--- - - - -. . . . . . ... The Canadien Chambior Tluesda, & Noe r 9, 19»9-25 requirea fultime KITCHEN HELPICOOK Hours 8 arn - 4 pm, Mon - Fr). Appiy with resume ta 50 Market Drive, Milton, Attn: Blake or Mark, or phone 876-3316 j PRODUCTION LUNE WORKERS(3) aeeicngthree production line wnricera for their astrosolmanutacturing plant, located in Milton, Ontario. The ideai candidatea wili have a high achool dipioma with a technical backeground and some manutactuning esperience. Cansideration witi alaa be given ta candidates who have mechanical aptitude, and show initiative. Pieuse tax a complete resume, with a covening letter, ta Mark McLatchy ut: (905) 693-9110. Are you an energetic persan wanting ta work in a faut paced environment? We are carrent y accept- ing applications for the taliowing. F/T. P/T Waiters, Waitress F/T P/T Kitchen help P/T Dishwasher P/T Store Clerks Appiy in person: Fith Wheei truck STop 40 Chishoim Dr., Milton No Phane Calîs Please BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY In Milton area Ousy welt-estabtished Truck< Stop requires a Rotait Fuel Agent. Succeastut appluyant nends: Ratail management experience Posmeas leeder-ship skile Proven saff management .5111e Enjoya working with and servlng the tnacklng publie Willingnest to moite a smati investmient In your own succes tf you test you have these quaiftications we have tthe oppartunity for you. Pteaae turward your resurme ta: P.O. Box 2335 dJo The Canadien Champion 191 Main St. E. Milton, ON L9T 4N9 WAREHOUSE/TOW MOTOR & GENERAL LABOURER required for whotesale ftooring campe- my. Some lifting required. Airport loca- tion. Direct resumne ta G. Jackson Via E-mail garggj@melmnart.com or fax resumèe to 905-671-8434. requires FULL & PART-T]IME COUNTER HELP Paid trainlng. Unitorms supplied. Renumeration based on experience. Apply In persan ta: 8501 Hwy. 25 North, Milton 575 Ontanio St., Milton 80 Market Dr., Milton POLYMER DISTRIBUTION INC.,a leader iu dry huik distrihution, packaging and warehauseing has an apporrenisy avaitahie for a: DRY BULK LOADER Yaur pnimary function is the traosfer of dry huit frora rail cars ta aur tankers witbru aur transfer faciiity iacated on Streetsviite. You ment he reti- ahle. possesu a positive work attitude, and hc safe- sy cansciaus. An a persan wha enjnys working aut- deors, yau are alan mechauicatty tncioed and have expenience operauing farru eqeipaxot. Experience with a shunt truck is au asser. We offer a very compesisive compensation package inciudng henefuts sud profit sharing. Please fax yoar resumne ta : Humian Resources Dept. Polymer Distribution toc. Fax #9115-878-3162 Celi 875-3300 1011isf yuws ALEA RETAIL SERVICES Cen you seil? Do have an oye for detail? Do you want ta earn morne extra money? Then The Fastest Growing Speciuiized Suies Merchandising Orgunizetion in Canada wents yaul An autgoing, relieble and mativated teum player wha cen wark with tight deadiines ta, I the faiiowing: P/T Merchandisera File #RSOO1 Purt-time weekdays. Individuels whoaere orgunized with a keen eye for datit are needed ta, merchandise aur clients praducts in ratait locutions. tf you have thee use of a vehicte and a vuiid dri- ver's license, wie wunt ta heur from yau. P/T Sales Speclaliats File #RS002 Part-time weekends. You wili be working with exciting clients such us Canon, Star Choice and Cleumet. You witI be pramnoting their praducts within a ternitory in your outgoing tiveiy munner ut vuriaus speciel events and retait locutions. Please fax or ornait resumnea quoting file number ta: Attn. David Jaglowitz Fax: 905-709-3608 Email: dlaglo@thealeagroup.com Webslte: www.thealeagroup.com TRPA - *NSPO Â IONS i"Our business is bult on service" Due ta continued expansion, we have immediate apeninga fat the follawing positions: => Local P&D driver, straight truck, DZ license = Local P&D driver, struight truck, G licanse = Local P&D driver, cube van, G ticense => Highwuy Linehaul drivers. with ovemight LTL experience on Nartheast U.S. luntes => Warehause & Dock position, ioading of trailers; various warehouse duties SPart-time building - maintenance persan Le. painting, snow - clearing, iawn maintenance, etc. Pies.. forward resumes f0: Manager- Loss Prevention, Satety & Compliance TRIPAR TRANSPORTATION INC. 2180 Buckingham Rd. Oakviile, ON L6H 6H1 Fax: 905-829-8513 e-mail: andre.perretf2tripartrals.COm Saituhie cadidates wili ha confucted direcfty for a peronul interview. L ~ Nu ugencies pieuse. CALI CENTRE CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS Ceneda's Lurgeat Naturel Gus Whalesuler ta expendrng' 27 POSITIONS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELVI Do yeu have effective communication skîlîs with good keybsard abilities? Cao you handîe client inquiries efficientîy and cnpe with a vatiefy ut dulies? Do ygou possess a positive, upbeat attitude and can work in a teami envirooment? CalIl centre eoperience ideal a Strong English comprehension a DUtas. W. oftar Cumpetitive wage ;Mon. lu Fr, 8:3Oam 10 4:3Opm; Shift required every 4fh week, 12:00 Noon lu 8:00 pm PLEASE MAIL RESUME TO: Attn: Supervisor DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING LIMITED #2G, 344 Lukeshore Rd. E., Oukuille. ON L6L 1,16 Fao: (905) 338-8091 No Phone Catis Pîease School Bus Drivers Needed Milton & Brookville ffToffdffÀOT: Ideal for Homemnakers and Early Retirees Cali Laidlaw Transit 877-2251 Laidlaw Transit lu au equal opportunity employer HAIRSTYISTS WANTED styliste " Excel lent mage and bene ifit package " Fleu. aork ochedute " Full& part time " Sume-MI management" poiton aaCale Wanted Immediately! UiS QIJALIP1ED, OWNER-OI'EKATORS & COMPANY DRIVERS Gaod puy and benef ifs. Must have ,minimum 2 yeers verifiable U.S. experience. Cati Tom Burtey @ 1-800-265-8789 Ext. 237 1-905-457-8789 Ext. 237 CARGO VAS One ut Canuda's tustesi growing cumpuvies us seen in PROFIT MAGAZINE, is laoking for tulîtime drivers with sun cargo van te juin sur ieam. (60% et sales local, 40% of sates vopedile). An excellent career appurfenity for thos who ihrîve in a chuileuging and dynamic envirosmeul. Contact: Sandra, -AO EC Driver Relations, et: =-xpr(s 1-800-263-5185 SAIRETYCAJOE New Career? This could be yoear answer! SafetyCare is an award winning worid leader in the growth area of Workpiace Heaith and Safeey with oppontunities for individuais ta achieve success under the umbreila of a safe, secure sud successfui international compauy. The persan me are seeking daes non need specific qualifications but rather must be able ta demanttrate a stable histary with a persanai or business background that indicates persistence and determination. This vsa new position, If you e..loy warking an the phone, have the ability ta Create new business and are seif-mativated, this is your chance ta deveiop and manage yaur ovin national client base. We aller a basic saIary. plus commissians and heaith benefits, with lovet year eurnings af $35,000-$40,000. If you are interested in a career change, please cati Ed Aasman at SafetyCare ta discuss this opporeunity in mare detail. Telephome: (905) 631-6070 A GROWING DISTRIBUTION COMPANY IS IN TIfE PROCESS 0F EXPANOING. THIE FOLLOWING POSITIONS ARE AVAILABLE ASAR FuIl-time Labourers Training Iv stuCt ASAP tor prinlers for a Plastic Distribution Plant. AIl days, Mon.-Fn. Stunt: $8.751br. Must he fluent in the Evglish luoguagu (readlwrile) energelîc and worr in a leum almospbere. Order Desk/Clustomer Service Fuli-tîme permanent person required îmmediately. Must hune pleasant telephone manner. Muet bu fluent in the English language, Keyhourding eoperience te- quired. Willing te do varixus tauko. Salary niegotruble. Shipper/Recelver Outies te include: Shîpping, Receiving, lnventory Cuntrol. Computer knowledge an asset. Muet commu- nicate vieil with others and work well under pressure. Suluty negofiable. Fax resume le: Master Distribution / Hay Imprînt Services ut (905) 623-3697 or drop off ut 202-2222 South Sheridan Wuy, Mississauga Amlty Ooodwlill Industries Oukville & Milton Stores are seekîng Sales Cîerk $8.02, increuse altur 3mvs. Gond customur service skîlîs, hundle cash, gxod physîcul condition, Gr 10 will- img te wotk flexible hous FT & PT positions. Apply in person, 407A Speers Road vr tauleo 338-5965 or 550 Ontario Street or tan te 875-2840 LEGAL SECRETARY 2 positions 1 fmil-time & i Matorhit, loue 3-5 yrs exp. in Real Estule, PC Law, and Conoeyancer a must. Fumîly, Wîlls, Estale esperience un assel. Fus resume with salaiy vopectations Ix (905)-712-8559 Dura Building Systems, a growing manufactur- er of Pre-engineered steel building in Milton, re- luires rrotivated people whc are able r: wctk with minimum supervision for position of WELDER. We affer a benletit package, campetitive wages plua productivty incentive. Pleaae fax masume ta: Dura Building Systema 9075-5234M ATTN: JOE AZ DIRIVERS Had enough long hauls? Apply to: STONEHAVEN FARMS TRANSPORTATION We currently require 2 depend- able, experienced drivers to, run short U.S. highway work with 1 night layover, and local Ontario work. Good equipment. Benefit plan. Bonus program. You must provide criminal seerch record and dlean abstract. Applications evailable at 130 Thompson Road, Milton PS. Plstices corporation, a munufacturer ot Linear Low Density plastic bags for the grocery, retail and speciaîfy carry out markiets as weîl as garbage hago for the refait and indastria markets in North Amerîca has an oppurtunity for MACHINE OPERATORS Boumi et Work: 12 hr continental shitt, Mss-Ses Buta: $ 11.37/ht Plus Shift & Weekend Poemiums Quaifications: -High school gruduate or equivatent -Excellent written and verbal communication skilîs -Gond computer skilîs - emonstrated mechanica aptitude & ahility *Manufacturing experieuce an asset *Applications accepted hefueen 9am-3pm only. 2300 Speers Rd, ~" ~~"(Near Brante Rd) Pravlous casiitos oail mot spply. MO PlOIIIIIE MU PLME 20 Ski IIed& Semi SkiIIed Positions available iOakville, Burlington and Milton Areas immediately $9.00- $15.00/ hour Short & Long term Contracta Sonne could lead te fulitimne We require - general labour - welders - assembly workers - forklift operators - punch and brake press operators Phone: 905-842-5173 Fax: 905-842-6468 1% 0 a new wod at. work iCati us today, regiuter immediateiy, and be worrmng for the targeat staffing service in thuewoeld Gentek Building Praducta Limited, Burlingtan Plant, heus an apening for e MAINTENANCE MECHANIC To quuity, yuu must bu a licensed Mechanic with an Ositaria Certificate ut Qualificatinn. Two years' esperience in a Plastics Extrusion lndustry mnuld be an asset. We curreotly utter $21 .44 pet hoar plus shift premiums, anda generaus benefits package inicluding a dental and drug plan. lnteresied candidates are invited 15 mail or tas their resume befure Nov. 15/99, lu: Gentek Building Products Limited 1001 Carporate Drive Burlington, Ontario L7L 5V5 Fax: (905) 319-5600 Gevtek Buildivg Producls is an E0. E a i