Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Sep 1999, p. 13

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Thn Caanadman Chamnion. Tueadav, Septomber 14, ¶999-13 ir you nave an>' que~nuio~ us~v professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 ~àMFHNTERIÇRS IF s Catpet n Vinyle Ceramies n Hardwood Mi Paint n Walcovenngs Showroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL 845 Mut. SI. En EUE.. 878.4210 GO NUTS! Aa awnmer disappears, we alart to show algas of tht squlrrel syndrome - ruablng around gstherlng, coflectlng asad deeorating lia our neata; wbere we wlll bIde away for tht nexl few montha. Well I have news for you, we squirrels should consider some factors as we plunge mb these venlures. How much lime lu il going 10 take 10 complele and the final coat? lnstead of utuffing everything in aI once. Slow dowa and plan carefsally. Whatever your needa flooring, paint, wallpaper etc. Il doesn't happen faut! AIl the other squirrels are ouI there too. Anticipate delsys, don't be the angry squirrel who cant find lis nuls because he lefI il too laIe. Remember life isot perfect and although we try to accomodate our clients it's not always possible, due 10 unexpected delays. For example: If your wallpaper or carpet is back ordered, so le il. If you like what you've chosen then ils worlh waiîing for but always have a back up choice, juot in case. SmaIl projecîs cao always le fitted in. Remnants for lieds and halls, etc. are more readily available and we alwaya make sure our remnant room aI tht store is fulI. We have Iota of varlous types too! Greal for mid-winter spruce ups and we offer great deals as a bonus So plan early and happy decorating. Hawkins Animal Hospital Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medldne 550 Ontarlo Street Sonatia, Milton (Pizza HuaI Plaza) table Hawklns Phonse (905) 875-6888 B, Sc., DVII Fax (905) 875-6853 The Three Deadly Feline Viruses Feline leukemia (Felv), Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) & Feline infectious peritonitis (HP); apart from Rabies, these are the deadîjeot vinises seen in the felane population. Most often these viruses are seen in the outdoor, unvaccinated cat population and facilities where large numbers of cals co-exist. If your cat goea outdoors nnd at times is unsupervised s/he la at risk to contract these diseaaes from other cats. When strange cats encounter one another, they tend to be quiet aggreasive and anti- social. Moat often an encounter resulta in a figlit, possibly involving bite wounds and exposure to these viruses. There are vaccines available for Felv and FLP but not FIV aI this lime. Cats at risk of contracting these dis- cases should be vaccinated anually for Felv, FIP and Rabies, along with the cold viruses and distemper. If your cal cornes in contact wiîh a carrier of the above, s/lie upon developing the virus, will invarîably die. There is no cure for these lhree viruses aI this lime! Please, if you haven't had these vaccines administered 10 your pet, ask for them! They will save your cat's life! 76'e4ik ~h~sae~eusegur~ lfjtutnv..ttae. eeu*te MARlON HEALY Regastered Nutnîtonal Counsellor Manager R.N.C. 550 Ontanlo St S, Unît 15 (905)8752889 ~: Does atrea~ have negative side-effects on a per- aon's health? ~: Stress can put a great amount of pressure on ail tIse systems of tIse body. Adrenaline, tIse hormone which gives us our fight or flight response, is over- stimulated when we are constantly coping witb stress. At these limes, the body requires SIX 10 eight times more vitanfin C to make adrenaline. Our western lifestyle is almost entirely motivated by faght or flight. Our digestive, and elimination system are also lin- dered under stress, due to a dramatic reduction in île secretions of our digestive enzymes. Tlese enzymes are responsible for effectively breaking down the nutrienta in our food. Without optimum digestion, our absorption of important nutrients Iowers, making it difficuit to achieve a higher level of health and hindering any attempts aI metabolic weiglt management. A Registered Nutritional Consultant can help you to understand what nutrients may be of maximum benefit for your individual needs. You can also lelp yourself by reducing tIc stress in your life. Remember the importance of eating properly, gel- ting the proper amount of rest and including a moderate amount of exercise. Manon HealyLta regt.nteredNutnitional Consultant with over 1) ytacnenpen- ence un ne Ptrlossandnulnttoet She Le Cilnic DirectorofBevedyHilLn WeigIU Management nid Numnuem Centre. For more iufonntaiion contact Marlon ai 575.28.80 ./' Edu<~rvice mc. Improvlng pefonnanca through trulnln and réuturtals Q: u.~E~lnaweame45asdsolsaeeettaslwanîIabewheslmrawsP? A.: lite tact ta, thul nasy of as atîl espentuce neyeraI cutter changes tu sue lîfe- tint. Unlike sur nuch younger nonlu, we have tht advnstage ut hringisg natty ukilîs asd expetiencen lu tht Inhor nurket. On challenge thes, la 10 know which shilîn art n detsand sud how lu tsarket thea etfectivtly lu future employeru. Mauy peeple ut this stage in lite art cunsidtrisg self-enploynest ut un option. tither fuil et' part-tinte. Sonetimes, circunstuaces pretent un opportusity to partut an enseprtneunial ventant n tues un idtu sua us iscune. In tact tuaI yen in Ontanis, uver 111,100 anull husinesses were regisltetd. If heconuisg ysur uwn houa interetta you, gel adoice. Start with a visit 10 Halbi Region Buainean Help Centre, ut IronIe Rd and tht QEW. Tuke note, that there il 55 eociting nen progrun. which a otttrtd n Geergeluen sud Milîsu every msuth cslled Experience Wurki. Il s tngeted ta tht older wueker who ia tacing tht challenge ot rt-enlening tht lahor torce, nahiag a caxeer change, tteking nlt.enploynent intornulion n lsuhing toi solid advict su whats sut theet and hon 10 gel il. And tht htal ot nIl, il is tnnded hy HRDC SO there a uocharge Experieace Wurks ia a 6-day peugean thut ottees not unly inturnasou su joho thal ste uvailable, hot incladua stunîsua lu ceente a peessual akîllu tsventoey, isterent md aptitude profile, posteetul rennes, tacceuntul ialeevtws, lusucial plmaing, nît-taplnynetu esploration md nuch store. For nure intuenution uhout Eeperieuce Wurks or 10 hooh yuue upot. caîl I~M36l. Deherah Dennison hau aritten tevenal taccesutul houka md sean md opte. sIen a trainisg md develognent conpany that apecializen in: * Crtating netterialu md tacilitantng nonhuhopu lu htlp putential enttepre- neuts ga uurted aud ht succeautul in their ucu enterpeite. * Asuiating individmls with caner planning md attuinneat ut neaaigtul wîyk. £Cayn~ ~4I. ~EJann~t BA., B.S.W., M.S.W., C.S.W., DIP. SOC. ADM. Counseîling & Psycholherapy Individuals, Couples, Childien & Families 11084, 511 LIns, Milton, Ontarlo (905) 854-0801 My ~eite ami I have heen logether toc over 20 yeaes. Generslly, I lhlnk that et are stili pretly happy logether, but ehen il tomes le uts, thlnga mal hsven'l been worklng ont toc aoane- Urne 50w. I've jual eecently heard thal you ami yeur huubsnd provlde someahing cslled ses llaerspy. Coanld you pleane leli mes bit about il? Whal do yen have le do? How long dota Il take? A: Ses thteupy s n simpty n wuy ut' helpine peopte with sesuul prob- tenu or contents. Ideulty. especiully ehen helpina couples. there la u nale/temale cu-therapiat teasu. There is nu musaI contact oractiv- ity ut any kiad dueise tht nessiosu. Tht therupiats provîde s auppontive. non-judgementul almosphere in which tht coaplea cm nulk about thier ditficaltiea. Tht pernonal histoey ot each paetaer, their shared hiatoey md their present feelings md hehuviaurs are asuully esplored is order 10 eltarly defise aad usdtrstuud tht petuent problesu. If theet ian pou- sibility uta medicul cunse 10 tht carrent content, a reteint lu a physicim would ho nade. It tht content lu sot sets an u usedical la autant, a aunhor 0f difitetat ptychototical sud/ut' emotionul tactont dli ho involvtd. wlth tht htlp ut tht therapiats. tht suaplt wilt explore tht nature ut tht presear pioblen, pouaihît solutions sud atentegita sud suent goals 10 woek tocards. Each wtek. the couple lu given assîgneneata md eseecises to do an honte heteets annulons, dtsigntd topeomute mntinacy and commanicatoa. Couples enay ho tupenitacine ose nia anale nange ot sesual prob- lents încluding Iack ut materent, ditterescea in desire. erection diffieulties, îaahihty lu orgases, prentatute ejacalation sud vagina. mua. Neveithetenu. regardîtua of tht type of problent, susut toupIes expeetence a significant improveenent in thier stxaal ditficultiea in only 7 to 10 wttha. Elayne Turner Lt a Centfted Social Wurher in printte pructice in norIA MElba. If yoa hatvfarnher qaestioan or ~fyoa woatd lihe nu arruage un qpoisuntent. pIeuse cal t905) 8.54-0801. çustldeuasalalsgtntnategd. I ~

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