14-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Auguet 31, 1999 0W/A JfF '~ Miltan's awn Mark Burger gnaduated tramr Biehap Reding High Schaal in June at 1996, and by Auguet 1 oaiirt ?eer, he became an up and caming entrepreneur when he apened OAfl Saris at Sparts". By December at 1997, he aiea tad e rentai grlop. by Gien Eden tyhere MeUrk rented snow- baards ta a graw- ing numben oft snawboard entNu- diaste. Ta Markes dellght snaw baarding, Skatebaarding and mn-lne skating can- tinued ta graw in papuiarity and by Oct. 1 af 1998, Mark's campany, naw knaw as "Baardtopie" had daubiedin size and inventary. White apening and expanding qi business wauid be enaugh tor enyane ta handie, thet wasn't the case with Mark. Juty 1, 1997, Mark was instrumental in puttingaon the frest campetitian ar skate event ot any kind in Miltah. The skate campetitian reised $1,OVO for Uitan's Skate Park. The évent Was such a succese that lBy the epring and summer the help at triende inciuding Scott Mitchell and '(ravis Rabinsan bulit an autdaar skate park tar the kis et Liane Park. " In 1999, Mark can- tinued ta renavate his stare maklng it brighter and allaw- ing tar mare disptay areas. In May at 1999, Mark speer- heacled a tashon shaw fundraise'r far MDH and reised $300. Later in May, he heki a FREE cancot in front at hie shap shawcasing 6 bande. Ail af this is a true testament ta his_ invaivement in the cammunity, hic ability ta relate ta people af ail ages and hie. sense af giving back ta hie custamers and hie cammunity. Nat one ta eit back and re many accampiishmentc,I plane tar the tuture. This feul, there will be a s< gaing in an the runs et Glen Eolen. There tiAlI be 3 snawbaard campe- titians in Merch et Gien Eden and agein this year a trip ta Quebec. Mark will aiea be attending si and snQwbaard shaws in TarOnta, s0 watch tar new equipmeflt, clathing lines end state of the art baards mhie tali and winter. Watch far details an upcaming "Tuning Clinics" sterling thie tait, where yau wiii leamn cars tar yaur board. tleot an hie You are always wefcomed to Bordtopia Mlark hec big with a fniendiy smii. and hello. Courteaus service and great p . riff are only a few af ~un sytemthe reeans why Boèardtapme attrcts cus- )und ystemtamersljom as far away a Kitcherlkr, Georgetown, Burlingfbr, Toronto and even visitars tram abraad. Mark's success le one ot the rea- sans why he hec been able ta acquire "Burton Snawbaards" which le a huge line af equipmerlt ueually anly aveit- able in much larg- er ehape. The intraductian haw ta praperly ofatgreat Une at girls ciathing hec brad- ened Marks custamer base even mare. Deepite twa break-mns st Navember where Mark iaet thausands at dallars in stock, he cantinues ta graw and shine. (With the heip af a great eiarm syctemi) ready ta sit back yet - ah nal -, everyday bringe e new discavery at Boardtopia. Came in and cee for yourseil MY SISTER'S CLOSET SFaUl Wear is Arrving Daîtly We have a great demand. for designer fashions and good condition clothing l>leas cdt us to arngeas appointi j SISTER'S CLOSET5 Your ic st C, coie for Sewn5d Dfebuf Aui s S42 I&« t L ,U UM ttl, M " t b is: Tu Il p10-5h l4 . 743 Fs4O6pSt-l4 994 Wednesdays Any movie or gamel 1 OT' ANNMVRSAR , e&.Uzta2 for I 476,ts S 11.11 AM*S. as s StoWere Mautr e 12:at 9:00r WM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ta 9:00 n Vd oVeo Saturdays Frait Special Buy One 10 Hour Package (or only $6900 Get Second 10 Hour Packaige (or only 30 MORE FALL1 SPECIAIS _3 FREE Hoburs when renâewing *5 FREE Hours (or introduciflg a friend *IOFR.EE Hours given away each month certain RestrictionS apPlY Starts Septensber Ist - limtted tim aller. Ait prices sutijeet ta GST, Th s iiieUa 4 oe StS. li11 CIA'VE's Bc'DY cAkE HEALING TT is a non-invasive, halsistic approacs t0 tealing based an an energ reactian between people. Developed in te EArly 1970's by Dalore Krieger ta reacis and touch tise ndividual at ail leveis af expenence (emnotianal, physical, mnental and spiritual). A grawing body ai research attests ta its effectiveneaS in reducing pain and psychlsaigical tension, aa it stimulates tise clients own recuperative pawers. *Select line of rare gem & flower essences available *Advanced ear conting * Pedicure *Reflexology - Therapeutic Touch Laurie Vaughan-ShermanUf R.A.C., CAR 875-1342 OR 330-6825 [.UMG MI AMMIM 0 CANAD m MiLTON m PNARMCY VIVA ll 2 raill SottO$lu Ultra 12 raoll 497 LAURIER AVE. _178-2000 with any prhse over a ý.à - Store Hours 12:00 to 9:00 10:00 to 9:00 a 001 0* 01 Il