8 - lb. Canadin ChamponFm , Novembe 26, 1999 <COMMENT Not much downside ciTt Ws AT~ for JK in our sehools The relationship between the Halton District School Board and the issue of junior kindergarten (JK) bas been on and off. At this point, it looks like it's on again. As reported elsewheoe in tha'o newspaper, board trustees started getting down to specifics at a meeting last week about what it would take to get JK back in Halton public schools, at least on a limited basis, by the start of the next school year. 'Me proposai calis for three classes in Milton (two at J.M. Denyes and one at Percy Merry), 13 in Burlington, l0Oin Oakville and four in Halton Hilîs. Nobody seems to disagree with the fact that the earlier eclucation starts, the better it is -- long-terni -- for students. That thinking is mainly backed up by F' the 'Early Years Study'. The cost would be about $324,000, most of which would be a one-time, start-up outlay. The only on-going cost would be $37,500 per year for supplies like paper and crayons. Trustees seem to think the stant-up cost could be absorbed in one of several ways in the currehit budget, while shuffling of staff would prevenit any new ~I ~ L/ salaries from being taken on. Frankly, we're not sure there's a downside. And if there is one, we feel thse ------- ------ ----- increased education level of younger students far outweighs any possible neg- 1 . . - SO UR READERS WRITE Volunteers make a difference, says thankful Cancer Society THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canadien Champion,. published eoery Tuesday and Friday at 191 Main St. t., Milton, Ont., L91 4N9 (Box 248), is one of The Metroland Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Printing, Publishing a Dlstributing Lui. group of suburban compames miticit includes: AjaulPickering News Advertiser, Alliston Herald/Courier, Barrie (905) 878-234 1 Adnanc-,-Barry Bay Tbis Week, Bolten Enterprise, Brampton Guardian, Guardian, CollingwoodlWasaga Connection, East York Mirror, trie Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Adeocate/County Routes. ttobicoke Guardian, Flambonougtt Post, Forever Young, Georgetown lndependentActon Free Press, Huronia Business Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Times, Kingston This Week, Lindsay Tbis Week, Markftam tconomist & 00Suit, MidiandlPenetanguisflene Mirror, Miton Shtopping News, Mississauga Classified: 875-330 Business limes, Mississauga News, Napanee Guide, Nassugaweya News, NewmareslAurora tra-Banner, Northumtberland fNews, Ndorth York Minror, Ian Oliver Publisher Oaknitto Beuver. Oaftolle Shopping News, Oldtimens Hockey Ndews, Onillia Today, OsftaaWhitby/ClanlngtonlPort Perry This Week, Owen Sound Nel Oliver Asseociale Publishler Tribune, Peterboruught This Week, Picton County Guide, Richmond BillBDegin General Manager Hit/TftornhilWfaughan Liberal, Scanborougb Mirror, StutfvillelOobridge Tribune. ijaren Smith Eduotr Adverelstg la accepted en mhe condition that, on the event of a typo- graphical errer, tbat portioe et the adneetieg space occupied by Bme ente- Steve Crozier Circulatiofn Manager mous Rtem, tqefbeer wifb a eeasnable aftaece fur signature, altti eut be Teri Casa Office Manager chargeil for, but the balaece et the adverflsemeet aitl I e pald for aithe applicable rate. Tbe pubflsber reseenes the rlghf f0 catifgenize adeertise- l. Clol.. Production Manager met orddn Dear Editor: .On behaîf of the Milton branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, I would like to thank the many vol- unteers who canvassed homes, cap- tained areas, sold daffodils, partici- pated in 'Dress Down Days' and organized golf toumnaments, the annual curling bonspiel and dinner dances. As usual, you made a big differ- ence. Our 1999 revenue from ail these events totalled $203,051 .52, up 24 per cent over 1998, and established a new record high. 0f this total approximately $60.000 was designated for Children's Camp Trillium, $36.000 for patient services and transporta- tion, and 18,000 for breast cancer research. A special thanks to the residents of Milton who, through their gen- erosity, achieved this result giving Milton one of thse highst contribu- tion rates per capita in thse province. 'Me Canadian Cancer Society is an organization of volunteers, which is totally supported by pub- lic donations and doesn't receive any govemment funding. Ninety cents of every dollar donated goes to patient services, healts promotion and cancer research. Our mission is thse eradication of cancer and thse enhancement of thse quality of life for people living with cancer through funding research and volunteer-delivered programs with the principle of the efficient use of donated funds. Again, we sincerely thank every- one who made thse year a success because without you, we wouldn't have made the progress we have. John A. Perroit, prealdent Milton branch, Canadian Cancer Society Letters welcome The Canadian Champion welcomes letters to the editor. We reserve the right to edit, revise and reject letters. Lelters must be signed and the address and the telephone number of the writer included. Mail letters to: * The Canadian Champion Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 or leave themn at our office, 191 Main St. E. Pud by Steve Nease 1