Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Oct 1999, p. 24

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24-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, October 5, 1999 Classiied MOUES estonels MONDAY TO FRIDÀY 9:00AM~ 5-00PM See Todays Champion for our new "Milestones" section. To announce your special event, cail fie Championsk Classified w Deartien ai8753300. KELSIt (Hieath> Adam is pleasad t0 announce the birth of his brother Alden Christopher on September 5, 1999, weighing in at 5 lbs, 12 oz. ai Oakville Trafalger Hospital. Son of Jody and Jennifer. Proud granriparents Chris and Shirley Heath, Elgin Kelsh and the laie Carmen Kelsh àMe micn nm âu ni [nn Nis. DANA CUANT April 20 1971 - October 4 1994 In Loving MemorY Ay vo noertorgt From tise ones filai vo ose ton soon And affer the teas As the tendernesa dieare Weli sit bacte and stare aet he moon As il lidisis up fila nigili We vil temember you rigill And cherlilh the Urnes thaf vo had Vout laugh and your smila Vont vo y and your styie Von coutd nove r lesve us so ssd Ouf juai like hie moon Von vote gone ton soon But yonr memonies are like file Suri in,,y wilaNwaysshine an VouEf Mv on in everyone Alanys mlased, nover forgotton Main, ,Ioe awdfamily . WiLSON, Hiarold <PaddY) In loving memory ofie deer husband, fether eni grndcieher wtio passad asy October 7,1997 h art s111 aches in sadness Our secret tests stili flow For what il meant f0 lose you No one wiii ever knov. The poy end love you brought to us Showed us you were the bast But effet yer of laughter Vour Ilile was laid to roat. Nov we have our momories buried in Our hearta because of tis we know From you vo awill neyer pari. REMMDIANCES in the form of duonation$ te The Milton District Hospital ,onato art appreclateil. TUSA OCT TI7 AT 3 P. Aisln3 malus, 9313 thalino, MIII Tor vetylge tOp eara s Ciiu frodnt srtables, chi , caietamb manyp. moe aniqugnd coentoai sig e tc She-ollrtar L ovro Base Aune e S878-3. x 95-787 SIJRVEY equ3pam t S Umaioaos 2 ic oheranlage e.Anyon ats ionainp coliec Doaniqer Onai and Suteprey 519-853 pls-2502. lsscoletile 18 INCH Jumnbo Pmllowtop) Podiaicoil Mattress and boxsng, SI in plastic coal$30 sacrifice d $1000(905)567-4042. qurde to euFULL & PART TIME BED, blacke arougili IrOn cenopy, Ousen orthopedic fatu<yHavlifm ERS mattresslframe. Nover opened, cosi $1,200. Applyre ai50F IE Sacrifice $490. (905) 567-4042 Nitson. Roady toI reuNe BUYISELL Stair luit, porcil fifta elevatora, scout-rs EN UDKYOIC, erbes ec Fe nfrato pcaeial 1-800- BREEZV Corners te-SEU IOFFICE, ore bea, tc r00hitttratin p~ge taurant requîtes expeni TORONTO AUTO AUCTI<>NS 572-9310. enced vagetswafttess- 875-2919 USEDINEW Horizonialerical Plastic-Tanks, as. Appl mn parsoin to No TueerSy, cas please Valves, tose, Pipa & Fittinga Osays, 905-827-5333, 1480 Hvy. 6 North. Evgs 905-848-5582. (906)659-1558 rnCOUNTRYSTYLE Do- TOUR GUIDES for SChool Tours ntsi requires heiptfull or ANDREWS SCENIC ACRES part time, affemnoolis and weekends. Please Immediate employmeflt for oeil 878-4441 October. Flexible hours COMPUTER faciory 1pce One year no pay- HVAC aoprontice Rel i mental Thon $16M".e (OAC) 400Mhz, lceded, able, selt mottvated in Homemnakers, retirees, part-time, frinter, monfior, iemal so te. Free scannr de divdual. Muai have cur- fuli Urne. Applications at the liveiylset-upl 1-800-515-545. toril drivers icense. tIn dividuai to, be mechanl- Farm (905) 878-5807 cally icliried andr able to vote wifh timitod super- vison. Send resume 10: Beiley Heating anid Coolirig, 103 Steoles OCTOBER 9& 10 L9T 4K6. Now inlerviewing for ail positions. 8A.M. - 4 PM. LOCAL ares business Sterling et part timè with fthe potentiel 94 ROBERT STREET is accepting resumes for for full lime. Must be eveileble FALL AND CHRISTMAS sDump T ru ck Driver vngsadwens.Paeapl arid Boom Truck Drivet. eenneed eees.Peeepy > ~Local ruris, homo ever et Swlss Chalet Rotisee & Grill, vîh Musi h AveOe Mllton, 50 Market Drive. w M ýB - M_ lîcerise wnih dlean ab- aide ~ ~ srat vboetym2 DRIV (Chldlegh GARAGE SALE an assel. Training aveul- SATURDAV OCT 9 anid benefils. 905-826-, PRODUCTION FACILITY 8A.M. -NOON 4252 Mike o Paie. Required by growing local company. Dedicated i Avàe aretyofItmsiriciudirg patio tumiture, LUBE bey technicien individuais with s desire tri conribute la ils suc- coorTVto ys, etc. reuie by Miltori ces. Ment posuess ail of lihe foltowing attributes, T erelmting fot eveiyo]n. base transprt Compa- ili q ropr tem paye, ablit an wilingessto, leans, gond GARAGE SALEU ppiat.a anid al- comprehensioi rkillu, both written and verbal. A GteRooriSsLEif available. vatiety of Fui Tins positions cerrently available. S UR YOCTOBER OeCil 693-1411. _ We provide s competitive wsge, job stability tri 8 ..-NOON MOLLY MAIO is grov- commilled employecu, opporlenuty to, adysuice, JOb 71MAIDEN LANE ing agairi. Do you love vanieîy and a great work envîroriment. SOMETIIING FOR EVERVONE Iodce an? We 4re look- Resemes mnay lie dropped off 10 NO EARLV BIRDS irig for hardvouring, de- 624 McGeachic Drive. (878-8781 for directions) pendable, lovai staff . Previous applcnsne o pl Part Urne leadig to fuillpiau iedro p YARD) SALE lime. Please cail 877- 350 WILLIAMS AVE. 3443.FU LTM SATrURDAY OCTOBER 9 PART TîME DRIVER 8A.M. anlod for rapidly grow- I Jus. moved 10e a maller homo. Many gies in CouderU Oompany. a3 hoe drsseroy, ls Muai have ovri halcil- Must have A-i DriVing Record ver dom, Ioy, etc back or larqet vehicie tee and be avaîlabie dey- and be self moi-e knoviadge of Toronto and surrounding ara. H u it or '.M. PETERS U.PICK PUM11111PIUNS message et 416-618- Pyot.Crge.Je ai 13 AUTUMN DECORATIONS 942 lmth hrsé,Jé7al on. fStraw. Corn stalks, Gourds) PART TIME Stable Holp 5w0 afON sr. mON 876-2M8 iin- E RIDE OU TAMFI required for privalo ste- tant HALTON HIS 9110 4TH UNE ble in George- s, & IN.W. cornet 4til Line & 5 Sîdroad) îovnuLimehouse area. MERRYUROOK FAIM Weekonds and possibly f # ti 4 a ~905401111-6 I - 2 evoninga. Horse rqi 47experience tequirod. rOcuiTr Es P NEED a fail dlesn-up? Ratas ara $45 - $65. Interei 877-7080 effet 7 p.m. CUTRHL LE ed? Oei 878-6135. 1Paid training. Uniforme suppli.d. Rmnumeraflon baud on experience. CoM Apply In parson to: AeGON 8601 Iwy. 25 North, Mlhion be - -575 Ontario St., Milton ard, 5 Ne ntw?80 Markeet Dr., Mifton drop- FREE lattons to gond home. Oeil Loslie et (11116>330. Af# in tw 3 plus 2147. mmffia or moro? fur Havlng a bby? - ul newbusineeqired for busy car deelership. PLMCALL US: MuIbe computer iiteree oss j - EComeanlt Weîeema oo people skiiis, and be highly TH GEA CNAIA BG L Unda ...854-1563 moteed - Chrysier experience pre- avee 0 omngda safs.Ful ndpat rn psiios orin...332-4799 rferred - phone 876-2580. Drap off or lsursday. avaiabla. Kitchen, cuaiomer service or baki rla faxh ......0 854064--297. Espeience would be ideal. Witl frein mature indi- Kti . 8404 viduai vitil a great atud ato loves baeos. Bb H3 111 CaliResme o 50 Lurie Av. Mlto. 63ffl luionmoiými Plymouth, ChrySler, Jeep & lagle o eIl sue1 0 LuirAe iio.6304 plt I..... 876-4330 .500 UmmTET. IUJoe

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