18-Tlb, Canadian Champion, Friday, October 15,1999 Amyriad of art formns -on display in Studio Tour *tram STUDIO on page 17 ing, wood, stone and metal sculpture, pholography, carvings in glass and wood are featured un the free, sclf-guided tour Ihat drew at least 400 art lovera last year. Uniciue eiftware available at the event include carvines on ostrich eggs, signes and Victorian screen doors. Thal's not bad for an affair that at one lime seemed little more than a pipe dream. "I used 10 go on other studio tours and il neyer occurred te me five years ago that Milton could ever do this," aaid Ms Dellor. "But here we are. We didn't wanl to getlIeft behind. Now art is blooming ail over the place. partially thanks to the formation of FASM three years ago. "ýOur membership is now up to 80. We've just taken off," said a delighted Ms Detior. "People are taking lessons. They are finding each other." And the Studio Tour will allow residents to find themn, 100. A tour brochure lista thse phone numbers and addresses of par- ticipating artists alortg \vith a amati profile of their work. Brochures are available at the Milton library and towist infor- mation centre as well as the Town's senior and leisure centres. Unique Art and Frame, Artistic Frame, Campbellville's Ice House Restaurant, Mohawk Inn, Lott's and Lots of Fine Baking, the Lowville General Store and the Garden Studio also carry the brochures. TIhe tour allows residents to meet with artists personally and gel a broader cross-section of their style than would normally be available at a gallery. And it is cheal;er, pointed out Gwen Gent, a potIer who helped coordinate this year's event. S"If you want to buy, you aren't gelting the gallery mark-up. It's usually a much leas expensive route te go," she said. "It la often cheaper than a prinV" And il la easier te get a feel for a woodcarver's attistic proceas while wading through a river of wood chips, pointed out Ms Detlor. "It is so much better for people to come out and gel the atmnos- phere," she said. She teok par-t in the tour last yesr and had hundreds of art lovera view her work. "It is a wonderful way of gelting your profile raised in the com- munily," she said. "People are still talking about last year's tour." The response was so greal, there has been talk of expanding the tour to two weekends, said Ms Gent. But any longer than thal could put a aIrain on the artîsls, who usually have to scale back their production to accommodale the crowds. MILTON IACROSSz ASSOCIATION MILTONI IACROSSC A¶SOCIATOI organiza Minor Loueusse for bopy & girls i Mitaon and thesaurrounding arma. Thes regular Houas Longue (wiih laeres Bmo@l Locasse - pleynd et Mitonse Tonefli Aumne) luns fro n aily April unt« l.t Juna. Rap Lerassa rune frai. the an of April until mldmAuguet WB hope tomes yVou rstun as.à Ployer, Caci, Manager or Referas for the. 2000 Sanson or If you hae net vut aperimncsi 9tie fauteat lama on tws faut" ms knm"t Vu ta loin our 't»Wi. Reatretl ci n@ uhIN maka plase by MaO m R.gistrsta fl ae t Motait Mail sulyIn hiie nsw yaar. Look foi Ad& In the Canaman Champ o andi Flyma loca Boii 8011011 Ia esM k You to our -19979 Coaches, Managers, Trainers- and Spons WTDWW - House Loaque Convenor. Canitie Rushton Coaches: James Campbell 1 Aimes Kilboum Scott Gray I>lick Harris Vic Rushton I Tom Fergus flhlD 'III - House League Convenor Dave Hauing Coaches: Day. BoutsrIKust Lecky Paul Kitchen I Gary Zuest Richard Kopera/ hamus O'Connor Jay Norland I lion Kennedy * 'qflIEDUtU *Coaches: Asst. Coach: *manager. *Coach: *Manager. NIMIUII - House League Trainer. Convenor. Jeif Lecky Coaches: Todd Coulas 1, Paul Duxbuy I qN Jim Goertz 1 Z4l Goertz I Matt DeCare - Coach: Chris Kovachik I Derek Mewhinney : Manager MfWIfJ - House League Convenor Daniel Brisebols *Traîner Coaches: Daniel Brisebois I Karey Thompson Ron Burgoyne Tom King I Cralg Sharp. A Jack Robertson/1Dave Sulivanl :Coach: ILUY IdJW - House League anager.a Goaches: Dave Frfttenburg I Brad Ruiz :Mngr Dav Johnlofl :Trainer. David Emigh I Dave Pepplait ANNUALI MEDNB4 Dave 1 ' KeVin oiut Colleen Duffy Shamus O'Connor Mw-M Jlm Goertz Sandy Vlpond Dan Fdlman FIE- Ron Machei Tony Pedulil Jan Cars Mark Gronke rÀwuw Randy Novak chlan Mclntosh Kevin Lewis Jack Robertson The 1998/1999 Executi encourages you to attei support for Milon NMni We are looking for nem for the commng Year 20 SPONSORS *AiN Locxc à BAVE *D.J. KiLSouRM KEY CENTRES * DURANTrE H UNT PLYMOUTH :WALLACEPOTA *MiKES1 BARBER BKOP *KNucKLe SPORTS *UNICORN.AUTrO * BRIAN S AUTO G»ALLINOERSO FORD * LMD MEDICAI. B HOPPERS DRue MARI :DON CHERRYS HJM INoURANCE *THfOMPSSN MERCHANICASL *TRADERa Cu8TOM9 riLacrosse rExecutive Members 30 Seasoni Teouy Ocob t - 7:00S Pm JD-m Qoo(:7 A 0ý0 m", F_1999 -71 ,F71ý??ý îi