M! 1Tt!ýèirii iÀ D I" r & Hangîng onito stîmmer Sydney Thrlng, 5, harigs upside dawn on the playground at Victoria Park Saturday - enjoylng the unseasolably warm weekend weather that was certalnly welcomed by the young trlck-or-traters. By IRENE GENTILE The Champion A controversial hearing over 179 hectares of protected land abutting the Niagara Escarpmnent has been put on the back bumner until February 14,2000. The joint board hearing was scheduled to take place in November. But in a sur- prise move, one of four landowners hop- ing 10 pluck their lands out of the restric- tive Niagara Escarpment Plan (NEP) filed a request 10 defer the hearing until early next year instead. Jannock Properties Ine. requested the delay, which was granted last week. Other applications have been made by John Grant, Central Milton Holdings and the numbered company 825927 Ontario Inc. Their combined properties are bor- dered by Bronte Road to the east, Tremaine Road to the west, andi Main Plant error causes more brown water By IRENE GENTLE The Champion A spate of brown water in Milton was the result of an error at the pumping plant, said Halton's manager of plant operations Tony Smith. Murky water poured mbt Milton homes and businesses late last week after two pumps launched mbt action at almost identical times created a surge in the sys- tem. "It was really quite a coincidence how it happened," said Mr. Smith. The mix-up began when a valve on a primary water pump was accidentally ee MURKY on page 9 Street to the south. They then veer north toward Milton Heights on the CPR line. The joint board hearing is meant t0 determnine if the landowners can develop on the protected land, a move that has been bitterly opposed by environmental- ists. Internai restructuring provoked se. JANNOCK on page 2 Halloween quiet This year, even the mischief-mak- ers were scared away on Halloween and Devils Nmght, police report. "It doesn't look like anything sig- nificant happened," said Det. Keith Woudstra of Hahton Regional Police. "Il was pretty quiet." This year, the holiday hooliganfism was limited to the setting of a few small tires in town. «Years ago, il seemed there was a lot more going on than now," he noted. * UU eus f*Tq Mahs us eFoMlnos * ePli Mut* White Rose* * BUSAUn Dmpat* s Union Ensrgy* A Metroland Conmunity Newspaper Vol. 140 No. 66 Tuesday, November 2, 1999 40Pae $1.0(S cld) ~deve1opment bid on hold until Y2K Company says restructuring has put environmental land dispute on ice