Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Nov 1999, p. 26

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26-T:he Canadien ChampIon. Tuesdav November 9, 1999 - - VETERINARY TECHNICIAN - progressive practice - mali animal *fully computerized *benefits includied immedlate apanlng *flexible haurs Fax resumne ta: Mauntalnvtew Veterlnary Services 905-878-3322 BUSY local Collision Repàir Shap seeking Llcansed Repair Technlcien immediately. Please fatward re- sume to:519-821-8798 <Mille.) Industriel Ceramica Limited, estebllshed in 1948, sea Mifton-based manufacturer af techni- cal ceramics with wordwmdae sales. We have an immediate openîng for an OFFICE MANAGER. Industrial Ceramica Uimited seeka a handa-an professlanat wha wdll b. responsibf e for ait the office functions, lncluding reception, invoiclng, shlpping and recemvlng and placlng orders. This position requf ras the execut ion of Latter af Credif shlpments; the successtul candidate MUST be especlty dotait oriented. Qualficatons: Succesa In this position requiras an excellent command of the English language, bath written and oral, a pleasant telephone manner and you must demonstrate proficiency In computer akilis (specifically WordPerfect, Acceas and Microsoft Office.) You are a resourceful, organized and flexible Individual with a high comfort levei in working wlth minimum supervision. You can make intelligent decisions independently. Working wlth aur customers, plant employees, and reporting to the Genemil Manager, you have superb interpersonal and communication akilîs. You wiut require a valid drivers license le good standing. Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. Resumes accepted until November 18, 1999 a nd should b. forwarded in confidence to: INDUSTRIAL CERAMICS LIMITED 851 Nlplasing Road Milton, Ontario L9T 4Z4 Fax: (906) 878-3143 Email: We are an equal opportunity employer. No agerscies pilas. A Haelon Hfles besed companty requires the ser- vices of a: Gernirai Mngr The successful applicant veuf have excellent communication skilîs - oral and written; posses extensive experience in managieg personel; be xelf-motlvated; a real teamt pleyer expenience in the transportatlon/customs iedustry would be a J reat assai. Apply in writing, in confidence, to îha President, PO.Box 217, Georgetovn, Ontario L7G 4Y5. Senior Bookkeeper/ Office Admnin Assistant FRequired for a growth orientcd Holding Company tocated at Winston Churchill/ Steelea Ave. Preparation of financial statementa and month end reports for various affiliates. Peripheral duties in a friendly but busy office envirooment require a bright flexible individual. Please cxiii (905) 567-5295 DENTAL Receptionist. We havesa fuil-time opening forsa seif-motivated, organized individual in aur busj Miltan genemil practice. Must be people oriente, possess excellent communication skills and p raer- ably hsve computer and dental experience. Fax re- sume to (905)876-3278. OFFICE RECEPTIONIST *veterinary hospital *small animal *fully computerized -benefits included immediate opening flexible hours Fax resumne ta: Mountainvlew Voterlnary Services 905-878-3322 OFFICE CLERK Reqsired immedialely Inutme for busy auto collision shsp sn Oak. Dalles inci: cusismer service, receplin, data enry, invsicing, eic. Ksswledge oi Microsoft & Windows 98. This is a greal sppsflusiîy for the righl individual Io use a range oI esperience in a Iaslpaced, challesgisg almosphere. Please FAX resmmes 4pm 15 lOpm ssiy, Ails: Diasse: (905) 815-8888 D1ENTAL HYGIENIST REOUIRED FOR ORTHODONTIC PRACTICE. Please send resumne f0: Dr. B. Hurd 720 Guelph Lins, Suite 203 Burlingion, Ontarlo L7R 4E3 No phone calt pleasel SVON Halton requires CAAARN'S & RPS to work in the Visiting Nursing Program Cali: (905) 827-8800 or fax resume lb: (905) 827-3390 To the att'n of Field Supervisor EXECUTIVE SECRETARY AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT POSITION Eton Construction (Canada) Inc. ils a General Contractor based in Mississauga specializing in Commericial Con- struction. This is a fast paced atmosphere and the individual must be witling toi deal with pressure and lime deadlines. The succeastul candidate must have proven secretarial expertise along with outstanding software skills (MS Word and Excel). Excellent interpersonal and com- munication skilis are a must. Ability ICI mutti-task, along with prof iciency in operating office equîpment are required. Pisse aubmit your resumne to: Attention: Human Resources, 2575 Dunwin Drive, MIssisseuga ON, L5L 3N9 Eton Construction <Canada) Inc., Fax No. (905)828-021 NVational Inside Sales Representative One oi the warldts leading manulacturers of toal. die and movld steels, Uddeholwn maintains an international repetation for superior quality in materials and services. Currenty, aur National Inside Sales Department seeks an individual ta mahe pro-active outbound calis and ici receive inbound calis tram specilied accounts in bath Canada and the United States. Wie would rely an yoa ta fliow through on quoted delioery dates, pricing. and general customer conceras. The ideal candidate wvilI have a college diploma or equivalent experience. reiated eoperience in a sales enoiranment, customer service training and excellent customer service skills. Preference will ho given ta candidates with SAP experience. In reîurn for your expertise, me aller a competitive compensation package and ample opportunlty for grawth in a profestional settiaf, For confidiential coasideration, please forward yaur resumne to: Iturnan Resources Manager iii Uddehelm Limlted SUDDEHGLMI 2595 Meedowevale Blvd. Mississauga. ON LSN 7Â3 Fax: <90S) 812-3672 Wb~ iha a#l Wkmt&an howftec oi4' 1h08 »elcied for an hiieMew wiff b coelacle Victorian Order of Nurses MON Haiton Branch Seeks cNSSMANAGER, ALZHEIMER SERVICES VON Halton ia an innovative, charitable organization that has providied community health and support services to revidents of Halton Region aince 1930. As Manager of Alzheimer Services, you seilI manage a large adult day centre for seniors with demnentia, as well an comprehensive support and educational programas for family and professional caregivers. The ideal candidate will be a health profeaaionaland university graduate, with excellent communication and relationship management akilta. You have demonstrated management experience, coupled with expertise in gemontology and working with seniors with cognitive impairments. A two year contract wiul be offered tri the succensful candidate. The position iv available immediately. Confidiential consideration seilI be given to applications received by fax or mail untit No- vember 19, 1999, by: Chief Executive Officer - VON Haiton Branch 2370 Speers Rd., Oakvttte, L6L 5M2, Fax:(905) 827-5341 We wisit to express our appreciat ion to ail applicants for tixeir interest and effort in applying for this position and advise tttat only candidates selected for interviews witl be contacted. Applications Engineer/ Software Suppr Forming Technologies Incorporated provides CAE software, training and engineering services to the automotive and metal stamping industries. We require a graduate engineer 10 provide customer support for installation and operation of simulation software, and 10 perform testing and validation. The ideal candidate seil1 be a recent graduate fmom Mechanical Engineering, and seilI have exposure 10 the automotive or metal stamping industry. Excellent seritten and verbal English skills required, as seelI as good computer skills. Travel seithin North America and possibly, overseas seilI be required. For more information on FTI, visit our web site at To apply, please vend a detailed resume to: Director, Human Resources Forming Technologies Incorporated #6-1075 North Service Rd. West, Oakville, Ontario L6M 2G2 E-mail: - Fax: (905)827-3166 We llrank a/i applrcanls, but onty I/rose lo be ifflerviewed wi be conlacled. MANAGER CORPORATE ACCOUNTING Medium sized Oakvifle energy consutng company seeks versatile accounting pro- fessionalto1 maintain corporate books and finencial controts; prepare monfhty stata- mente, budgets and perform support tasks inctuding peyrott, HR and systems development studies. Recent CA or ex- panaencad CGA required. Famitianity with Windows NT network preferred and strong Exet skitls essentiel. Fax your resumne ta: (905) 825-1066, Attn: John McGinnis We regret that only candidates selected for interviews ontl tt contacfed. BRANCH MANAGER MISSISSAUGA Are yos a flexible, selt-motivated individual with a drive 10 succeed? Are you in possession ni a Business degree? Are you computer literate? W. are lookiog for the righf individual 10(loin the Adfast Group of companies. Our Mississauga based location has 4 office employees. This position requires an extensive 3 montits training in shipping, receiving and purchasing and 6 montis as vearehouse manager. If the candidate shows resulîs and leadership, he or she yull eventualty, become the local manager. Our group specializes in adhesives sedmechanicat fasten- ers, for industrial and construction applications, across Northi America. Our compettive compen- sation plan includes a comprehiensive health and benefits plant. Interested? Cait Human Resources aI 1-800-267-9334 HALTON WOMEN'S PLACE A shelier for aused veomen and lheîr chil- dren require for Iheîr BsrlîngInn Lauion a FUILL- TIME Child & Youth Counsellor (on a Tempnrary hasîs for the doralion ni a Materniiy Leave) The successiel candidate must psssess a warm ges- sine personulily and have knnwledge sf violence againsi vesmen and ils impact on chitdren. Eoperience wnrking wilh children who may have emolissal or he- haviorel ditficullies is an asse. An ahiliîy Io wnrk wîîh chîldren Irom inIancy lv adolescence n an irîdividual and grsup hasis is desirahie. A Child & Youlh Dîpîs- mu is required. A car is necessar. The slart sulary is $33,000. Forveard resume hy Novereher 20, 199910o: Theresa Greer, Executive Director 2025 Guelph Li, Ste 223 Burlington, Ontario L7P 4X4 Fax: (905) 332-1155 Emaîl: No telèphone enquiries pIesse. Haiton Womans Place thanks ail interasted candidates but onîy those selected for an tnterview wili b. eontacfed DAYCARE sesilable. Ail DAYCARE required, ages veeme. Excel- part time, tempotrsry, lent reterences. Hay- childicare needed imme- ward Crescent. Call distely tor 3 childres in 875-3482. my homne. References DAYCARE availabie. required. Please caîl Any age veelcome' Ret- 875-3148, aller erences available upo t:30p.m. requesî. Loyer Base Lise and Tratalger. Cati 693-1491. I'LEA5E RECYCLE TI-115 PAPIER m - IIALTON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY& MILTON FALL FAIR Tenders for gales and parking aI the 2000 Miltas Fait Fair. Open to Service Clubs and Charitable Organizations onl. Tender forms may b. obtained ftra the leur office, Miftan Feirgrounds, 136 Robert Street on Tuesdeys or Thursdays from 9:00 - il1:30 a.m. and 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. Ail tenders ta, b. submit- ted shauli b. pleced in a sealed enivelope, vehich dleary statles the nature of the tender. Lowest or amy tender nat necessarily eccepted. Tenders veut b. eccepted untit 12:0Op.m. iocal fume on Thursday, Decamber 2, 1999, in person et 1h. Million Fairgrounds, 136 Robert Street, Millon ar by mail ta the t-aitlon Agricutturet Soclety, Genersi De1iwery, 25 Browen Street, Milion, ON L9T 2Y2. Meniyn Goading Secretary Tresurer Halte Agricultural Socity LOOKING for retiable clesning persan. 1 deaylveeek for home/of- fis in Mihton/Oskvilte. Fax resume ta (905)337-1887. vear veentect oy sccom-I plished veoman. Pondtive frIendýi attitude; proves orgenîzetional skills; de- pendable, puhrctusl & responsible; computer literate. 905-814-0072. TRAINING ABOVE THE REST AZJDZ -48 lrs. in Cab Training Ina ClassTraining -2 trips Huorls on train- -Succcolhî Studeais wiii gain Fr T employnwai Cali & Reseeve 1-800-231-0664 905-670-3737 LIFE wass't meant lo b. lived alose ..don'l you deserve ta have some- ose specisli n your lite? Cali Misly River Intro- ductions- Torontos Ira- ditional mslchmaker (416)777-6302. 1974 Ford ffGalaxy 500. Rus weli, love kirs. Needa paint osly, certi- tieci. No dlean air test re- quired $1295. (H)876- 3423, (Wi)878-8877. 1995 Jeep Gr Cherokas V8t. Mini condition, ioad- ed. Osie oveser. Com- plete service rec., Cerf. & Drive dlean. Snoves coming - you neeci titis 4X4! $18.'000. (905)607-7642. Boafs, car's, RVs trail- ors. Seacurity fesced $30 mosth up. 1RBC -LTD. 905-877-1876. z st~umuum bungalow for renî. $900/monlth plus utilities. Downtoven. 1No pets. Cail 876-1281 or 876-0663. WhMin i:uyir1 avechicie, The Canladii apartmrrent. Availeble Dec. laI. $50/month ndludes utilties. Phone (905)854-2317. WVAILABLE Dec. 1.- Fumished self con- Call 878-1251. BACHELOR Apert- meant, basement, privete sntrsnce, 4 applinces, parking, fîreptece, 775/month. Avaiteble December 1. Everything indluded. 878-9654. BRIGHT ana bedroorn spartmenf. $725/month. failable Dec. 1. Utili- lies, cabie, leundry, parking, privaI. an- trance. No smoking, no pets. (905)876-4561. CAMPBELLVILLE on. badrcom, main ficor apertment, fireplace, 2 appdisnces, lerge deck. Availabte December. $850 inctudas hasât & hydro. Refarences. 854- 4064, leave massage. GEORGETOWN, lerge 2 bedroom apeelment in Victarian home. $1000/mth includes hast and ater. Acten, 2 bedraom, $750, plus utilities. (519)853-5080 or (519)853-5352. MILLSIDE TOWERS 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Bedroomo svsilable on bus route, frashir deco- on-site lsusdry, includes ail utilities (except phonie & cable.) Free parking, no pets. Referenices required. 905-876-1249 By appointrmeot only TWO bedroors spart- ment in four-pies. Minutes frram dovenlovn Milton. Recently reno- valed. $850/mih plus hydro/healing (approx. $40-$80) Avsilable Dec. or Janusry tirai. (905)459-1592 sitar 6RM. TWO large three bed- room country spart- monts for rent. Utilities and lsundry hcok up, main floor and upper floor. Close 10 401 Derry Rd. & 41h lise, Milton. $1000/mosth. First, lxxi, reteresces required. (905)875-4621 Amande or (905)625-1692 Viscel Sylvans. qo or 9eiiIne rememrber Mn champion. 1

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