Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Aug 1999, p. 22

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22-The Canadien Chausupban. Tussday, AugtaSt 10.1999 requires COUNTER NELP AUl Shiff. Paid tralnlng. Unifornme suppllod Apply In persen te: 8501 Hwy. 25 North, Milton 575 Ontlrb St., Milton 80 Moritit Dr., Milten FULL TIME POSITION AVAILABLE vid are lookinglfor a customer sevIce orlsnted par- non nu tMrn aur ales force. This position sf5l be tufl dmo and i luwve Satudays. Preferred applicants sould hav knowtsdgs oI food Ingrsets andi animal nutrition. if pou are Intersted pIsas luesard your renomse by Augunt 23,19991 lo h attention ai: UNÙA MOIJNTAIN COUNTRY DEPOT 28 Biot. et. N. Mottn, Oterio LOT 2NS Fax: 905-878-9784 EMPLGYMENT OPPGRTUNiTy HOWsoutdyou liketa luore for Satum? We are correntlp luuteling for somne enthusiastic peuple lu add lu our teara. Positions avaifabie: Fuil-tîme Service Advlsar Tu maintai n and gros costumner relations, tenosfedge oI R&R systems and automotive departmient an asset. Training provided. Part-Urne Lot Attendant Deliveries, washing vehicles, stîup maintenance. Frore 3pm-flpm, Mon-Iliur. Fulthue Parts Counster Persan Deaf fnq silli lechs ad castomers, stocling parts, deliveries, etc. Parts esperience an assit. Pieuse responri with resumne 10 Box 1680, ca Ths Burfinglon Posf, 2321 Fairview St., Burfington, L7R 2E3 Tractor Trailer Tanker Drivers (Experience preferreut, however training wilI be provided if necessaay) Days/AftemoonslNitthtslWeekefldt Variable work shifts/work days Good working conditionslbenefltsl starting rate. AZ licence and current abstract requireci. ALSO REQUIRED Experierieci Tractor Trailer Drivers For van detivery of mitk product from Don Mitîs. Variable work week as above and earîy starts. New Tractors. Apply in person te: 8 arn - 4 pm Canada Cartage Systena Ltd. 1561 The Queensway, Etobicoke CLU3LINC CO RPO RATIO0N CWDINK CoDOiAtIloN, owners and cperatcrs ai some ofithe finest gclidubs and related recreaticnal amen/des Mn Canada, is enjoydng ancchcr 'great season cf golf We-/I require bath hall and part- âime uadivuduals begi*nningn dute lai) until thne end cidthe seasn or Chrstmas s.- *BEVERAGE CAR STAFF 0 SERVER e FAcurri STAFF - COOKS SPUAY COORDINATORS/STAIMR sTUmF STF - GOLF SrivCES STAF 0 KITCHttN HELP e SUPERVISOES *BARTENDERS - LIFEGUUIDS - MECIIAIC Thes seasonat positions wfit appeat ta energetic and mature teamn players who communicate easily and ideally have prior experience in a golf club netufng. Plusse fax your returne. ta: Manager cf lnunan Rescarces, CLUEUNK CORPORATION, 15675 Doaffern Street, King Cty, Ontarla L7B 1K5 Fax (905) 841-1134 or e-matli: kdttgeecIlubItttIcS Nu ta/aphon ci a/kps Whi/a ws uhank ait applican is, ont dmon *0sea inisivawing wii ace a oespons i. ATTENDANT WANTED For a 34 year of r quadrîpltgîc man. Personal care I heaf lifting, meal prep. tome travel. Shufriv iwn the Buri area. Client fines ai tJpper Middle/Applebyp Must bu fluent un Erig Eadly aomîng & laIe atemoun shifis. No exp. necessary. Hoonlp rate segotiateri Cali betwsen 9amn-5pm, 319-7652 or e-mail: dant@gtobalner'is.fet WEBSITE: http:I/ e are exipan îng an o esore aur con inu- succets, vie are looteiog for: MECHANICS REEFER MECHANICS SERVICE WRITERS PART TIME SHUNT DRIVERS PARTS PERSONNEL WASH BAY PERSONNEL Must have stroog computer background Heavy tracte experience an asset but mIti train Fax Resume foi: (519) 634-5052 CatI: 1-800-387-2645 Attention: Mai-y Auso (Human Resaurces) 30 Customer Service& Data Entry Representati VOS OakvIIIo - $1O/hr a 3-4 ma. Cantraci %in - Uaff is pteased lu announce that for tise 3rd pear, se sf1 I bu hiring for tht Communit Foundati on ut Qaleville andi tht Outevifle GREAT DREAM HOME LOTTEIIV We are lookiog for 251Io 30 Customer Service Repre- tentatives for (approx.) 3 lu 4 munths beginning Aug.301h. Vour basy day sf11 coosint Of procest- f sg incoming fotlery ticket orders by mail, lax aid tatephone. ausist with ticket processisg and computer data entry. You muni bu filexible lu sore varying flurs eacis see. Theae are 2 shifts, Bam-2pm, 2pm-Bpm, inci. somne seeeend woX. Yu munI have a goori tale- phone manner, excellent communication skif s and the abilily lu perfora data entrp accuratelp and qoicklf . This is a eondedoti oppoituni4' ta gel inîvotved in your communify for a gveat cause Plase fax y aur rosume ta: (905)281-2333 and quaile fils N03-Lattery APPOINTMENT COORDINATOR lu aisser service phone catis, mafia service appointments and document information on tht computer. Contact customtrs wfth scheduled appeintmentt and peufoso daily folios-up. Persons applying should bu honsegable sitis computers, bu a triendly conversatiorelint si 1h auto- motive experience and able lu sore Mon-Fni, 8-5pm PIease lai pour resome si 1h safarp requf amants: mmr (905)444-4472 U MI.buY Ata: John Trebble MARKETING ASSISTANT A Finaicial Services company requires a d-Irtbm Amslatal pruvide administrative support lu tht President. Successflf candidate wf11 possess superior organizalional, administrative, communica- tion skiff s, au self as slrong computer skiff s fn Word, Excel, PoserPoint, fInIernet & Emnail. Refatedseork eup. in tht financiaf services industry soufri bu heiptol. Pieuse mail resumes lu: luncu Stewart 4291 Village Centre Cri, Mississooga, On, L4Z 15S2 AUTOMOTIVE SALES PERSON requireri by Oalevilit's forgent refait Chrysler dealer. Cumpelftive remuneration prugra, cumpanry car and bunef il prugrain osailabi e lu tht rigisi candidate. Experience an asset but not a requirement. Please fax esume to: VERA PAYNE 175 ycraft Road, OakvIIe lai: (905)845-9109, Pis: (905)845-6653 Irnmediate BAf SERVERS mm PREP&S MEa UNE COUKS We're iookîng for brigit, mature and energetic people f0 loin our innring team! Ful part-tînetihrs availabie for ail positions. Piease drop off resumes in person f0. 95f0 Waikers Line (beside the Traveiodge). 63 9-4 064 A ieadinç. distributor ut industriai equipment tucated in Qakvitie, is currenly seekin tise services ut an energetic, out oinq individuai for tis position. Thse Shipper/eceiver is respunsibie for thie daiiy activities ut thîe cumpany's warefîuuse inciuding sfiip- ping, receiving and coordination ut costumer repaîrs. A min. ut 2 years experience in a simifar mile is required. Offir criticai attributes sf11 bu computer iiteracy initiative, the abiiity to, deai with-customers nr aftacffa manner and be a team piayer. This position pruvides an excellent springbuard lu growth uppur- ftnmtdes for the right candidate. Replies are invited ta: Director of Administration 2751 Coventry Road OakviIIe, Ontario L6H 5V9 Fax: (905) 829-1842 EXPERIENCED Hars main: of jumpers and huniers for "A" show bam. Munt be abte ta travetl and hours must be flexible. Accommodation coutd sarranged. Non-smoking envtronmetît. Cati 905- 827-2234 or fax renomse ta: 905-82733. FULLTIME tas tructk driver, DZ ticese an ast and be mechanicatly tnctined. Wes sut train. Wag- es negatiable. Must have a cisan drivers record sith a drivers abstract. Must have referensces. Phone Atîn, 905-54-0169. LOCAL ctassc cor dsaleirahip) requires, retiable and hardworeing individuat for car detafing ansd ather shap duties. 905-8754700. PIANO mover requires strong, neat, resiponstble ori divîduat tram Tuesday - Saturday, tutt or parttims. $1 0.0lhaor. Cait Jim 905-878-6597. PI=A huit naw hiring twa part tins caak position and part tira server (aseuence an essat) flexibe houra. Weekend avatbNIty a must. Apply ius par- son ta: 550 Ontario Street and sl for Chris or JeIt. --poecti iss Due lu increasa in business Towne Cluen Oids seeks AUTOMOTIVE SALES & LEASING REPS. We offer an eucellent commission plun, medîcai! den- tal plan, company car or aluswance. Experieuce in the automutine industry an assaI but wtîat se sant is au- perienced peuple in the sales fiefld. LOT PERSON Full-lime. Seit-motivaled, enengetic individuai lu maintain large inventony as sel as other day-to-day dulies. Must have vaiid drivers ioens. If you are iuokîng for a nes challenge please forward yur resum to: ,IrW' 5 7 IhmaW Rd., TOWNE Business Manager Experienced Salesperson FIJLLTIME POSITIONS Qualified applicants submit resume to: Nadia Selemba VOLVO 0F OAKVILLE 770 Pacifi c Rd., Oakvilte L6L 6M1V5 Fax: (905) 825-8802 truck4fraiier mectsanic for CLASS ,NI dumps and fiats. Medi- 1i UIAN um tiset, ficensa nol re- reiquirtd forne ut uo quired. MIG weiding an repaîr shup in Milton ussel. Wages negoti- igT feu".h able. For more informa- Fou resume lu lion contact Bruce. (519) 905-875-2910 853-5773. 1-800-862- Aton Bob Mondoux 1470 between 10:30 A.M. Torunto Auto Auctions and 1:00 RM. BIofil adustlal Sulples, o itadino manufacturer uf Bandsaw Bf udes, CuloIf Saws, Production Saws, and a tli lise Distibuior ai induslial MRO Supplies and cltiug louis lu cusiomeis ocrons North America. We are expandisg, and are cur- reotly steking proactive individua s lu assume tht foi iuwing challenges: urlianglonHamrWilton, Stoney Creei, Oalville Basedi nour newfacifit in Burlinglon, yon sili increase sales iliroug prospecting new accouots and develping existing accoont base. f deail - , ou have 31Io5 years sefting experience, seft-motivation, superior custouli- ers r ations, excellent or anizational. sriten andi verbal communication, and comn- puter skili s are essentiaf lor success in Ibis position. Weotter an attractive compensation package inctudin car allosance, benethls package, aid expense account. Please repi y by forwarding pour delaifed renomse outfirnng your euperienct by fax lu: No tetephone inquiries. Dol y those candidates stfected tar as interview siti fie contacted. Me thane aIl applicants for their interesî. __I1 A* large multi-dimensianal organizatiaul i n the Food lndustuy fa seeking a Maintenance Supervisor. You will be respansible for supervising the maintenance of plant equipment and facility in a tant paced enviranment. Applicants must hold a valid Ontarlo certificats of qualification as a Mil fwright and have a minimum af three years aupervisiory experience. Good communication skiffs and a working knowIedqe of coimputer programa ta essential. A sound under- standng of health and safety regulations and a knowledge of WHMIS and OCFIA regulations in required. Rotating shifts incfuding susekenda. Reply ta,: Humnan Resource Co-ordinator MAPLE LODGE FARMS R.R. #2 Norval, ON LOP 1iKO PUL plis Csepuilm, a manutacturer ut Lineur 10w Densily pilastic bags for the grocery, refait and speciall Carr nul market s au self as garbage baçu for tht refait andi industriaf markets in Norh America hai an opportunity for Nosm et Wsdc 12 hir continental shift, Mon-Sun bit: $ 11.37/hr Pilus S1hf & Weekend Paeminas -High schuof graduat or iuivalent -Excellent written aid vertbl communication skîlls -Goori computer skif s -Demonslrated mechanical aptitude & abifity -Manufadturing esperience an asset sApplications accepted belseen 9am-3pm onl. 2300 Speers Rd, Oakvillie n*aorev(Near Brunt Rd) Provisu oauiliae MWi »t 1111111111. uM PSEcAIL PLA EXPERIENCEO trucittrailer mschanic for domps and ntt. Medlom tfest, liesusse not required. MIG wIad- iog an assel. Wagss negotable. For more in- formation contact Brocs. (519) 853-5773. 1-800-862-1470 bet- -ee 10:30 A.M. andi 1:00 RM. OFFICE assistant fer buny Noms Show and Trainiung tacdity ta start Immediatsly. Heurs must belxble. KomAs- erige aI haines a munI. Non-sýmoking enviren- ment. Calî 827-2234 tar an appalnhosuit or fax renomse ta: 827-633. TORONTO Auta Aoc- tiane han an opsnusg for 4 eveni 09s par wieli, I aur Secority DopaIt- ment, for genrusl Office Otiles andi Data Entry. PIsas catil 875-2915 andi ase for Ken Juri- CGC INTERIORS is neeletng the in.NoTeaucls fallowving ta, sor t aita Qaleville plant: INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Tise ital candidate wi11 have experience sîth PIC s,- hydraolics, pnexmatics, machining andi seling. CERnFEOD Detal As- Troubleshoutfngl prevextative maintenance steili aid siatant requirei Par- basic electricaf tenosterige souri bu ai austl manant fart time lead- This is a faf i-lime position ili overtîme anri rotatîo igmata lot tUnes Milaon cou-min psiaen anri inciodes CGC's attractive benetits oftice. Fax renmsi 90&- prograin.878-086 or caîl 905- program.878-6482 for infonne- CNC OPERATOR dn Tht ideal candidate sf11 have a minimum Grade 12 education, tome expenience in an industrial environ- ment anri famifiarity with computers. This is a faîf-time position, rotatîng thrugh 3 shsifts CARING home environ- anri includes CGC's attractive bunatits prograa. ment hrans room for pie- Application toms are availabit ai our Plant (Fuutisnchcoles. Receruts. Lise forth ut Speers), or sofimit resumes ta: 876-4415 M. tiel, H.R. Aast. DAYCARE available, SCGC Inieriars mother aI twa, lunch, 735 Fourth Lina Road snacks, and iota of play. laDateville, ON L6L 587 Cai Terri, 63-8627. Fax: (905) 337-5022 FLTM acr ma thank ail applicants for ttîtir intebext baut onîy FLTM acr those tu be inttrviesed wiff bu contacted. avaflable. Cisso sale envirousment. Nulritioun LICENSED MECHANIC snacks and lunches. Ambitiaus self starter needed for Oofiusg,0at ndcrft very busy Georgetown shop. Fat rate-$20 pur hour to stars. FulIy RAINBOW VILLAGE Iicensed mechanica onîy. DAYCARE accspling September enroilmenl. Apply for interview to: Futîtime childcare for Hasseli Automotive chidren 18 nanths - 5 905-877-7958 years. 878-7552. L_ _ý

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