Classified Thé Canadian Champion, Friday, Octaber 22,19-311 CLASSIflID HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM W-2iestone; See Today's Champion for our new «Milstones" section, lb announce your special event, cati The Champions lssfe Deparirment at 875-3300. ý J KEATING Gaorge and Apnil (naa Taziar) ara plea"sd ta annauncé the sala arrivai oi ihairi lIra chhld, Alexander George, bam ai 12:00 a.m., Octobér 5,1999, ai tha Gualph Ganeral Hospital. iPraud grandparenls ara Taily. and ,ludy Taziar af Campbetla and Robert and Agnes Keating ai Guelph. Lais af lava coimas tram Aunly Sua, Aunty Tud, Undae Kavin and Cousin Calvin. jZIOLKOK MDFE arl n rc praudiy annauncé thé arrivai oftihair praciaus son Devin Brion (9 Ibs) anOtber 15th, 1999, ai Guelph Gênerai Haspital. Ecsialic liri lUma «Gramma" is Jo McOutte, irai grandaa far Stan and Carat ZIaikasc ai Elmira. Thrilled gratl-radparenls; forihe irai Uime Amold and Jea = eliii, and flth greai-grandchild far Catherine Barr. De8IE, Angea - At tha Milaon Distict Hospital on Wedhasday, Oclober 201h, 1999. Angala DeBI. in ber 541h yer Dear wlte ai Pierre-An- dre DaSte. Loving moliier ai Melanié. Sadly mlssed by her sisiar Doreen and her husband Richard Chstr alao many ater iamily ment- bers in Ireiand and France. Friands and tamily may vieil ai the McKéraie-Kachér Funéral Home, 114 Main Strée, Milaon tram 2-4 pra. & 7-9 p.m. an Friday. Thé tunérat Mass will be held ai Holy Rasary Roman Calhahic Church an Salurday, Otbr 23rd, 1999 ai 12:00 p.m. ln lieu af tawera donations la thé Héart and Strolce Foundalion wautd bé apprécialed by thé tamiiy. WALKER, Dorothy Mab", Péaceiutly aI hér yoear. Monday, Octaber 18, 1999, in ber 81tyaBelovéd Wii ai thé ltt Kannath Walkar. Lavin_ mothér of Desana Ras of Cambridge, Richrd Walkér ai Chariltt N.C.,I by sitlr Roasine Gibert ai St. Thomas and Bill Hartdna oLondon. Shé wilbe sadly misaed by ber 6 grandchldldrén, and 2 gréaI grsndchuldren. In lieu ai flowérs, mémorial donations may be maclé la thé Muliple Scierasis Saclelty. Funeral arrangaements were énlruaied la thé J. Scail Early Funeral Hmrn, 21 James SI. Milaon. Flosveifo ail ocaaioit 487 Laurier Ave., 878-2881 CLEMENT, Junàaa, Rlchard <Ricti) ln tovlng mernaiy aisa dear son who pasaed away Oclaber 19, 1996. Thougit Mo r oé Voua at fogl n Wa wttl always rermembér. Resg ln Pesces. Moiher, Dad, Sittua Jeanette, Margwrai Anme, Pét it Sons Jamide à Adam. REMIEMBRANCIES in the form of donations to The Milton District Hospital Foundation are appreciated- TIfE FAMILY ai thé laie Henry Peacook would tHk ta, express theïr thanka for thé bauiiu flow- ara, donations, carda and gia ai food ai this ssd lime. >Jso héarlielt thanka la thé Home Cars ta - dieu, thé Red Cross and V.O.N., aho aéré so tarling words, the Omagh Préabylerian Church ladies for thir delildous lunch and tai thé J. Scott Eart unral Home far thetr iend and efiient 1 y Pescook and tamlly Wllly amd Diril Boomhouwer Would liké ta thank ait their friands and naigi- bours for malulng thia dsy an uniargéttable day byasendingcards and cornlng avariao célebralé our 501h Weddng Amivrsary. A apecai thank you la aur chlldrent, aho havé woricad so hard la maké H véry pléasurablé for us la ses so many carne oui la muai us wtth their béai wlshes. Thlmil you all. CHECK YOUR ADI Thé Canadian Champion cannai be reapansi- bté for thé cosi ai mare thon ona incorrect insertion. Any arrora in thé Ciasaitiéd Section shoutd be called ta thé attention ai thé Classîtied Daparimant aitar thé tirai Insertion. Adjustments ara made la the dégréa the error raduced thé value ai the ad. 875-3300 DEADLINES FOR TUESDAY & FRIDAY PAPER Déadilmée Friday 3 p.m. for Tuesdsy Deadllne Wednesday 3 p.m. for Friday 18 INCHIJumbo pillow top packelcl Maltresa tangular gloa top and boxaprîng ahII in (72X42) with burgundy plastic coal $300 sac- ration pédeatal. Six par- rilicé $1000 (905)567- son chairs, deep green. 4042. $1195. Cai (905)693- BEANIES Galoré- New 8589. Geargetown location, FRE Esdaitea- Lové 43 Guelphi St. (Mill SI.) orsfanchi? Comple limé ai reliredyursianchr? & berd la lind Beanlea Halé your colaurs? Give and Buddies. lndludlng Rids a catit Greai Sav- the testl10Béanlés. Call ingsl Sofas tramt $598... 905-702-0568. Chairs tram $198. Sen- BED, blacki wroughl Iton iOr Diacounta. Fields canapy Oueen aopé Custom Uphoilering, dlc matlrés/trama. 875-4427, Daiiy 9-9. Neyer opanéd, casi FREE Eslimaiea... Gai $1,200. Saciflicé $490. ob ar..w k (905) 567-4042 wabb..,chairs... wéa BULLDOG Appliancas - fiiahés? Wa do~ Récondiaoned applianc- ail Custom woad rotin- as wsth warranty & dsiiv- ish1i andr tumiluiré ré- éry alli gréai prient In rsFedsCso boe service availablé. 875-4427. 55 Sinclair Avé.(Unit 16) or cal 702-1182. SIT On lt-Dont Sit In lit Replacement toam for CARPET Carpat. i cuahians. Rasidén- havé sévnral thousanri tialicommarcial. Rids yards ai naw Stainmas- Uphalstéry, 9-19, 7 1er and 100% nylon car- daysiwéék 875-4427. pel. 1 aill carpét yaur liv- WALL UNIT, ing raom and hall for 72Wf75HIl2Dépth, ex. $349. Prias includas cellént condition. $325 carpét, pad and Insalae- Or béat otiar. 3 doublé lion. (30 sq. yards). 1.br5éié.85 Steve, 905-639-2902. mm Th er m an $16/wéék. ( A C) 400Mhz, ioadéd, prinlerbuByAutomOl Shop 3milor, internat software. Free scanner, detlv- *akng for 2 par lima ylaal-upl 1-800-515-5545. and 2fuiltlimé Lubé Toca. Positive thintlng happy peopleonyWr- ingItain. Apple n par- sn ta 925 Main Street Esi Na calta. ÎANOI téchr xpandg Milaon ares. Otiaring mu- AUTOMOTIVE Parts CI tsos béinner thrauh senior levais. Daras, Manuiacturing Campa- iputable and astablishied. Résnbie rates. Wi1 ny ln Milaon as posi- xne ta your home. 693-0944, (905)318908, lions avaîtablé for La- 105)525-7343. baurars and Assem- blera. Trainig provtded. Startaet $9.00 an haur. Fax reaumaeta 905-878- 3012. COUNTRYSTYLE Do- nuis réquirés halp kilt or 1 2TH ANNuAL pr îe feon CRAFr & ART SALE oetl 878-4441. DON Cherrys Grape- Saturday, October 30" vine, ln thé ilon Mal, and Sianday, October 3191 position availibeFuli 130 VENDORS limie, dayime dshwaali- 10:00 a.m. ta 4:00 p.m. er. Appy ln persn, Monday ta Friday aller Children: FREE *Aduits: $3.00 2:OOP.M. at Georgetown High SchooI m éqtedia Qaiims- 0 70 Guelph Street lions: Vald drivers lic., FodadBeeae cléar driving record, retl- Foodand everges able transportaion. 0Booths & Dtsplays e Raffles Contact Yard Manager Ta for application: Toronta * AU proce.ds go toSLiards Auto Auctiona 8277 Georgtown Lason Rd., Milaon, * tllh Scheet Studauls L9T-5C7, 1 -800-667- * 4656.ext-361. FULL TIME positions. - Busy Mitton distribution cornpany spécallzng ln - Surgical Arthrocpy and Sparts Medicine GARAGE SALE Products has an lmme- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23 diale apanlng for béa 8 A.M. - NOON pasition: An office clark 7TH MILTON SCOUTS and a waréhauae par- 226 QUEEN STREET son. Hours: 8:30 -4:30, Camp equipmant and coolcware Monday la Friday. Please cati 878-4604. GARAG SALEGENERAL carelaker TiE SALVATION ARMY MILTON requtredl iton.ra 1W0 NIPISSING RD., UNIT 3 tar pprt neilan SA.M. - 1 PM. Duainenanre gent SATURDAY OCi. 23 maintenance, aano Church péas, lighling, mirrors, diseas, boaoks, mainnnc Pan ail clothes, dtIldren chairs, and othar miacetie- reun o60 Pieé5amal neous nama. Driva, Miesssuga, On- taria L5T 2B2. INDOOR GARAGE SALE GENERAL Labour re- 21 CHARLES ST quîred for Milaon Manu- ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION facturer. Watt eatab- 8A.M. -I1PM. Itlsheac company ré- SATURDAY OCT 23 quirés_ "ai labour AMl procoedasto go la thé 9th Milaon Cubé andi woker in a waraloua Beavers.anviranrmenl. Thé raie _______________________ itl Includa Packaging h pir ÉPR' ARD SALE and Ptcktng,sorno tlitng SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24 No.qu33clicp he la-o l1PM. -4 PM. nadian Champion, 191 82SUNNYVALE CRESCENT main St., E.,MiloO. NO P<OMOj L9T 4N. __________________________ GENERAL labourer i GARAGE SALE 0F THE YEAR IF Paclcagarsi As- SATURDAY OCT 23 Oak./Buri/Mil. area. FROM SA.M. ON Shiftwork. Appty in par- 520 NELSON COURT son: A.H.R., 850 Leýa Thr1 aoehn1o vroe ton. Tel: (905)6531-9920. GARAGE SALE GYMNASTIC COACHI SATURAY, CTOBR 23 wanled part-lime alter SATUDAYOCTBER 3] achool and wéélcends. 7:30 A.M. - NOON Wili train but expert- 840 COULSON AVENUE anas with chitdren and Variéty ai quality househati Rtems knaateclge ai thé spart essenial. 878-5030. - LOCAL Milaon Repair Shap requiras a trillime Lîasnsed Mechanic. No SHELTIE - Iricolour, M/AF CKC reg., val checked, waekands. Cati Las tirst shais, halhguarsntéé. home raaad. (51 9)83- 905-875-7737. 0371. 1_ý