Manufacturer requires a CHEMICAJL BLENDER f0 foin ifs masufucfuiing team. Our fast paced enorrooment reqa res a laul time, self directed, highfy mot inated indinidual ^eho possesses a strong sense of urgency, attention f0 detait, and has a proven f iack record for exceeding expecf a- fions. Previnus btending/bafch piocessing experience, WHMIS training, forklift esperience, and encollent mathemnatical skiffs would be considered assef s. In addition fo a competifive hourI y vreage, we nfteî health benefits, profit sharing, and bonus programo. fl ynu feel you can fulfili this challenge, please moiti fao your insuffe f0 fhe attention of-lu Rall. Mailas Ohleul a Iu u lac. 490 McGeachie Drive Milfon, Ontario L9T 3Y5 Fax: (905> 878-1449 CERTIFIED ELECTRICIANS & AP]PRENTICES Cali (905) 728-7361 ynein osr ore-enhy opportfftles for informaion, or Fax resume 50Fu dr is n Cartos Etectrir Limited u d a s n (905) 728-5817 C odn tr e Ip D iS I< SolIsoarters are reird lM 0"vil an1iousg fitom mld-Sepsooer toi Mard 15th on a cceraci tisas su usplenien annuat Iundmusng propana. we > &og fooLr ouigoing indlldal siso have HeIp Dosk Technotogy Corporation ix «er wo kiiq wlih voluneers, are omanxod North Americas fasteat growing developor gdh xeWcmnm .Pes of hetp desk software applications. Ouir e aexetseceeulaeadl lu cliente inctudle- Fortune 500 companios, P*tiA wI1I tis Ontario Ma"d of Bles, hospitais, inanciat institutions, communi- 50. Rit sx165 <JO, flisetuigosto, 232f cation giants, att branches of the armed FiIi*w Stirt-e, OoetîmgOui, ON L7R 253 forces and The Executive Office of the Presidont of the United States. Located in Oakvitto, wo Fequire: " VIsuel Basic Programmera (IAnallysts> " Software Englnser *Rscsptîonlat *Customer Service Represntatlves For details on positon requirementa and application procedure, pleaso visit: MEDIAEXPRESS COaTOUER CONTACT GONiOO MedisExprsaa Canada's feading toto-service agency, is curranffy hfring teleprofessionals to Sromote services over the phono, for our ortune 500 cflents. Located downtown Hamilton, Ontario, the off ice currently hofds a dynamic feam ot 300 eraptoyees. YeuA + Looking for a challenge; + tnterested by the fieldi of communications; * Eager lo ba part uf a teare Ihat promoles continuous leaming and improvement; * Confident andi assertive; * Pussessa sstrong command oif the Engîf ah fanguage. wua offetr Yen,: 4. A permanent job along with paid professionat training; * A professionat workdig almosphere; * A career path program: most of our management staff actually started as toleprofossionals * A scholarship program; * Accees to a computer lah; * Eamings Up to $16./hr; " Full-time and part-lime houra; W! LOOK FORWAIIO TO WORKING WITH YOUI Open your deer te am opportunlts CatI Us Nowaet: (905) 527-9797 ext 143 EG2UAL OPPORTUIfY EMPLOYER ONMLA MACE MRH DES DO( SOUS h9idOF DIMES DE LVNIAIO MANAGER WANTED For 241 Pizzas / Mrs. PowetlsS in the same Burt inglon location! 3-5 years management experience necessary. Fax your resume tea:(905) 637-7745 Fleet Maintenance Persan Required for aftemoon shift.' Top wages and benefits. Apply in person: 2111 Lakoslhore Road West MISSISSAUGA. Ontario GENERAI. BINDERY OELIVERY PERSON Estabtishori Oalrvif te prinler iooking for a peison lu do packag- ing/ hanri ork in hiodery depf. Onliser- les in a cube truch. Successfui candidate must have corrent clean Drivers Lic. vvit hnowtodgeofu Toronto and aroas an assol. Cati PulI Burgess et IDEAI. GRAPHICS 1(Mt) 339-3436_ Commercial Landscupe Co. in Mississauga requiros personnel in oui main- tenance, lanriscape construction and taon cave division. Soow plowtag ouporience ouid bean assot. Fux rosomoe or app/yîin persa: 93M Winston Churchilli Bled, Mississauga L4J 4P2 Fan: (9051 822-3141 Wanted Immediately Versatile toain p layer for busy Oahsilie co. Dutie n c. recnising and procossing ut incoming shipreents. Some drisinif and hl,:y lifting may ta required Clean abstract is essenliai. FAX RESUME TO: Fei & kesel (US) 84&461 ROSEAL TRAIISP I is a successfuf costumer drives international transportation company rocognized as ie qsality leader in the markets onii serve. Currondy on have oppottunilios for: &z Daims PosmoMs The idea candidates adI ha eoast 2 yrs expononc in'cîy P & 0 and hav an excel raphic hnWtedge ut Molroputilas Tomanto & surrounding aros. *Excellent roages e Bonus Program e Years of service bonus * Comprehensive honefits program Rospond hy talephone lu: 6875 Invader Cres.. Mississauga, Ontario, L5T 2B7 1.800-43-8281 la145 145 146 Gu"Hol Getiral dup Generél Halp OGefl* Fep wanted Wanted Wanted Wanted ýiidusirial Distribulor requires WAREHOUSE/ COUNTER SERVICE PERSON Excell est grnwfh potentf l e Company benetits O 8n fthe job training pronided Pieuse forward ynuî resume f0: R.W. Hamilton Ltd. Box 1052 S urlington, Ont. LiR 4L8 SOr Fax: 905-332-9566 LOT PERSON Required Immediately Fulit/me Must be experienced in car rrelsaration and bave basic computer skiffs. Only neat, punctuaf, seff-mofivafed peopfle need appfy. Defiver resume f0: Ian John, Used Car Manager BUDDS' BMW 2400 South Service Rd.W Oakville, Ontario L6L 5MV9 Fax: (905) 825-9887 TRANSPORTATION Apply eth resumne ru co. 403/ Duodas aiea, Waflpaper, 475 Mais St.t inquires FULLIIME: Dock Supervsor E T I wifh .T.L nopeence Masterminri Educafina, spi Jr. Dispatcher for sefectios & cestomer ser We offer esc. benefits. P/T safes staff for oor nere Salary commesorafe ni aI Upper Dakvlfe Shopp with esperince. Upper Middle Road. ste an Resumes to: Bon 6199, the nnighborhood who esjoy c/o Oakvif le Beaver, usdersfand eocelnffescnston 467 Spesîs, Ouhoif le: 15 join oui team.. Please tas ON L6K 3S4 Ad 46 PRIVATE stable re- quirea part lime hafp, 20-30 haurs weekfy. Friendy people; horses. SildHl Somne experience r.- quired. Cati 877-7080 HARROW Tf deaya. EXPEDITED L QIJAUITY INN requires LOAD CARRIER fult time and part tira ix seeking the folIoi hoasolceepers andfrn deak peraons. Shf viduals for our now worh and wesksnde. .2 ORDER EN1 Night auditor. Apply in 2 TELEMA persan et fie Quatity lnterested candida Inn ai fax resumne tai (905>878-9701. to REOUIRED trame- 8201 Lauson Rd., à diateiy $3o/iour based or fax (905 on performance, ne- numeration type woilc. Unique opportunity in mmI PlstIcs Copee tho aregtatin uton- Lissai Low Densify piasI i ergy Reresetalves refait and speciaffy carry ana anagra 5quled. gaibage bags for the ratait 263-9223. Noalh Amonca han as opp TANK TRAILER manu- MACHINE 0 facturer andt repeir facoll- Nsor et Weel: 12 i co . n Miton requls tp personnel, varfous ac$1.7/rPuSh dulies, mochanacaf apti- IIflflfltIss tade a dofinite essai. -High schoof graduafe or Wa.gee hasd an ex - Excellent wrffles and oeil perrence, aply with re- -Gand computer skif s camne tai .(905) 878- -Demonstiated mechanici 6937. Mnlcuigepre TEMPORARY wtndow -Mauaurnnoelc cleansi isanteet. Fait *Applications accnptnc uie or patUme. No s- perionc noeary. To d eftart immodtatey Ploa cati (519)853-1 5456. rvlu ,h THE Great Canadien a "PMII Beg et. Moming day shifts. Fult andt prt tira eitosaa>abte i n StarI lmmediately ie or bakery. Expert- WA FIREI>LACE ence waatd ho ideat. INSTALLER/ WiII train mature indivld- SERVICE ual wtith a 'greaf atti- UinEe o tuda, who lovs bages. uinEeg o Resumes tai 500 Laurier roquires FULL-TIME Ave. Miltoan. 693-082- experienced Installer. Grog. (as firtplace exp TRUCK Ton Terminale Mus hast salid G2 lic. requires a mature par- & dlean drîsing record. son for ful a an- . ns&sh upi enta. Night shiftPles Toos&vh upid catI Ken Cross et 878- Top Wagt. 6934. Ph: (905) 03111136 or WANTED for iraraedmate Fao: (905) 639-150 position. Person far Attentiotn: Donna manaufacturing and re- Éin odnpailetta. 1 ----- ~perience prs ferredtetil train. Trans- portatian nsceessry. AB.. alets. 0878- 8676. WELDERIFABRICA- recetnue TOR nseded far Milan (mnruicf ins tr automatian Comapany. Phane (909)693-8740. p A MILTON dlistribution Du Io te Opomle, unI Cmayrequiros ira- Wh. o n a to al t persan. Muat ho comn- puter Maorais, wetI or- 11,11111 kmqt ganizsd and soit mati- vateet. Pleaso fax re- ilme o Ieenli sumo etaîîng expert- Wur"ieto roFn once and safary reqaire- kwu eltar do u monts toi (905)876- 0002. plee bdq yonra IamwjOr, W- <1<105) 458 COheck Th oî g Ihf o ---teb IChz ýnO i aid fouieq@a 0sê Évgs: ('905)W3-3760 Phn Tras<onlinemtW PrI.IIng 'daflag la,. ie conrpay fuel kmng exceïlaec iprint 110 fletts ào expennncn RESS HELPERS/JOOGGERS - PERMANENT POSITIONS thm i udllostg lu rnind auldthdf k&llvd mmayar 6d& u as&noitdsoa$trImm nunacstlnki lust Le & oU W efntdld regard Io5t W d «À le le dà p"amlefsor 1IliortaUngsdhs filtpy SI .23/N silh ounnk acher 6 umnaddis oppcini usity f«r <seL puy "m oileflof dwooanun-Ui4oicifroinm- unes le pussen, Moud.1 - Fntd., &30 - S:Ollun w- .tlge. 11 l 38 [ni »n, Imnle.fsOntUts LéT ICI. -765&. Î' iap RPNO8 (wîlth Meds) Vîstamore Retîremont residence requires RPN's (viith Meds) for part-lime andi cassai relief. Must have ns- penesnce in orhing with seniors & teablhe lu wuik indepesdesty. Pinase Appfy aI 380 Sherln Or. Oakville The Canadien Champion, Friday, Sopternbor 10, 1999-29 LTL Dispatcher sn Mioninsauga. Exporience. REOUIRED W/treighf bookirrg and U S. bouid carriers LTI Si. Clair Paint anid Cali:416-562-iO28our tax:9O5-282-O497. East, ikon. OWNER Operatar requiied in Mississaga w/5 ton atraight tracka for U.S. hauts, DZ. Catf:416-562- itiRs.r 1828 or fax:905-282-0497. eciafty toy stores famous rvice, foohing for F/T and store f0 open Mid Octob- ing Centre, 81h lise and -looking for people from chifdren, quafity foys asd ter service andi wonfd f ihe resume f0: 321M -M90 ext. 23 cn t ag for in ociy aind nutrinal:ie IPEERS f wehd Preium faiomiton, ON L il5s ean, as afat urro c (agsfr thBroe Rd) aoued maret a wlla lit&reciind Ca. Ltd. eurgaentiyrqie oewen amesp andy miln ahinles Peas re Rd)l DaMs (905133-28 ~Oer pesele meheti heppus PROGRESSIVE Milaon Dentaf Office seer tufl fUtme certifled Dent af Assistant with experience. Caf f 905- 878-9882. 160 RECEPTIONIST-Major manufacturing company in Milton ix footdng loi an experienced recepton- isf. Dates wttl f f udeanswerng and distrlbuting cafta on a Meridian Mal phono system, ordering officea suppfies, incomning and outgoing mal, tax- es, and data entry as required. Computer sIfils in Microsoft office wot be required. The seiccesatlu candidate wtt f have strong interpersona skiffs ta work with a diveraftle group of co-warkers and managera. Interested candidates wtt apply toi Box 2328, C/O Milon Champion, 191 Main St. BUSY Mtasissauga office se seetdng an enthu- siasfic individual foi tfi an Administrative Assta- tant position. The ideail candidate wttt possse strong verbal and witlen communication aldîf s and vitât be profidaent in MS Word and Excel. Customer Service and A/P expenience ta an a- set. Send resumne and salary expectations to: Fax (905)542-2318 or Emaif lclarte@remax- ADMIN. ASSISTANTIBOOKKEEPER Expan- ding professiona consutting office requires experlenced boolekeeper/administratve as sis- tant to, peoin genera boolckeeping tasic. Muet have excellent communifation sIlîs and ho con- ruter fîterate in MS Excel, Word, Acceas. ocaton Steeles Ave., Hatton Hitta ares. Fax masume f0 (905) 878-9092. BUSY WEST END office se seemng an enthusi- aatic individual toi fll an Administration Assistant position. The idesf candidate wtft poasesa atm1 verbal and witen communication staffs and wl ho profiantd in MS Word and Excel. Cuatomer Service and P/P expenience ta an asseit. Send resumne and satary expectations toi: Fax (905) 542-2318 or Emnait A growinfg -company in te commncations cabting fiefld, focated in Mississauga, roquires ReceptionistlAdministrativo Personnel Please forward resumne to Mary ait CCS, Fax: (905) 625-0395 Administrative Asst. PERMANENT PART-TfME POSITI ON in cus- tomer service orlontod business f ocafed in Oakvilf o. Must have a strong knowledgeofri computers, excellfont organizationa skilts and ho customer service orientod. $10/hr. Pt ease sutimif a handwirltten cover letter with a resume to: Box 6198, CIOoOakvII Beavor 467 Spuera Rd., Oakvills, ON L6K 3S4 icranscontinentai MNTING