Don't stand on the sidelines... Join a Winning Team! Team Reebokl WANTED: Teamn members with a winning attitude For Our Oakville Retail Outiet PART TUME POSI3TIONS Ploase drop off resumre in person: Oakvlle Centrum, Winston Park Drive, Building 7, or Fax: Lee Hooper (905> 829-2293 No lephane cails please. OnJ, Iffose candidates sekeced for en interview %vit Lia contaicld. Hae 'you been a Career Volunteert mi 1,eearI Nac af Mmas olfera dis perfect opporltto continue your Wu= iîn dis commnflly. Vse mlookaa for osigoin adviualu who li* qprience wordng %idi vlunteers, si orgnnized, aid Mho havexacelleat cmmuitunicailon skdIs. M-miera are reqtdred front nid Septeember to Mardi 15, 2000 oa a paid ouLr-act basi o ttlfleen our snnuaI, reaideil liadràislg caimpalga il teséý.h pige forwsr your resuras sn aie2s possible le: 9 ONTARIO LMRCH h dOF DIMES DE LONIMRiO ~onWdbFFU>éiss .di~o5ti doimiad oqo ~~mol « ,miuo ff Am p 1 - - f CClass "B» or "E" welcomne, Wtt iTrain '~COMPETATIVE WAGES WITH APERSONALTOUCH ATTRIDGE SERVICING OAKVILLE AND SURROUNDING AREAS CALI 1-888-749-1515 LET UiS STEER YOU IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION] Fleet Maintenance Person Requirad for aftamoon shift. Top mages and banefits. Apply in persan: GR«A NTi 2111 Lakeshore Road West MISSISSAUGA, Ontario CONTROLLER Leeaila- ftdimote <Applehv Um). Growisg cons. packaged gonds company reqaires a defail orienfed individeal f0 assume fthe daties of compasyconroller. The indvidual wiii be sspecfed f0 complets the monthiy financial report ing reqeiremrents. manage inn. levais, administer accounts payable/ receivabies and pmepame monfhiy and yeady operafing budgets. strong computer skiffs le. spmeadsheets, preseala- fions, Windows, Excel, Word, Pomerpoint, AccPac, Quickcheque, EasyPay, etc. CA or CGA designiation aioog With esperience in a consumer packaged geods environmenf is preferred. Compensation pkg. wiii be geared to applicant's L 5iicafi 055 and esperience. nfappia icants considered for position wiii be cotaCIfed. Pleas fan resume along with saiary espectafions sn canfidence f0: Mr. Nok Omazoa- Pautuar McCiaughey Consumer Praducts Mgt. Inc. fax# (905)-357-3851 WANTED fuit an part lime Safesperson for grawing HVAC and fire- place stores. Experi- ence in fumace & fire- pfaces required. fIn stailatian experience benaficial. Goad salary and commission far the right persan. Fax re- sume ta 877-3116. WAANTED -Spa l needa worker far Han- by area. Must have oms transportation. To atarI immedîafaiy. Wendy (905)878-0784. PART time office clerk at Cashmay Distributian Centre, Hallan Hifa. Ta mark 2a-3ahrs/week. Shoufd be organized, computer literafe mush excellent math sfdfls. sri ferested applicants shaufd fax resume afin: Zof la Ellis 0905-876- 9993 by sept. 24, 1999. PART fine receptianiat required Mcn.-ri. ap- proximately 20 hra. a meek for a Mifon office. Expenienced in generai office dufies. Must have computer expanience and a gaad teephane manner. Please fax re- aime la 905-875-2345, Aftn. Shirley. Rvquirvd immodiatviy MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIST (C.E.T.) Minimum 2-5 years experience in municipal engineer- ing ( land development, site plans, municipal i nfrastructure). Aflility to use ACAD 14 lu a reqaire- ment. Fax or mail resuime f0: TRAFALGAR ENGINEERING LTD #1 481 Morden Road, Oakvitle, L6K 3W6 Fax: (905)438-7734 MANAGER WANTED For 241 Pîzze/ Mrs. Powetl'se in the same Burlington location! 3-5 years management experience necessary. Fax your resuma ta: (905) 637-7745 FLORAL DESIGNER NEEDED FULLTIME One year floral shop expenience or graduate with floral diplomna. Evenings and weekends. Please fax resumne ta: (905)32-6222 CINS INSTRUCTOR Fitness related courses necessary. Cati for interview (905) 844-1610 The Gym Nautîlus Sports/Medlcal il Lakelshéoro Rd.I e Gakils LOT PERSON Required tmmediately Futitime Must be experienced in car preparation and have basic computer skiffs. Onfy seat, punctual, self-motivated people need appfyr. Deliver resume ta: Ian John, Used CarManager BUDDS' BMW 2400 South Service Rd.W Oakville, Ontario L6L 5M9 Fax: (905) 825-9887 I '61 1 k' H , VW4YCA OF HMLOIUUGO IMake a difference Iin the tife of a chitd Ithrough YMCA empLoyment School Age Child Cure Supetisors & Assstants Rsmpnsihi individuais requiwed to wah in sur befnm and mter uchosi age chitd cars prograins lo tis eutingtoo isa. Progris provide case for childoso ageil 5 ta 12 ysars, befers ami mlter ochoni on PA diys, Christms hotlmdys and Mach Sak. Mut hs 18 ysais of age. Prefeeces given to individuifs with esperienS and an [CE os tecreation mnd taisure dipim. I (as I or ensuis te or cof Shome Cunsîhslt Fami4î& Childies05ervma Fax (905) 529-6682 1 'cenfai t 529.102 aut 5022 1 79 jette st. S. Harut eON LSP 2ZI Yîaaaz We build arong kida ---------------- j Abbey MGA N~ Part-time Positions Availablo Dals CASHIERS * GROC DELI a BAKERY £tenings& GROCERY STAFF Minohts* CASHIERS e GROC Experience an asset but no Apply in person or caîl 9( 1500 Upper Middle Rd CUSTOMER SEl WAREHOU Level estry position required for t warehouse. Stong computer & ini rqid.Must bsn afeam player. Wa ry contro & shipping/ receiving ex~ an assel. Some heavy lifting re resome: Danly I.E.i 1329 Haine Court, Burt ingtor Fax: 1-905-331-01 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 14, 1999--25 puI Plasies Ceepeeatleas manufacturer of Linear Low Density plastic bags fo the grocery, larket re(a aidseàl ry ou 1aikes wtia lmmediatsly: garbugu bag or he 10el and industrsa murket in ERY CLERKS North Americabhas an opportunity for MACHINIE OPER1ATORS POST OFFICE Neam et Wu*: 12 hir confinental shitt, Mos-Sun ~ERY CLERKS Roab: $ 11.37/lîr Plus Shifh & Weekesd Premisms t necessary. -Hg 15-847-1909 -ig Excl graduais or equivalent Oakvilla xeln wriffes and verbal communication skills -, - Good compufer skiffs qVICFJ Demonstrated mechanica aptitude & abilify Manfacurig eperenc aas 5sft ýE eApplicafions accepfed hefwees gam-3pm only. as1 paced off ice/230SerRd terpersonal skiffs230SerRd rehouse. invenfo- -I& iPWÀCLx Oakvîiie ierience wosid be PEM $~ (Near Brante Rd) qsired. Forward Prelrais caudîdat e am cet a@». 0O PSU!IIIII MU PLEMS n, ON L7L6A7 949 AMÉ 7Uff iý i7 We require a highly motivated individual foi join aur sales fetim. We affer: -Environmnent for success *Above average benefits including montfily and yeafy benefits *Healthdental plan -Company car plan -Large new and used inventory -Training for the right candidate Any tupe of sales background is an assaI. For an interview please contact Phil Ciantar 878-8877 SALES CORRtESPONDENT We are secking an enthusiaatic person for our Inside Sales Department. Some computer skills and pleasant telephone manner are an absolute necessity. PIease send your reswme to: Robertson Inc. 97 Bronte Street Milton, Ontario L9T 2N8 or Fax to (905)878-2299 AUTOMOTIVE SALES PERSON required hy Oakville's Iargest refait Chrysier dealer. Competilive remuseration program, company car and beneft program availabie 10 the right candidate. Experience an asset but flot a requirement. Please fax resume to: VERA PAYNE 175 Wyecroft Bsad, OakvIIIs tas: (905)845-9109, Ph: (905)845-6653 aRETaI saEs Mastermind Educational, speciafty loy stores tamoas for selectios & castomer service, Iooking for F/T and P/T sales staff for sur new store f0 open Mid Octob- er ai Upper Oakvif le Shopping Centre, 8th fine and Upper Middle Rond. We are looking for people f rom the seighborhood who enioy chifdren, quai ity Isys and ssdersfand excelltest castomer service and would f ike to lois sar team.. Please tas resame to: <" 416) 321490 « sl (416) 321-810.2 B U R RO0W S Fine clothing since 1976 SALES ASSOCIATE Reluired fulîtime to join our teamn ofrfessionals. The successful candidate will have a minimumn of 3 years experience in the fashiori menswear industry and posses superior mnterpersonal skiffs. Resumes accepted byfax: (905) 842-0548 -No phone catis please ~ Only those selected tor interview wili f e contacfed. CLASS "A" TECHNCIAN Fulftime e Required lmmediately Qualifications: Class «A» licence; dlean drfving record; solid references; miilingness ta mark hard to progress. Honda experlence preferred. Wa aller Fully compefitivé liait rate scale; good benefîts plan; opporfunlty fa advance. Cali ta arrange an Interview: Mîko Park, (905) 844-092, Ext. 306 OAKVILLE HONDA HVAG Technical Rep. Eastern Canada branch of national Oakvilf e based HVAC companry reqaires inside technical aepresenta- tise f0 administer warranty and service programs in easters Canada. Must ha fechnically qsalitied n heafing asd refrigerafion asd muet pommas at hast 5 1w. of relevait .aprleno. Minimal f ramil. Excellent salary commensurate wif h qualifica- fions. Generous profit sharing program. Great benefifs package. Please reply ith resume foi: Box 6191, c/o OakvilIe Beaver 467 Speers Road Oakvlle, ON L6K 3S4 Cotswold Preclîlon Co. Itd. urgenfly requires SKILLED MACHINIST on lathes and milling machines. Please cati: Days: (905>335-2887 Evgs:(1905 637-3760 RECEPTIONIST Investors Group, ose of Canada's ieading fînan- diat services organizations, has an immediate opening fora Receptionlut sn the Oakvif le Region Office. As a member of the Region Office team, the individuaf's major responsibilities miii be fo greet clients and the public, manage a muiti-line smitch-baard and complets administration dut les. The successful candidate miii have 1 ta 2 yearsgeneral office experience, or a combina- tion otpeostsecondary education and experi- ence. Strang interpersonaf and communication skills are essential as meil as an abiiity fo mark independently In a mul- tiple tank environnent. Praficiency sn Microsoft Word and Excel mould be an asset. If you are interested in ioising a fast paced and dynamic tean, p fesse fax a detailed resume and caver tetter by Sept. 15, 1999, to: Linda McKay, Oakvilîe Region Office " Staff misa are client focused and enjay marking in a cammunit settinQ9. " MCA, MMW Il & le, certificales preferred, however considerafian miii be gises aths mils persasal experience as caregivers *Training pravided if necessary *Choice ai assigniments *Reliable transpartation required For an interview cali (906F8047-1 025 or fax your resume t(<905)847-10381N We are an equal opportunity esspo}wr Classified Telephone ............. 875-3300 Classifieci rj\ .......................... 876-2,364