lb.e Canuan Champion, Fridey, Nov.e 26,.199--37 k Cold-Weather Car Care: Three Critical Concerns for Confident Winter Travel It's here. 'is thc season for Alberta Clippers. Ia your car ready for Jack Frost's icy fingers? Ail veblicles need attention from lime to time, but when it's cold, your car needs extra care. There is no sense in putîing yourself or Ioved oflC5 St unnecessary risk. Comparcd to freezing your ears off, winterizing your vehicle is rela- tively paînless. For confident wintcr starts, it is important 10 keep a watch on three critical arcas: the Iubnica- <tion system, Uic cooling systcmn and the batîcry. Let's take a quick look under thc hood to sec if you'oe rcady for the worst of OId Man Winter. Check Your Motor OÙl Il is important 10 check your motor-oil levels on a peniodic basis. Witbout lubrication, friction bctwecn moving parts Icads to engine wear. However, it also is important to think about Uic type of motor oil you'are using. For severe cold, there ia a significant performance differ- ence bctween syntbctic and convenlional motor oila. Few people give mucb thought to the oul Uiat thcy use. Cold weatber is tough on engines because of the limitations of traditional lubricanîs. Traditional motor oils and greases become thickcr, thus slowing starting rpm (revolutions per minute), restricting oul flow to critical engine parts, increasing wear on bearings and rings, decreasîng engine life, and increasing the bur- den on an already overtaxed starting system. Througb Uic use of additives, ou manufactur- ÀMuBc W9 M PROFESSIONAL AUTO SERVICE Accredlted Test We are now a a eacidlty PJLLY ACCRED1TED TEST" REPAIR FACILITY ALWAYS EXPERT SERVICE PROM QUALIFIED TECIINICIANS. T1aIer KItOIUS Front End,& Bruis *Allgnmeiofl* Tires" *Computerlzd Engln Anayste Gotural, Repairs to ail makes & mo"el. Rouist Wales. Cutand Book YourAppoi*m 174ey T4NEwUP SPECIALS, 4 CYU1DER - Inetudin sperk pluga .. * CYUt4OE a CYUNOER i notudlng apsrk plug... M.Il ww ýq fludacp.Id ScM. ew .ffU icler ant crs began developing multi-viscosity ouas that had a broader service range - IOW-30 motor ouas and later 5W-30 ouas improved fluidity in colder temperatures. The lower the number in front of the W, thc betier Uic cold-wcalher vis- cosity. However, even with sdditives, conven- tional petroleum-bascd motor oils flow or pump only down to about 13 F bclow zero. "Not good cnough," siy many Northemcrs wbo routinely sec Ihermometers hover in thc minus 30 F range. For really cold wcather, only synthctic motor ouas offer the kind of performance that shlows cars and trucks to start with greater case. Many synthetic motor oils stili flow or pump at tem- peralures up to 60 F and 70 F bclow zero. Synthetics have a broader service range Uian la- ditional petrolewn. In 1991, more than a haîf-dozen Chevrolet Corvettes snapped their crankshafts when tbey were started up to. be moved from a lot in Bowling Green, Ky. After an investigation into the cause of Uiese breakdowns, General Motors determined that it was lubricant failure. The solution was to mandate ayntbctic motor oul as thc factory fill for tbis high-performance engine. The admonition to check your motor oul is intendedi as a reminder to not only watch fluid levels, but to consider whetber your motor oul is fulfilling ils lubricating function iln severe weatber. No sense in being strended on an iso- iated roil because your engîne couldni't tomn over. Check Your Antifreeze Neglecting the antifreeze in your engine's cooling system also can resuit in serious damage to your vehicle. Wben water freezes it expands, putting bigh stress on the corridors where it travels. A cracked engine block is not unlikely in extreme cold. Water-pump failure and blown hoses alan are common aide cifecta from frozen cooling systema. There are a number of reiatively inexpensive antifreeze testera available for measuring the effective working temperature of your antifreeze. If you can't afford one of these gauges, have Uic radialor fluid cbecked at your local service station to meke sure Uiat it is suit- able for severe cold temperaturea. In recent years there has been a growing awarenesa of the bazarda associated wiUi tradi- tional ethylene glycol anlifreeze. EG-based antifreeze not only is considcrcd an environ- mental hazard and dcadly for pets when apilled on Uic ground. it is toxic for cbildrcn. Wbat is cspecially bad is Uiat EG-based antifireeze has a swect taste Uiat invites animais and cbildrcn 10 .ingest it. An alternative to this antifreeze is Uic new propylene glycol, which generally is regerded as safe for accitiental ingestion. In addition, it bas an unpleasant teste, meking il unlikely diat ani- mais or children will drink any appreciable amnount. Propylene glycol provides excellent protection againal freezing, boiiing and corro- sion. Check Your Battery The ideal operating tempereture of your car battery is 80 F. As temperetures drop, an doca Uic efficiency of Uic battery. In very cold weath- er, Uic baltery's power output can be diminishcd to as littie as 10 percent. In addition, as batteries age Uieir atrength is furtber reduced. Wben il is vesy cold and your older battery bas bast a measure of its cranking capacity, you bave a situation where il may not bave Uic power to tum over Uic engine. Cold winter starta are harsb. If the motor oul la not fluid, and tbe battery womn down, you may want 10 bave your cellular phone bandy in case you need to call for help. Don'tBe Left OW ùnte Cold SENTINAL AUTOMOTUVE Satety Inspections, Major & Minor Repairs, Tune-ups, Brakes, Engines, Diesel Repair, Air Conditioning, Towing, Rads, Gas, Tanks, Exhaust, Emission Pretesting 2 Llcensod Technlclans 342 BRONTE ST. S.9 #12 & #13 MILTON 878-8066 9-7