Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Nov 1999, p. 19

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mhe Canadien Chamnpion, Tuesday, November 9, 1999-19 "Hnousewife ]ReportsI Astoirnding 85 L-b. Weight Lýoss!"I pre-packageti foodi anti chlky sbakes. I cotai- ecd, weigbed, mtaasured aid starve. l've done ail lie wenrd diets. Thse grapefruit. high protecin, iow fat, 10 naine a few. Any cmazy diet you cas ihink of, I nrieti it. Dis don't wotk, i los( my weigbi once wuth medication. i gainet il ail back plns. 70 pounis. t was overweight nearly my entire arcuîiau life. Everything revolved around food. I WIuin my weigltt exceetied was obtessed. It was like an alien took what t thougbt was my litoit, 1 was over my brain. 1 couldn't control it. I spent despemite. the majority of My life My husband heard about living 10 eat. hypnosis for weight loss on the Carrying arounti an extra 85 pounds radio. He encoulaged me 10 give is a lot of work. 1 was atways tired. One it a try. It's the only thing you or two naps a day was my normal haven't tried, he said. On routine. 1 looked for excuses tu stay the radio they said I coald home. t spent a lot of time in bed. have a free hypnotic The truth is 1 was hiding. There's screening. t nlo way 1 could be happy like A h 1 was impressed [Bf that. r*~ igbt off the bat. -Ile 1 was heavy, miserable and Aoffice is uncomfortable. Confi- professional anti crnm- dence was nil. __ __ oiable ihe utaff ta My weight fliendly and canng. 1 tir-n 1 re expecteti a gnSing ;;rdlwtzeyntn sales pitch. fieie was wC weeaut diei beach none. Mie screening and sometine would was fiai andti nfoma- mnion volleyball. ! tbye. Mmer was no pics- would bide. 1woulti l suie. No ne oign a sweetly seit a young ___ontract. 1 could telliiaiy modait, l'Il wtd bai my hest ients y- rbaby. you go atlaiart 1Ifek it in. 1 bave fiai. 1 was a Carolt Hooper know it now. t signeti spsctatorwttcling -Suddentv the weight started dmopping off nme. ip life go by. The tust 55 pound.s nietted off injive short monthi " Believe il or 1 trieti not. 1 saw some eveything to loue my weight. 1 choketi down changes tight aler thei evaluation. It seemet .5 MY nami àt Ceun Hooper l'na hntasewifé 'and pari-dmnipeennal care giver lns> &5 pound. lit sas effiotis! I wentfivm a bntggy XXL ta a petite tize six My husband, Budoand my wo chil- dreet, Jason and Meagan, are thoiiled iis is my .îtoty I will reveal how I did it. Why l'i con- eincedmysuccessLirpemainnt Whylthiïkynu catn do it to. Pain & Unhiappim bizarie: 1 mie uith ii e 1m couiin't walt to le bypno- baed. There wai noltelllng wbat mightbhappen! To be honest ltidn'i lose My weight nigbt away. I diin't mnnt My lîfe was tmpmov- ing in astounding ways. Il wai easy (0 stay nsotivated. Sud- deniy ie weigbt ul statteti timpping off mie. T'be iasi 55 pountis mielteti off in f i v e shot mondai. Now 0W dras size is six petie. 1lent my weigbt witb- 1 Hooper ont dieiing. .No PoundWeigh Loss huoger, cnavings ~e~~s or binges. ht wai fast anti easy. I've exceeded my expeciutions. HypnosisWoriks! HyprKMss mode weigbt ions automnabe. Like an involuntary responise. I tond 10 wodc laid ut dieiing. 1 wmte town eveiy motsoei thut passeti my lips. Mesuet anti weigbeti eacb onnce. 'fue excitig part about bypnosis is liait my lufe no longer tevolves amcunti foodi. I bal a mind change. My confi- dence ta soaring. l'ai living my titearrai. I fuel greut anti my blond presure ta low I recenliy saw my tioctor She aiketi me how I logntlia weiglt. She will la rromnaint1ing byp- noss 10 ler patients. comhU ns Glomr l'ai chofident my weight Iom is for gond. Success Happens at Positive Changes Hypnosis Here 's More Proof! . "I1 wailked ont a mon-smoker!" "I smoked for 32 years. My bus- banti hati been badgering me 10 quit for years. i trieti patches, guai. colt urkey. I diin't have the wiiipower. Hypnosis was my lasI resori. t was amazeti aI how easily t quit with hypnosis. t walked in the door a smoker anti ouI the door an bour later a non-stooker. I hati no urge or tiesire for ciga-' rettes. I reaiized my entire ciga- rette adduction mas in my heati' Every aspect of my program was upheat anti positive. I look anti fe vibrant. t have 001 hati an asihma aîîack. I handie stress wiîbout even ibinking about ciga- rettes. i am extremeiy satisficti wiih my results." Sandy Green, Administrative Assistant "Beneflts ... and More Ben- efits!" "Losing weight hati been a contin- uai probicai since having major surgery 18 years ugo. I tried a namber of weight ions programs. I'd lose weight. bai I would gain back every ounce. Several meai- bers of my church congregation founti success with bypnosis. Aithough I hati preconceiveti ideas as 10 what hypnosis is, i tiecidet 1 attend an initial evaination. I have n01 regreltet hat tiecision! I've lost 25 lbs. and I've gone down two sies in my dresses anti siacks. The henefils go far beyonti weight ioss. The relaxation bas retiuced stress anti aitieti my abiliiy te sieep. I have reached a level of self-confidence anti seif-esleeîn which I neyer thought attainable." Barbara H. Mootre, Reading Specialist "Bartender Kicks Smoking Habit!" "I was amazeti the first lime I was bypnoiized. I thoaghi il bati- n'i worked because I didn't go 10 sleep. Imagine my surprise wben i gol in my car and ditini wanî 10 iigbt up. Being a barientier I am consiantly arounti smokers. I siili do not îhink of having a ciga- rette. Smoking compieteiy slips my mmnd. even in stressfur situa- lions. Hypnosis even heipeti tiecrease my appetite. Il improveti my self-confidence. I've been giving my customers anti frientis the namber 10 eaul so they cao also kick Ibis dreatiful habit anti be happier people." Mariette Landry, Bartender Positive Changes Hypnosis (123 Maurice Dr., OakViIIe) Cai now for your FREE Hypniotic Screening 337-3700 IMPORTANT. As IndlviolualS varV s0 wtt1 our trme commttment to VOU. We are sorry but we cannot matie aecurate fee assessmoflts over tee phione. ý1r oiRegistered Massage rt iherapist on staff Hypnosis gavenme a wole new pbilosopby1 eut 1 have no( bati to deal witlx cravings wlain l'm bungry. Stop wben I'm ful l'ai sutis- anti binges. No messing with dicta, pilîs or fled in every way. l'inncontrmi. pre-packageti food. My family andifliers aeamazec.lget a lot Hypnosis matie weight Ioss simple of "Hi. Skinny!" il anti straightforward. feels great. 1 neyer fort depnived. If there's lAin 1 was overweight peo- somnething 1 want, 1 eut it. It's rompletely pie would ask mie.if 1 was poegnait. chaigetheia way I think about footi. ht was mioniing. 1 know ihat's I trink aid eut like a nutuIiy neyer going tu happen again! thin person. Its easy for me to stay 1 i ~tcaiçâu iim l'i motivatet. wcariri a kt of 0W thdai's CAi Now- cicih Sleis 15 )Mai OU We It Works! sade back anti forth. liaie yeugandi'9. . I've waited aiy nasney on I ntauted a business. weigbt Ions prograis diat diin't Its taken off formne. Befote tielîver. Hypnosis was tiai sniaiest hypnosis . 1 neyer bad diei investment l ever maide. courage to do il. 1 bave th I recommenti hypnosis daily. 1 eneigy aid confidence to recommiend it to, eveiyone. At fims b e People say. 10)0% succeaiful. Hypnosis? I don't know. 1 tell I kn ow ie nexi baif iemito take agooi "ookunie. l'in of my life %ii be greal. No living te"mony. Hypnosis wodaa. elles baggage. I'mn physi- Oveiweight luri. I know 1 cally comrfoixable. My 5500 there. Demi let.pistflwt.i daughter saiti. "Mom, stand in the way o~f yrmr heqrp- you've tumeti into a social tte.v. lurg'e yeni te) cail andfind oait buteefflyr' for )Yaimeyf %hyw-nicharge ou a l'ai a better mile penny te> find out if hyipmosit à for yr-c model for my There's o poe.rure. Ht> chiltiren. abhigotiac # drtyd&n? When yon "I wentfivm XXL to a pehife size 6!" think hypnsisç à nightfor leur, "Muni, I -Cami Hoo7per you, they'II tell Yn s. iealy aspire to Donr' be left to he jait like wan&de> what night havea you," its music to yourecm. been ...Pick up the phene ond Pride and Joy rail now. 1 am extremely prouti of mny accom- plishaient. I can't take ail the credit ihough. Hypnosis matie it easy.

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