Photo by GRAHAM PAINE vBe otîr guest United Way Christmas House Tour co-ordinator Barbera Ramsden (left) and homeowner participant Sandra Willllams Invite Mltoniens to talce part ln this Seturdey'e fundrelser. Tickets coat $15 and are aveul- able et sucis local busînesees as A Country Mlle, Royal LePage, A Femînîne Wey end Comfl Interlors. Motivational speak er runs workshop V/ The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 9,1l99- Resid'ents worried about congestion Woodward Avenue doesn't need any more trafficflow with the coming of a new subdivision, residents tell town council By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Increased traffic flow from a proposed new subdivision shouldn't be funnelled onto the already welI-travelled Woodward Avenue, somne residents say. But their objections didn't deter town council from voting to grant draft plan approval of a prospective 80-acre subdivi- sion st week. The draft plan included a suggestion to extend Woodward Avenue slightly in order to provide a link between the new development and the existing community. But council's approval was subject to a series of amendments, including a stipula- tion that options other than tihe Woodward Avenue extension be investigated. If none are found, the expansion will likely be a go. And that could shave about 13 metres froro a woodlot located at Woodward Avenue and Thoropson Road. Po You buffer From Hiqh Iood F'roeure? We are lookiniq for volunitectre Who buffer from hi,3h W'oodl prcbburc Vo take part; ni a cliical rebearch btudly of a niew irnve5tioatiornal mieeication eiere Vo lower MIooci prebbure. Ow ned hy Virgoan Properties I td., the Iloineowners near ihat area clearly don't proposed subdivision would be Iocated on want more congestion on Woodward the east side of Thompson Road, south of Avenue, said resident Brian Siro. Steeles Avenue East and Hwy. 401. s ee EXPANDING on page 10 REGION 0F HALTON NOTICE OF A PUBLIC NMTING PSpoud Amnataoet No. 10 To thce Offiia Fias for tiie Regi of 11alts MWt Ccual c1 du Rebondi Mmicipolity oftallu t uo* t nluit ad PdAt Wcoba Ccmu iiic. a blnac PcbII mei c> p>vid iIUIIOail ladltluia en cemuty 1c on~ - txcli aiin 8i.c m " plcanlu Avaamnt No. 10 DAae:. Wcoday Deambo 1,1999. lm:k 9:30 A.M. Plae Ha. Roms fltas Piicaled qat> 1151 Btoct Ritd Oakviflc. ON L6M 3LI E Te GU i MotSzfouaIm Poqtcood Amuedoul Na.1 loay bc vicwed etdmuOM fila i Rhgol Cla&t bottas 8.30 A.M and 430 PMi woédqi or a efl cmy ba lobW-iby edia Sun O'otBi 8 Maaolc 71 9 o Ocmf du df muduui 1 110w e flu i4 godi Uc*1Wu CcouàMO mu roqâobinl oolbc du Itagicool Clooti 1cm Eqs>boamiç eit xum"m7. pfictcWeo>hday. Noadom 24. 1999.4-30 PIL. peu r<g t Aâob 1Ut pcapdon t> te puaeit c dey one pop- dur devdclcotay diayod aimaie Mi- gclfditiag Sui l1u sita. In cpps>iduy 27.2 baudkM -be lajic uu iiRigoal Rond Na. 25 unotb cf aaglcm Rada No. 9 (Cutuil lacIS.I 10 rcpmty I 481 legall d naedd Pm( cf Rut Hdaf cf Lâtc6 Coceonaau U Crcwubipcof flmpuolag. i & dToms>cfit>iOcOlt Nctes If yen tiab la bc acifla cf du adopticn <fdu paicm Officiel Plu Aas>udîe outt.~ mi. moka c tatis bompuu I tdu Regâuai CWk m due aidà= SW doku- 0 afcemffl a octiePPof ctpdufdconof ditag Mcoaipait of ltalinl raqat <fdue pipuc Offciai Plu Amenoitani dcm au tuaeS mbmc etc pulic acctiag ne nce toS absience mc du Ragiu Mulcpdhty cf Hàaic bad't du pcpooi Offl mu Avnimuat a> aicpted. du otui MutaipdondM dcicmda"iSllhOrPuit>d Of i pol. Ta plus du RciccOf ais Stac AO» (519) 1534501 MAmiant (0)639-4540 010h%_au (M0) 878113 EwUlbmglMfkiljtliu- (90) 82"4161 Ligtiim Na bu bcm povkii oâdu olbun dkm by ditpopasa. a acWired udu hamui. A ibs oua M OW p>IadcuIU uietc.