Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jul 1999, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champon, Tuesday, July 27,1l999 SCOMMENT What cops can, can' t do Ten concerned citizens turned out for a recent meeting on police staffing 1ev- els in the wake of a consultant's report that recommends hiring approximately 35 more officers. By and large, the ratepayers were concerned about police personnel levels in Milton. They were generally uneasy about what they feit was a thin police pres- ence. Such complaints have a certain validity under particular circumstances -- if one waits a long time for police to respond to a serious calI, for instance, or if problems fester through inaction. But no such complaints have been made with regard to Halton police perfor- mance. What people seem to be saying is that they, aI times, feel generally uneasy. That is not the fault of police. It is a social problem. People should understand that the bulk of serious police work targets known professional crim-inals. Ibis is as it should be, and it is the only practical way. It is very, very rare for police officers to catch people in the commission of a crime. Ibis is no fault of the force. Criminals make il their business to do crimes when police aren't around. Police do not usually happea upon crime, like people o n television. One can't fault the police because of a general uneasiness, warranted or flot. Police cannot arrest people who make other people nervous. And they can't stake out homes because residents feel uneasy. To have enough cops to form a deterrent' as some people seem to wish, is next to.impossible. There is serious crime in Milton, for sure; just as there is everywhere. The qusinremains; how much would it lessen with a few more officers locally? O UR REA DERS WRITE lWew coulç4»'t gre. wimh you more Icertainly didnqt mean tooff"end anyone, 1: r- frurv àq nrivileae toi attend: student -Re: 'How about thse arts centre in 2000?' Thaaiks to Maiparet Wiilkes for recog- rizing aund voicing an opinion that's shareti by unany ian our coniasunitY« 'Milton is homne to soins. very talented people as she points out, and these per- forgners, artists and teir audiences desere a sgpace tisat enhances their cre- ativity. For years, Milton's art comtntnity has waited patientty to be next on thse list to gtafcltandi white 2000 la a wons- derfisl dresat, we niay have to wait a bit put thse tino. to good usie by talking tir tise tiect for an arts centre 10 frietids, neigsboeoas and businesses, andi lobbying otar local govemment in thse formn of iet- teas to couicillors and thse onayor. Another positive step would be to sup.- port Arts Milton by becoming a niember. Thse organi.zation has B mandate that incittdes wotldng toward an arts centre which we hope will go froan dreani to reaty sooner thaas later., Tisanka again, Ms Wtlks.- We appiaat Laura J.ffroy, prsea tt Arts UlEton *THE CINADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The. Coeuillon Champion, pubflshed every Tuesday and Friday Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 ai 191 Main St. E., Mitton, Ont., 19T 4N9 (Box 248), is one of The Metratanit Printing. Pablistrlag & Distrlbating Ltd. group ot sub- Q'5 78-2341 urban campantes whlch tocaudes: Ajax / Pickering News (905 <3I>~,J .N~ Adveriiser; Atliston Meratit/Coarler; Barrit Advance; Brampton Guardian; Burlingian Post; City Parent; Cottingwaod 1 Wasaga Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Connection; tast York Mirror; Etobicoke Guardian; Georgetown Independent! Antan Free Press; Kingston ibis Week; Lindsay Tis Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Welek; Markham tEanomisi & Sun; Mldland / Penetanguishoe Classified: 875-3300 Mîrrar; Mlssissauga News; Newmarket I Aurora Era Banner; Northumbertand News; North Yarki Mirrar; Gativitie Beaver; Orilia Ian Oliver Publisher Today; Oshawa I Whltby / Ctaringtan I Part Pernj This Week; Peterborough This Week; Richmond HilI I Thornhitt I Vaughan Neil Oliver Associate Publisher Liberal; Scarbaraiigh Mirrar; Unbrldge I Stauttuitte Tribune; Bill Begin General Manager Todays Seniors. Advertislng is accepted on the condition that, In the ement ot a Rob Keiiy Edîtor typographical errar, that portion of the advertistog space accu- steve Crotier Circulation Manager pied by tht erraneaus item, together with a reasanabte attawance TeriCass OticeMangerfor signature, wlI not bu charged fnr, but the balance ai the Tern Cama Ofic Mangeradvertisement witi be paid for ut the applicable rate. The publisher TIna Colite Production Manager rosantes the right ta categauize adverttsements or dectine. Dear ditor: I'm writing Ibis letter in regard 10 the July 13 article written by Irene Gentie about my recent appoint- ment to the position of student trustee on the Halton Board of Education. I wouid like 10 take this opportu- nity 10 apologize 10 anyone who may have been offendeti. That certainiy wasn't my inten- tion. I would like 10 make some fur- Iber comments aI Ibis time Ibat not oniy highiight my strong desire to be a positive influence in my new position, but which aiso convey the high regard I have for a number of people in my school community wiIb whom I have the privilege of being associateti. I take great pride in E.C. Drury High School, inciuding the teach- ers, administration staff and princi- pal. anti arn I priviieged to attend Ibere. I have and wiii continue 10 have aht great reitioshi ofoh muua Chita dieai for prs respect with ail of these people. This past semester I have aiso had theopportunity 10 participate in two classes at Milton District High Schooi and, there again, I have enjoyeti a wonderfui relation- ship with my teachers and the prin- cipal. Anyone who knows me I think would agite that I care about peo- pie and that I truly enjoy being an active ambassador for my uchool. I hope that Ibis is evident in my invoivemefit in several activities both in and around the school and in the community. There are a great number of posi- tives that our school and board are fortunate to experience that are worthy of mentioning. For instance, in this past year alone, students and teachers have had amazing accomplishments despite the government cutbacks. These include: Student Council. SAS, the Rose Cherry House, the musicals, our yearbooks, plus the talented students who comipete in varioas extra-curnicuiar siis comn- petitions. It must be said that the majonty of these events wouid not have been possible without the dedica- tion of our teachers, who put in countless hours of their own time to coacb, council, tutor, and orga- nize activities for these students. These are some of the great aspects of school life in Haiton that must continue 10 benetit our feiiow students' education. Ion ciosing, I'm iooking forward to working together with my peers and the staff at schooi ion my new roie as student tnustee, andi I thank everyone once again for giving me the opportunity 10 represent MY peers and feilow community mem- bers. Mike Mc Vety f Mfilton Pud by Steve Nease ITS ABEAlFUL M<' -AP bU RAVE A I'mDDRED O R R O U LL IA D IN G O Rb:e-R OR CAULA FRIEt4D A0 .. 0 ý&1bülCoMEOVER OR W WNU4'.SMY M 1Il!LAA

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