales bonuse. Ta spply, please smnd resumne along wlrth soalsry expectations ta: TRhe Oakvllle Baver 467SeesR Oakvie WOeilt dL6K 394 AIle'.: Trudy Reading NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE Fax us your Classifieds 876-2364 ADULTS REQUIRED To Deliver The Oakville Beaver Door to Door Lot us Know: " What hours you pr«We " How much you would Ilkm to mmmn per month *What route arma you prêter Delier Days are: Tueday, Wednmey and Frlday Wmekend: You ai have up to 10 amn Sunday to finish deivmry. You ai Duele te ieon uda Iro nter- 235dpeas Hays 45Bo72levard t Fide cin83 mane:0p PIJLLTIM Wareisouam pâaion avaltabie. if you are a hardworkdng and depmndalm pernon, peie fax yArrureta: SL-SpcWa Laboratorles Ud. Ferc %A6)7729 MILTON ares transport company requirea part firne emploas ta asalat a#ils truckc loadlng. 15-20 hournAweeks. Approximalel 3p.r. - 7:30p.m. 3-4 days/welc Tow malarmexpeimnce an enset CatI Cal at1876-3996. SECOJRITY personnel required by the 01dm Hide Hous In Aclon. Part-Urne, -osil tesding ta fuil- Une. Plmase deilver resurne la Custorner Service deek o phone calle, pese. TELEPHONE people and Drivers nmeded frfun- dralslng *fic. Day and evdngs vallale. Go0d houdy wage pai In cash. Cal 385230. MRVICE ADVISOR We are ioaking for a highly mativatmd person ta join aur expanding service team. Wm affer corrpetitive wages, benef Ils and bonus incentives. Please caLVfax in confidence ta tbe Service Manager David Fraser Fax: 878-0960 Phone: 878-2355 Toil Frem: 1-888-878-2354 409 Main Street East, Milton L9T 1 P7 POSITON 7 A large Cencrai Contractor lu seeking thse serviceo of a Hoînan Resource Manager. Our office in iocated along ie 401 corridor, near Guelph. Tise rexponsibititien include: aoiiciting new personnel. monitoring empînyc performance, creating training progranis for managernentlaite personnel and other related duties. Tise compensation pack- age will be in keeping witis tise individual's expe- noence and abitities in ttso field. Mease fax your resurne to 905-8542011 asap. Il in IA Canada f nc., tise Canaden division of a tultinationat leader in the production of bear- îgs and precision components, ix seeking can- Idates for tise position of: CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE lue position is avallable at our Canadian isead fflce located In Oakvlte. Tise successtul applI- ant wiul te responsitie for Inside sales and irder entry for our Ontario customers and anadias brancis offices. >ersons wlts tise foltowlng attributes wiul te :onsidered for this Position: *community college degree *tecisoical a fitude -computer lIterate *team player with excellent interpeisona and communication skilf s; *custormer service andior bearing lndustry experlence ix an asset IRA Canada offers a compmtittve remuneratiOn package, lncluding extensive heats benefit cov- orage and pension plan. Resumes for tiss position should te sent, in comploe confldentllty, 10: __ INA Canada mc. 2871 Plymuth Drive Oacvufle, ON L6H 55 Aten: Sales Manager linadrxui nof'atiscoti n invdiinitrtv qI Assuait SBte. aeahoins r individua ol oal is oh h ex e al data entry and organîzation skills: " Be available 2 to3 dam Per week en a .flexible taxis: " Possess a working ktostedge of Excel andior Accpac. We provide excellent pay and tenetils (depedeni upon experience),. We are locaed sutisin walking distance of lise Trafalgar GO Station. Toaspply, send a resurne ta: Ganueral Accountinq Supervisor p.O. Box 69M0, 10 Thonais St bokeeping course. Adult teachlng ex- prence preferrmd. Renumes ta: Box 1722, c/o The Poat 2321 Falrview, Burllngtom L7R 2E3 Is now recruiting drivers To be based in Brampton. RElUESIP FOR PROPOSI. Bid documents for lthe conlract or service lisled below, addresseid to tie Manager ot Purchasing, 1151 BRONTE ROA), OAKVILLE, ON 16M 31.1 wilt be receieed untit 2:OOpm. Oakville time on the specilied closing date. Bld documents cao be seen or obtained tttrougis tise PurcisasogDivision of tise Corporate Services De- pailment, same address as aiove, Tel. (90) 825-6000, extension 7031. Documents vsut be avaitable for pick upon and atter Mania,, BocontrUà, 19MB Under o circurastances wri lacsimile or talle bids be accepled or considered. Lowesl or any bid nol necessarity accepted. Local Ussppsr Advertlsing la mats. CLOSM: Thursday, Ianuiy 26,2NU J.L RINALDO A. MINDENHALL, OPPO COMMISSIONER 0F MANAGER 0F CORPORATE SERVtCES PURCHASING SERVICES Preschool/Home-Visitiflg Teacher The Minislry of Education, Ernest C. Drury School for the Deaf, resource services deparement, requires a teacher of the deaf for the 1999-2000 schoof year. loin a multidisci pli ary team serving deaf and hard-of- hearing chitdren (birth to school age) and their families ehrough a home- visiting program. You will: provide mn-home serategies to enhance child development, particutarly orat/auditory skilts; tiaise wvith other agencies/ professionats, working wvith children/their families. This is a half-time contract position rated under the Provincial Schools Authority. Location: Milton, with extensive overnight travel throughout the province. Qualifications: valid certificate of registration from the Ontario College of Teachers; specialist certil'îcate/letter of standing as teacher of the deaf; excellent communication, report-wvriting skls knowledge of early childhood development; familiarity with curricula used b yhome- visiting program (e.g. SKI*HI, INSITE, AHEAD); thorough kinowIjge o ail oral/sign-based communication approaches; experience workin in an integrated preschool/earty chil1dhood/primary setting; valid driver's licence. Please send your resume, quoting file ED-328, by Jan 5, 2000, to: Dr.. Clifton F. Carbin, Program Direclor, Resource Services, Emnest C. Drury Sdiool for the O caf, 255 Ontario Street Sotith, Milton, ON L9T 2M5. An equal opportuflity employer Ontario Entry level drivers are welcome. Partial financial reimbursement for Initial Training is now available. Call 1-800-53 1-9024 875-3300 Classified Teleplione .. S G àssified fax ............... . *r New in on PLEASE CMLL U&. Comm.lyulCeoml LUnda ....854-1563 Maln 8501 Moi. 3249 deu Pafln..876019