The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, July 20, 1999 - 7 SOUR READERS WRITE Some people just need something to complain about Dear Editor: I would like to take a moment to respond to a letter that 1 found of particular interest in the July 6 edition of the Milton Champion. The letter in question wàs wntten by one Nancy Auger wbo apparently doesn't like dogs and wishes tbem to be kept away from public places such as the main street of Our town. At lesst, that is the essence of ber letter from what I galber. Would I take my dog to the grocery store? 0f course not. It's an enclosed store and dogs aren't welcome. I don't, bowev- er, feel any compunction about taking my dog for a truli tbmougb the open'ares of the street reserved for the Milton Farmers' Market. Dogs appear to be welcome there as 1 bave actually observed vendors puuting out mucb-appreciated dishes of water for those dogs that pass by. 1 wonder why the Halton Regional Healtb Department hasn't addressed this fundamental problem of dogs at the mar- ket. Perbaps it's not as big a problem as Ms Auger seems to tink. As for the issue of individuals eventually being bitten by ail of these roaming and uruly doga, most, if not ail of the dogs thtI have seen attending thse market are on leashes and those that aren't yet social- ized properly are muzzled. Wbere is the problemn here? One last ting, do you really believe vendors are losing money? I my experi- ence, if one isn't at the market before 10 a.m., one loses out because most of the wares are already sold. It seems to me the market is thriving and some individuals simply need something to complan about. I ask you, how many citizens of Milton have honestly fet it necessary to sign the petition in question? Aime. Minor Milton Letters welcome The Canadian Champion wel- cornes letters to the editoç. We reserve the right to edit, revise, and reject letters. Letters must be signed and the address and the telephone num- ber of the writer included. Mail letters ta: The Canadian Champion Box 248, Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 or leave themn atour office, 191 Main St. E. Lack of thought for our seniors callous from 110W on page 6 agree that these lands need to be preserved, then at least psy the land owners their fair due. In the case of the E.C. Drury lands, I find it callous to see the Iack of consideration for our old folks. The principle of thought I detect here is: "To heck with the old people. We want a park here." Shaniefully, those that are ton old, îoo weak, and ton tired to stand up for their earned respect. seem to get shafted by many in our generation who seem to have forgotten what they did for this great country of ours. Yes, 1 would like a park in my back yard, but that is the selfish point of view. Let's remember our old feiks. 1 have read many articles in your paper over the years about short- ages in care facilities for the eIder- ly. I stand with the compassionate view. Let's take this excellent loca- seniors have it. Shame on those that would forget why November 1l is aholiday. Former MPP Walt Elliot sums it up I think for both issues in a linan- cially responsible sense. In bis statement about Drury in the Friday paper he says: "Somebody owns it, you can'tjust write that off and cali it park land." Good sense, Walt. Thanks. John Hrycko Milton UI. *FvPI C M iSigaalbeOC pca es atgso euu e mý-- 1999 NomsanAlma Xm NORTHED NSS, v Vu L