4 - Thse Canadien Champion, Tuaaday, August 10, 1999 ONTAIQl'S C LEAN. Accredited Test & Qepair Facllity* V/ New staff will be hired to grapple with the boo By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Te own has kicked off an anticipated develop- ment blitz in Milton hy moving to swell ina staff. Help wanted ada for seven new middle management type positions have appeared recently in newspapers such as The Toronto Star and Tise Hamilton Spectator. Thse hiring spred is expected to help the Town cope with a development hoom that is apt to inflate Multon's population to near- ly triple its current size. That, combined witis a recent internai organizational review, han led to th biggest one-time growth spurt in at lest the st 15 years, said acting Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Jim JIm Mc McQueen. CAO Mario Belvedere is currently on vacation. But the tax bite from the staff surge wîll likely ha minimal, said Mr. McQueen. That's becasase flot ai of tise new positions will ha financed by ratepayers. 0f tise seven openings, t-yo are filiing cunrent vacan- cies. Due ta the warmn weather Rotary Park Pool will be extending its public sWm hours thraughout the manth of August. In addition ta the regularly scheduled swims at 1:30 - 4:30 each day, the pool will also remain open an Tuesday andi Thursday evenings tram 6:30 - 8:00 pm, weather permitting. For further infarmatian please contact: The MUton Leisure Centr at 8796 or Rotary Park Pool at 878-292 -Milton's Choice since 1860- PP 7 P EGGY 5 DISTINCTIVE LADIES FASHIONS Awesome August Sale G[301200 EMME9193- Unbeklievable Most Summer Stock 171!?î3mrID27-98 INCREDIBLE Designer p 0/0 Fashions to 70OFF FALL STOCK ARRIVING PAILY Milton Mail Burlington Mail 878-1414 634-3882 ý Oakville, Kitchener. Guelph and Aurora I A third position will flot bloat tise Town's overali l00-strong staff complement due to corporate reorga- nization. And tisree development reiated positions will iargely be paid for out of development fees, said Mr. McQueen. Also, a marketing position aimed at aggressively selling town facilities and pro- grams should pay for itseif through an increase in user fees, he aaid. But there could be a lag between the positions heing fsle and the money froro user fees and development charges rolling in, noted Mr. McQueen. "You can't time everything exactly from when development agreements are coming Oeueen in and people are in place," lie said. Tise new positions highlight a swing from the tiseoretical growts planning of thse paat to active development in thse future. A capital development analyst will ha hired to over- see ail developmnent related tinancial work. A development engineer will work with growth issues such as storm management and transportation. esee JOBS on page 10 between the bylaws efrom MIXED on page 3 complaints, ha said. 0f tise remaining five compleanants, one isas since moved away. "Tise complaints are coming from fur- tiser clown tise street, in somne cases wisere tisey can't see my property," said Dr. McPil. Near tise saine time, furtiser investigation by tise Town isad sorted out tise confusion over tise dueling bylaws. Tise researcs revealed that wisen tise two bylaws are in conflict, tise sign bylaw takes precedience. In otiser words, tise one square metre mil- ing isad iseen rigist aIl along. But a sign variance was stili necessary if Dr. McPhail wanted to erect isis two-sided placard. So staff tried to make tise hast of lesa tisan ideal circumatances, said Mr. DeVries. "We tried to find out if there was some kind of compromise witis tise sign," ise said. Tisat meant sittîng, down witis Dr. McPisail and isis neigisbours, trying to isammer out an agreement witis wisici everyone could live. In tise end, tise neigihbors heid fast. Tisey didn't want anytising larger tisan tise bylaw permitted. said Mr. DeVries. 1I tisink staff went out of tiseir way to take maybe a bad situation and make it hatter," ise raid. "We try to facilitate bots sides if we can." But Dr. McPisail said it stili rankies that tise Town han not acknowledged ita error. "Tise Town lias neyer sent a letter saying they screwed up," he raid. They aso didn't mention that ise had tise option of appealing council's decîsion at tise 0MB, raid Dr. McPhaii. He gleaned tisai information from his lawyer. But Dr. McPliail was flot treated poorly hy thse Town, said Mr. DeVries. 1 tisink we tried to do our best for everyone," ha raid. 4Iut~ HAUHELLIL bALVIL My narne is Rachelle Saevil and I arn in my fourth year of delivering The Canadian Champion. Even though it is a tosgh job sornetirnes, it aIl cornes in bandy to be reliable, independent and responsible. I know the job bas to be done and I get a lot of help from my farnily and rny friend llally. I like aIl the complimenta that people give me and tIse smiles on their faces. Tlsey are ail so polite! 1 give my parents balf of what I earn to pst away in mutual fsnds for me, ansd I spessd tie rest of it on different things. You have to pot a lot of effort into it, but it is wortls it!!! Th. Carrer of *a Menlh re«eives a gift cortft te Pizza Hut fer ail thuir bard wedc. CARRIER OF MONTH j