Railway is tooting their horn, but residents tired of trumpeting By URENE GENTLE The Champion Piercing train whistlos have been giving somte Campbeîlville residents an earful, the Town's administration and finance committee heard recently. Resident Kevin Rasmussen appeared before the committeo to plead for respite from noisy trains shoeting along the Canadian Pacific Railway. '"They are notjust a quiet train whistle in the dis- tance," be said. "These are 100 decibels." 0f even more concern is the need for safety upgrades at a raiîway crossingast Third Sideroad, said Mr. Rasmussen. "Residents can'r sleep ait night worrying that there wilI bo an accident ait thse crossings," ho said. Currently, thse site is equipped with a crossbuck only. But flashing lights and warning bouls would be more appropriate, said Mr. Rasmussen. Finding the funds to put a lid on ear-splitting whistle blasts may ho tough, cautioned Phil Antoniow, thse Town's coordinator of engineering services. "Whistîing is a little more of a difficult issue," ho said. "(Transport Canada and CPR) consider it more of a nuisance than a safety issue and funding may not be available for nuisance issues." Mr. Rasmussen's visit to committee marked thse second time tIse matter han come before council in the past few years. In 1996, concern was expressed about two Cindy Lunau unsafe crossings, one at Steetes A Third Sideroad. Traffic and train volume studi the timo showed that though tIse crossing met thse requirements to ing light and bell system, Third Si Upgrades were thon installed in 1998 ait a total cost of $150,000 0f that, Transport Canada kic share (about 80 per cent) with CPR. Thse Town's portion worke $20,000. But recent testing Isas showî Sideroad crossing now sîides in mumn requirement level for upgra "We've taken thse stop and rs mined it now meets tIse warrants and bells," said Mr. Antoniow. Arnned with that information, staff should begin petitioning tIse two agencios for funding for tIse upgrades, committee voted. SIsouId that be granted, Miîton's cost would be incîuded in tIse 2000 capital budget for considora- don. But that won't stop tIse ear-spîitting noise, noted Mr. Rasmussen. "Thse noise is a socondary issue but it is stilî a big concem to residents in thse ares," ho said. "We want the noise to stop from, those Isoms blowing in RI; Day the middle of tIse night." Rlck Day Staff shoutd concentrate on achievable goals, venue and one at such an thse safety upgrades, said Councillor Cindy Lunau. les conducted Sit "My gut feeling is our chances of getting the Steeles Avenue whistling removed are relatively slim," site said. itep up to a flanh- If tIse area is even one vehicle over tIse minimum deroad did not. requiremont, the upgrades shouîd go in, said Lt the Steeles site Councillor Lieven Gevaert. i. "I think CP may be trying to, give us a snow job ked in the Iion's Isere," he said. "Low end, middle end or IsigIs end, some IseIp from it shouldn't make a damn bit of différence." Whatever Isappens, it should Isappen quîckly, d out to about said Councillor Rick Day. "WIsat Isas Isappened down there Isas been a n' that tIse Third mansive intrusion on their lifestyle by an oppontent ait tIse very mnini- who doesn't even know Ise is an opponont, who eS. doesn't even care," ho said. "tt is unbelievabîe that sessed and doter- their cane is reduced to, this after tIse intrusion they for fiashing lights have endured." "'The bnsù=tw mWm its« bufmuîe to the aecessity Wo ~afetsn otrrU te fmfnRCbueVîIý busmesst. -Devby Brotmf 4 Bedrooms Beautiful Bungalow $1 339900 NOW $1 99,900 NOTICE OF THE PASINCO0F ZONINO BYLAW BY THE CORPOATIN OF THE CITY 0F MMBUMAIIO TAKE NOTICE mhat mhe Council of mhe Corporation of mhe City 0f Mississauga passed By-Laws 0427- 1999,0428-1999 and 0429-1999 on the 15th day of September, 1999 under Section 34 of mhe Planning Act, R. S .0.1990, c. Pl13, as amended. ANDI TAKE NOTICE mhat any persan or agency may appeal ta mhe Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-Iaws by filing wvith mhe Clent of mhe City of Mississauga flot later than the 12th dey of Octobor, 1999 a notice of appeal setting out the objection ta the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection, together whth a cheque in the amount of $125.00 for eacfi of mhe By-Laws payable ta the Minister of Finance. Only individuals, corporations and public bodies rnay appeal a Zoning By-law ta mhe Ontario Munricipel Board. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group, However, a notice of appeal may be filed in mhe name of an individual wfro in a member of the association or group on ils EXPLNATON OF 11E PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF THE BY-LAW That Zoning By-law 5500 be amended by deleting the definition of "Car Waah" and replacing t with the "CRWASH" - means a building or part mheoeof devoted tomte washing of motor vehicles reitt automatically operated equipent focated whotly wimhin an enclosed building, but shall not incl ode time-pay washing ifacifities, coin-operated wasfring facilities, wand washing facifities or omer manually operated equipment or facilities for the washing of motor vefiles and a building shaf f not include a lent or olter temporary faciliies. LOCATION OF THE LANDS AFFECTEO Ail lands in mhe City of Mîssissauga (former Town of Mississauga) aifected by By-law 5500. EXPLANATION 0F NEPROS N FFECT 0F NHE BY-LAW That Zoning By-faw 65-30 be aniended by deleting mhe definition of "Car Wah" and replacing it with the following: "CAR WASH" - means a building or part mhemof devoted to the washing of motor vehicles witti automnatically operated equipment located wholfy within an enclosed building, but shahi not include time-pay washing facilities, coin-operated washing facilities, wand washing facilities or oCher manually operated equipment or facilities f or the washing of motor vehicles and a building shall not include a tent or othertemporaiy facilities. LOCATON OF NHE LANDS AFFECTED AI lands in mhe City of Mîssissauga (former Town of Streetsville) affected by By-law 65-30. EXPILANATION OF NHE PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF THE BY-LAW That Zoning By-law 1227 be amended by deleting the definition of "Car Wanh" and replacing C witlr the followving: "CAR WASH" - means a building or part thereof devoted ta mhe washing of motor vehicles with autonnaically operated equipment located wholly wimhin an enclosed building, but shall not include time-pay wvashing facilities, coin-operated washing facilities, wand wasfiing facilities or other msnually operated equipment or facilities for the washing of motor vehicles and a building shahl not include a tent or other temporary facilities. LOCATION OF THE LANDS AFFECTED Ail lands in mhe City of MIssissauga (former Town of Port Credit) affected by By-law 1227. Further Information oegarding these BY-laws may bu obtained tram Susan Tanabo (905) 615-3807 of the Planning and Bufilding Department. Dated at the City of Mississauga Rhis 22nd day oh Septembur, 1999. Janice M. Baker Commissioner, Carporate Services & ClerklTreasurer 120803 faln Chmion, Friday, Septoeni>e CARRIAGE SQUARE We have a variety of spaces available in this prime downtown location! MAIN FLOOR RETAIL.. From 920 sq. if. t0 5,200 sq. if. Asking $8.50 9 * -ýV, +A,- M , ,, 1_ - 4, por square foot minimum PROFESSIONAL OFFICES... From 320 sq. if. ta 2,000 + sq. if. Competitive ratea. Caîl Jim or Lorraine Kerr at (905) 876-0407 for more details. iravl SHOfr AND LONG TERM PLIANNIN NOW! LESS THAN A YEAR TO GO FOR THE SYDNEY 2000 OLYMPICS, so if you want to go, you'd better start planning now. An estimated 25,000 tickets, worth approximately $3 million, are now available to Canadians who want to attend the Games. You can have a selection of travel packages complote with a corresponding event ticket program, but plan early became the most popular events get taken pretty fast. Travel programts include air and ground transportation, selected meals and choice of executive or economy accommodation. Prices start at $7,100. See your travel professional for information and to get your booking completed. HOW ABOUT' A CHRISTMAS PARTY AT DEERHURST RESORT - Groups of 10 or more are charged $49 per person for the "Sing '99 musical revue and a four-course meal. Office party groups wanting to stay over can get a room, the show and dinner for $105 per person, double occupancy. Each additional night is $56 per person. Another idea! AIR CANADA VACATIONS lIAS EXPANDED ITS ORLANDO PROGRAM beginning October 31 using the direct service of AIR CANADA into the popular resont area. They offer a selection of hotels in Orlando, including Walt Disney World Resorts. Aeroplan members booking an Air Canada Vacations package can eamn 2,500 Aeroplan miles. DID YOU KNOW: How many people fromt Canada travelled to Mexico last year? - would you believe 1,250,000 - (that included this writer afew times) with hefty incroases predicted for this year with additional new vacation resorta to offer, plus more folks going for long-stay. TRAVEL TIP 0F THE WEEK: Something a little different for the falI colour change days - a relaxing drive into the Niagara Peninsula down old Highway 8 - see the many wineries dotting the landscape, and drop in, including THIRTY BENCH WINES in Beamsville - test the product! ~ iravel1 878-2886 16 Martin St. (downtown) Ais<. in Halton HiUs andi OakvMle www.brucehood.com