Th. Canadan Champion, Tueady, Au&guat 17.1i999--15 Il you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 aw 117a%- enl R7"«44 eCarpet e Vinyl e Ceramics , Hardwood Swrom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Geraldlne Healeetl 845 main st. M. MliII.. lâ& 878-4280 Gr eat for Basements & Cornes in 3 or 5 Ply. A large number of clients corne into our store with a negative attitude towards wood, but always leave on a positive note! Prefinished is the best. Less mess, quicker installation, truer colours & factory applied Eurethenes from Satin & Serni to High Gloss. Depending on the application Rustic satin to High gloss Art Deco: Bevel Edge or Square Edge try 2 l/4"wide for the longer look, 2 1/4 & 3 1/4 for the alternate traditional effect 5" for the large areas. Why not put a dark border around the Dining room table, & on & on itgoes! Oh by the way we now have an Awesome selection of area rugs to go with that wood floor. Some have matching runners too! See you soon at Comfi! IHawkins Animal Hospital Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM Doetor of Veterlnary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, Milton ai (Pizza Hut Plaza) Dotale Hmkdas Phone (905) 875-6888, DVM Fax (905) 875-6853 O:Pleas explamn the relevance of Spaying and Neutering A. Tht humane reasn for the above mentione procedures is to reduce tie number of homless pets who are euthanised each year. Hundresis and thousands of kittens andi puppies, aduit dogs and cats are euthanised in North America alone. becase they have no home. Humnane Societies andi adoption agencies are over mun with homelens, helpleaa peta that wili probahly neyer be housesi. For every litter of papa andi kit- tens that are born at homne andi thoae successfully adoptesi means there are the same numbers mn shelters who wilI neyer finsi homes. "Heartbreacing" barely descrihes the emnotion here. Medically speaking, spaying a dog or cal before puberty (5 to 7 months) han heen proven to reduce the incidence of mammary (breast) cancer to ils minimum ansi aso reducea Iife-threatening infections of dhe useras callesi pyongelra. It also elimninates mesay lst petnoda ansi reduces their urge to wander. Neutering of maies hefore paberty (7 to 9 montha) will etira- inate undesirahie habita such as urine marking in die house ansi wandeeing. Pets that wander in seatch of femnales in heat are mach more prone to being killesi on our ever-busier roads. Again. mesiically speaking, a sounsi reason to neuter a maie dog is that to do so eliminates the chances of prostate dis- ease, such as cancer, infections ansi enlargemenla. Please fe free to contact us for further information. Wishing you ansi your pets a healthy ansi happy summer. marlon Healy R.N.C. BFIFVIR L ve4ua~ W-aoa &W1,104e.iu MARION HEALY Registereti Nutritional Consultant Manager 50OtroSi. S., Uit t8 (90)8752889 Can*au rs8 hppewtde&o us* oing Ifyttur figin ha you fiusatstged, woul ouM n tofinitup wsi toein dm wWkniding pound&sanl indies injust ansgaerofweeoewMOitit Bevedy W&li Weigt Masaffnsd NsistentrClowed by yuasafexpaine li nutrsitions asti ~ssOlog. Messns Msle Tni ha boenarcurd for Y=&e IRis aneti nuiny forepaiéeain duonic -i. tisse. Thtis prStow wu fiasal to bcreland cSmfiortable and paients ' ' i loIngd"Ig, finnmup and feet Mita4They aiso expenieaScd we* lmoand a roducica of oelluik; theaibre dtis sfmn ha loren adptedesstt acy by haipfsussien dsewme lms industry. Miso ha faud dtclients can reduce by 12-30Oindhs inonty 5wmecks, You would haweto perfonm 1,000 repeiis ofcete yasselto earh of 20différet isuascle groupseto adive dseeffecMts af one of our 40 imutuen». Electo mscle stimuation, pesauel indt nuttiional plamging adt asulpeevinet die are die basis for ou nuadetnigeegamalBeveay HflWqeMasagentCettle. As wv* Srduce, oeercied muscles alle sbaWhased by dspe- cSband "nM«iipngadu fipou ad wbemTe lmdou aesuks ofour frve wSek nuasudetanmg progran smd togoodtIo be Orcefive-woelsegisof lOdincaluteinsetusiudesùidvidsl uai- tiosi ctumig n abanst body{fî alsayns, nstnitios audio la=e to bsten to wtleexesmgrin comfbrt Fornmore isiannigion on He.MuMsadeTngToetnortcal9O5W85-2M8. Mao*mHeaisa registered Natoaal Conndtw anth owr 11 >seas oenerince mn swigh los.and nftsi" She isCW cDîector emfsry H11e WeighnMoesgenandNumftem Centre For more infnnnaioe ,vsnenci Mmomrsea75-288 EduÇSrvice Inc. Impovlmg eefrtt a thrffghtrlr giaMi et k h l Ps 10 A. lise fact is, tisat esssy of as wilt expesience severat carcer chsanges in Ose tife- tigne. Unlike our stucis yoanger rivais, se isave tise sdvantage of bieiging many akilîs and expericncet to tie labar markset. Otur chalttenge tises, is ta isos wisici sillts nre in dend and base ta markset tisea effectively ta future employers. Many people at titis stage in life nre cansidering setf-emptayment as un option, citiser futt ce pars-time. Sonsetimes, circnmstances pecrit an appoetnnity ta purine an entrepresgeartat tenture or tos an ides inoan inconse. tn fact last yea sn Ontauio, ovcr 100,000 aimuît tesinesses were iciTeed. tf iseconsing your aseo basa istereuts you, get sdaîcc. Stant witts a visit ta Haltn Region Business Hcip Centre, at Branle Rd and thse QEW. Taise note, tisaI tisere is an exciting acta pragram., seiicis (a ffcrcd in Georgetosen and Miltas evety mantis caiied Eatserience Workt. It (s targeteti ta tise aider worker who is facing tise cisalienge of re-enterïng îhe isisor fnrce, maising a camcer cisange, seeising orif-estpioansnt infarmatian or iooking for sotid adoice an ebat's ast tisereand base la get it. And tise isest af ait, il is fnded isy HRDC ta tiserais n charge. Es7erience Watts is a 6-day progtsmn tisas affers net anly inforsmatian an jobs tial, nre svsilasie, bas iscindes tensions ta create a persoa si s isaealaey, intcrett andi aptitade profile, powerfnt resurgies, tuccessfni intervess iinsnciat Masnning, seif-empiaynieni explorstian andi mucis more. For mare inforatsian sabout Experience Work.t ar ta isook yaur spot, cail Deisorsi Dennitan luas writtea severai snccessfai isooks asnd os andt opel- ates s traing andi deveiapment company tisst specialises in: - Creating mtenas anti facilitating seorksisops ta iselp potestiat entrepre- neurs get stasteti anti be successfuli n siseir oses esseepeise. - Assistinfi intiividnais wils cancer planning and attainstent of meanigfsi seeri. 0] B.A., B.S.W., M.S.W., C.S.W., DtP. SOC. ADM. Counselling & Psychotharapy Individuels, Couplas, Chilsiran & Familles a 11084, Sth Lino, Milton, Ontauio Elayne M. Tanner (905) 854-0801 Q: M adedy spoilsr liea alone and le now flndig Ut one mUse uho eus help har. 1 feel very gullty thlnldng of nurulng homes. Cona you help me In ainy w«y? A:Tiser are a number of factors tu cossider and questions ta agit. MWs ansseers to sisese witt determise your elsoices and optioss. Tishere may bc in-homne services avaitabte. provided by thse governimest, thtsa may make it possible for youe motiser to resssais in ber hsone. Tisre are atso fscitities offering differing tevets of care tisas May be suitaiste. Tisee cas range frong individuat apartmiests wisis somte daity assistance tn totat sursing and personat care. Songe of thsee services nsay ise provided as minimal cons ansd some are onty avait- sabte to shose seio are abte ta psy a daïty rase of approximatety $t50.t00lday and np. My isvotvemnset eitis discisarge ptanning as a locat isospitat, keeps ose inforsned regardisg tisese matters. Hetptng yon ksose seias is avaitabte ansd tis imptications of eacs decisios. eay be a seay sisat t coutd ise of assiutance to you. In sonne cases, people bave asked mie go attend doctor appointmrests seiti tsere. regarding tiseir etderty spoase ce parent. Tisey often fe tisat sisey do sot fstty usderstand seiat tise docter is setting tisern and as a resutt, do sot ask enosg of tise rigist questions. Tisey fret tias tisey ges isetter ressits and mrake bester decisions whies ttsey bave an objective tisird party presest. Tishe otiser coscera ttat 1 may se abte ta, ietp you seits is tise gsit sisal you are oisviosty feeting. It is easy tu snderstand seiy yoa may bave feetings of gsitt whiite matdng tisese decisions but, in most cases. tisere is no0 true justification. Tatking to an unbiased. objective tisird party can ofses isetp yos kos wisat is st for you and for yosr toved ose. t is nos eosy tryisg ta mnees tise tseeds of your own famity and yoar etderty parents. It witt emotionatiy and pbysicatty taise a tott on you. Yos are teing pstted sn sso directions and yosr oses requirensents are seing ignord, Doing whiatever yos cas t0 asake tisis time easier for you s imperative, so sisat yos con stay seeti and issos tisas you made the best decision possibte. Elas-ne Tasser as a Cersijted Social Worker in prsoate practice innorth Miltas. If voa have fartlser questions or if vos wouId like ta arrange an appoinnta please cati (905) 854-0801. Qà"iiatitaLaated