32-The Canadias Champion, Friday, October 22, 1999 3465 Fuîrviaw SI. requires COUNTER HEL> Day shift & Ateisoos shifts. A PjrI115pu The Family Place, a childoare orga- nization with centres in Milton and Oakville is Iooking for supply staff. Guaranteed Hours. Experience with groups of children essential. Preference to E.C.E.'s. Call 905-469«088 or 878-0121 Chudleigh's PRODUCTION FACILITY Required by growing local company. Dedicated individals with a desire 10 contribute to ils suc- iceas. Must possess ail of the following attributes,1 tearn player, ability and willingness to, leain, good comprehiension skills, botb wrltten and verbal. A variety of FUI] Tine positions currently availabte. We provide a competitive wage, job stability to committed enaployees, opportunty to advance, job vaniety and a great work environment. Resumes may be dropped off to 624 McGeachie Drive. (878-8781 for directions) Previoan npplicwsts need flot appiy WANTED: RETAIL MANAGER New bathromn and klichen reilaiore opening aoon ai 18 Thompaon Rond, Milion Qulficaiona: 3-4 yra management experience hn reialVifaat foodior home Improvementa, excel- lient cuatomer service aldilas, muai ha able 10 worte lndependenhly wih minimal aupervialon, hlgh lntegrliy, Impeccable relferencea, and a ruien appearance la a muai. Worldng Hours: Monday - Frlday day lime ahi, wlh aome weak- enda durlng peae sales penloda. Salary: Range $20 K - 25K dependlng on experience + com- misaion. Please fax reaume ta (905) 827-8304, Plainum Home Improvementa Ltd. I Are os n enrgeic prsa wanlngla wrk Wgore ouTqoing,-anffusî astcun sare aur Are ou n eergeic ersn wntin towor in comisilmeni ta customar service, a fast peced environnent? Wie are currently asti like la heur you on oui teum' accepting applications for lIhe follawing. Opportunities are now availahie lor FIT. PIT Walters, Walreaa FIILL PART-TIME SALE STAFF FIT. PIT lKitchen heip We aller you training, competitive wages, excellent P/T Store Ciera hanelîts, a friendty anti suppoflîve envirosmeol asti Apply ln persan: Flfth Wheei Truck Stop, opiuîrsfrcre tvneei 40 Chishoins Dr., MitsllioOn WlESTEM No Phone Culie Pieuse Pieuse apply on persan ut 032 Plain Reai E. @ Mon Md. ACHILLES MAZDA While as thank eveiyone for Iheîr ieresl, Requires immediately onty Ihose haîng consideret i lI ha contacteti Parts Persori/Manager r~i No phase catis please Experience necessary * I AudWnod5 -Computer literate Lialo-" " rn Good comrmand oft Englrsh Fax resume ta: 519-853-4100 Ph. 519-853-0200 or anle civ intaIe 905-453-89%5 i JON URWINIGTE AMI I We've got great LOOMOAmIT 1. i %* 008OIMI TO SALES MANAGER wanted to join our highly respected teamn in the heavy used truck induatry. Sales or telemarketing experience necessary, truck or automnotive expenience an asset. Unllmlted eaming potentat. Fuît benefits. Fax Resumne te: (905) 339-0948 Industrial Dislîihotor requires WAREHOUS El COUN'TER SERVICE PERSON *Excellent growth potenlial e Compuang hanef ils e On the job training providet Pieuse torwarti gouî resume ta: R.W . Htamilten Lii. Bex 1052 siBrliiglen, Ont. L7R 4L8 F: 05332-9566 eaui 073-3300 te une veuve Genlek Building Producta Limited, Burlington Plant, manufacturer of vinyl siding has openingu for: GENERAL LABOURERS To qualify, you must bave a Gr. 12 education and a fliuent in Esglish. Plastic extrusion and shiftwsrk experlence would ha as assai. We currestly aller $12.58Ihr + shift premius and a generous basafitis package iscludling a dental anti ding plan. loleresteti candidates are Invit- ed ta mail or fax their résumé before Oct. 29, 1999 t0: Gentek Building Producta Limited - 1001 Ca prate Drive Burtingion, Ontario L7L 5V5 Fax: (905) 319-5600 Please no phone calta Gentek Building Products is an E0.E Coeand see us at Milton Humain Resource Centre between 1Oam-3:3Opm on Tuesday, Oct. 26. We have immediate openisgs and looking for personnel tor the followisg positions: " AsCCOURU Payablesa &Receivabies ClerrCa) " Cuatemer Servie Reps " Adminitaive Assistent *Switolboerd/Reeeptieniat *Date Entryt Opermiera *Wareheeae sad Predbctien *Paymoll Animinlatrr LOlute. 'Staffing Services: ph:954634-4445, fax:905-634-OO11 Oakville bused walerworhs service compasy bas as immediate operslng for a permanent, fu1-lime SERVICEPEIISON TRAIMEE Primary lunction heisg waler mater installation. Training will lea t l hydrasi lestingl rapairs,-wa- lassais repairs & pipetiltisg. Applicanîs must ha physically fit, hava safty lootwaar & clats G. licarise. Wa provida a startisg waga of S12.0O/br.. complala training, salely clolhing & futira incentives. Cail 905-339-0647 & leuva a biai message expressing your inlaresi or fax resuma 905-339-3205 things What makes oui cusalomers happy is whal motivates oui employeve. Honesly, caring and a workIplace thal feels like home. Manager, Asst. Manager and Donut Baker Oui high standards for Quality, Service and Cleanliness will be your priority. You have a solidi managementî/baking background and love working with people. Tim Hortons'training and support programs will help you excel. Fuel food experience an usel. Apply today: Attention: Diego Sdao Fax: (905) 878-2452 575 Onstario St., South, Milton, 8501 Hwy#25, North, Milton 80 Market Drive, Milton An employer you can counit on. MERCHANDISERI Re- caiver requirad. Heavy lifting invotvad. Full lime position, days and evaninga requird. Part Uime pasitas, evenings and waekends. Mlase pick up application tram thme pharmac counter aI Shoppers Dm9 Mari, Milton Mail. QUALITY conscien- tioua company seaku assembh work w'l me- clianica1 ahility & expari- enca wh nd bals. Repiy by tas oniy:905- 875-4729. STABLE hand needad for equastrian ban in Oakvilie. Weekdays and waekends. Some ex- perience raquiiad. Con- tact Claudia at 905-257- 1819. THE Salon Group re- quires a mature persan for shampooing and gesaral heipExperi- ence prelarrad. Friday and Saturtiay. Pieuse cati Wendy, 878-93. L.P. SERVICES REQUIRES A-Z License Drivers For Hamilton/Stoney Creek Areas Full-Uime Positions are Available for Nlght Shifi We require: -One year previaus experience in the haulage of steel - dean Driver Abstract -Indivduala with excellent communication abutas Company provîdea: -Training -Benefit package for fl-Ume employeea -Group RRsp plan avallable -Well-maintained equipment 10 operate For further information please contact George eit (905> 312-9902 or hand deliver Resume & Driver Abstract 10: 100 Mead Avenue Hamilon, Ontario LSH 3T5 between 9:00 anm. and 3:00 p.m. Ilalus leale lmase Lldri a truck leasing, reniai and service company is lookisg loi neoperianced: RENTAL MANAGER Oakville Location To ha considered loi this position quatliaid apptîc- anis must possess a pool secondary, solid maaag- ment shitts, an astule business sasse & sousd coin- musicalios skilis. The position is iesponsihte loi customar relations, tisait utlization and revenues, equipreent readines aid cleantiness, salely, largaling the market aid sales catis. We aller ai attractive satury and gorup henelts package, good woihing conditions & the oppoitunily loi career advaocemnlt in a QioWt59 compasy. Il yoa mat these qualifications, pieuse lorwurd youî resuma, in slric confidence 10: Humas Resources, TANDET NATIONALEASE 3365 Harvester Rd., Burtinglon, ON, L7N 3N2 L or fax to: (905)481-3499 vu'a a Me ean o quai' fortdm floWlng positions: RECEPTION - Varioas esperience tevets DATA ENTY ~ alpha & numeric - att shifts GIEIAI. WAM EIS I - aider pickers/packers RAYMGND REACU Certified Forktiht Operutoîs Olhe positions availuabié - piiiais Inquirei DROP BY ON TUES., OCTOBER 26TH, 1275 NORTH SERVICE RD. W., SUITE 609 (NEAR 3RD LINE) IN OAKVILLE OR FAXYOUR RESUM E TO: (905> 469-9019 Ojuate Ad #JSEC110119 sales and marketing office ln the Milton aiea, invites applications for a fuîltimer ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE The ideal candidate will poaseas insida and outaide sales expenienca, a reliable vehicle and be computer literate. In order ta ba succasafui, the candidate needa ta be self motivated, assertive, have a pro- fessional bearing, and able 10 work with little aupervision. The position will raquire extensive travel- ling 10 tracte shows and prexentations ta clients. Banner Imagea allers a competitiva base income plus commission structure and flexible hours in a unique work environ- ment. Upon completion af probationary period, a company vehicle will be provid- ed. Pleasa fax rasumea ta: 905-854-1744 Banner Images Ltd. no phone caile please MILLWRIGHTS bicensed or 3rd 10 41h year Apprenhose requrred for immedrata openings for Fieldi Work aiound the GTA. Muai bave valid dnivei s license. Pmasse fax resume ta: VERSATILE MILLWRIGHTS INC. 905-876-2361 Malnts.amico Mschulic/ Ml1111wvlght STEADY AFTEIIGO SMUF Min. 5 yis experiesce essentiat wilh the ahitity ta rus machine shop equipmeot, weîding, pipelittiso, fabri- cation, press enperieoce, gond trosbleshootiog skilîs, P.L.C. eoperience. Warks well in a tas environnent. namna Cerperatlee-Leag Manmafacturlag Humas Resources Oepartmenl 1400 Advance Rd., Oakvilîe,On L6L 6L6 Fax: (905)-825-8425 No phono cais pieuse!. Only those selècted for an interview wnul be contacfed. RELIEF STrAFF Needed for a supporfive housrrsp program to offer support sort ainlain s home-like esoiroomenl tor seven cossumers wits mental illîss. *, Office Funclions *Musi heabl ato1 compta ail ussigned domastic choies and tisser pieparalios *Provida contact, communication, updale client records eçilsis intervention loi off-site people withis sur housing piograre *Fil in sfoi Hanse Supervisai os week days The successial candidate must ha able ta woih iode- peodeetly and mahe decisions. Shifts wilI cuiienlly ha on as needeti basis, eventually woihing into a part- lima position, idm1 loi Ihose looking lu ha employeti onua part-lima hasis only. The individal most ha able ta lunction in a smoking & pet triendly envirosmeol. 4,aifI.al SW, S5W, or other relaled mentll health educalion! esperience. . Sohaul ressmae ta: L. Dorn, Oakville Re-Entiy Homes, 599 Chaitwell Roati., Oakville, ON L6J 4A9 EXPERIENCED COPY SHGP PERSON FulI-tlms Mon-FI S:SOam-511pm111 Large volume & color copy experience nacessuiy (ie. Xerox, Kodak). Customar Service & computer knowledge necessaiy. Pissions piintshop expei- anc a mnsi. Fax er " Reconeu lie: 4 S luelph Urn, PlI0a. LSL7 SALESPERSON Summit Office Supplies requires aeperson, preferably wvith offies and computer supplies andfor toner car- tridge experince. Salary based upon experience. Please cail Dwayne. 873-0448 BOOKKEEPERIOF- FCE Assistant needed ai Milton publlahing company. Sirong MS- Office & language nuitls requiied. Fax resume la: 905-875-3358. CARINO home environ- nent bas spae avait- able for ana. Infant wei- camne. CatI 876-4415. DAYCARE available. Lots of tus, teaming, and loing cars. Childu Driva. RecelpIs raviti- ed, excetiant raferenc- as. Laurie 875-2262. NEEDED a Nanny in oui home for our 2 chul- dren. Start Janaary 2000, aftemaans only. Please cati 876409 or fax 876-2953. RELIAULE daycare available, Woodward & Wilson. Phase 876- 4978. SO you think match- mahing services are for loseîs ... think again.... doctars, lawyers, huai nea peaple, bankers, heallh prfssionals, eineers, iliremen, truck drivers, librarians, entrepreneurs loin Masty River Introductions. Tai- onta's tradtional match- maker (416)777-832. Are you planning a apecl event duhat wonld bu of Intereat to Iliose ln tise communlty? AdveMile l ln TIhe Canadian Champion «t'aifaemn Phone 875-3300 Plumbers Apprentices Service work, gas lic. ai assai. Excellent wages & hartelts. Truck provîdei. BRADLEY MECHANICAL SERVICES Tel: (905)0878-7481 Fan: (905)0$70-7483 BUSY local Cotision dian lmmediaely. Please farward resumne ta:519-821-8798 (Mit- ton.) ELECTRICIAN & Sen- loi Apprenlice requlred for local Contractai, tr- duatîlal/Commercial. CaI Arthur Electric, 905- 876-2519. FULL lime AZ dity and AZ highway driver re- quired with goati ab- stract. Minimum 2 years experrSe. Fxrsme FULL lime AZ dlty and AZ hihway drivers re- strsct and mn 2 yeais experlence. Cam- pelitive pay rate, bonus &kbeefprrama. Caîl TKO 1-800-724-392. MAINTENANCE Me- chantc wtth etectricai background for Milton baaed Maintenance Company. Muai ba able ta, wore on hils own, have own tacts and good drIvhin record. Poe85150.