18 - The Canadlan Champion, Tuesday, July 20, 1999 vPaul Macdonald rides a wave to eastern titie 8v STEVE LSBLANO The Champion Paul Macdonald's wave of succeas continues. The Milton barefoot water-skier won bis second event of the year recently, capturing gold in tbe men's open class as tbe Eastemn Canadian Championships in Cambridge. Overal victory - wbicb no doubt lIfted bis national ranking to a top five position - was secured through consistent and capsivating performances over tbe two- day showcase. The 23-year-old gos progressively stronger as the weekend wore on and puncsuated bis efforts with a huge exclamation mark, finisbing first in tbe trick event witb a score of 2,130 on tbe Sunday evening. Incorporating nine exciting elemnents into, bis routine - tbe most troublesome of wbicb was tbe toc turn wbere be grips tbe bandle witb one foot and tben rides on tbe otber before spinning backwards, ail witbout using bis banda - bie outscored tbe runner-up by 400 points. "I closed out witb tbe toc turo and really nailed it tbis time," said Macdonald, wbo won tbe eastern nationals afser playing tbe role of bridesmaid witb sec- ond and tbîrd place finishes tbe previous tbree years. "Tbe water was beautiful for tbe trick event, like glass. 15 was tbe perfect ending to tbe weekend, to bave great conditions and tben to win." The Eastern Canadian cbamp tied for tirst in tbe jump-off, clearing 41 feet on bis first attemps and coming up just one foot sby of a personal record. Explained Macdonald, "I went a littie further on tbe next two tries but couldn't stick tbe Ianding. For a jump to counit, you bave to be able to ski away witb control." In Saturday's slalom event - wbicb represents tbe racing portion of tbe sbowcase - tbe local water walker made 9.4 crossings during the two allotted 15- second passes. This solid but unspectacular effort, due in part to especially cboppy waters tbat moming, placed bimi tbird witb two full crossings less tban tbe winner. In the all-around standings, be upstaged local favourise Jobn Trip (wbo trains on tbe Grand River) for tbe gold medal. "It was definitely nice to win and see aIl my bard work psy off," said Macdonald, wbo receives spon- sorsbip froro Bolle Canada and Eagle Wet Suils. He' Il try to parlay tbis recent victory into greater ricbes early next montb at tbe Canadian Cbampionsbips, wbicb eill be beld in Kamloops, British Columbia. Novices shade Halton His 'Dogs Milton's novice lacrosse team ended tbe regular sea- son witb sometbing tbat's eluded tbem mucb of tbis year - namely, a win. Tbe Mavericks put togesber tbeir second league vic- tory at Jobn Tonelli Sports Centre recently. It was delivered at tbe expense.of tbe Halson Hfilîs Bulldogs, wbom tbey edged 6-5. Playing bero, and star in tbe samne nigbt was Ian Goertz, wbo sank tbe game winning marker after assisting on tbree goals earlier in the night. Bradley Hoy tallied twice wbile singles were added by Riley Duke, Ryan Lecky and David Majka. Contributing two assists was Scott Stover. Goaltender Matt Clark turned in one of bis best efforts of the season. The novices' zone playoffs stars next week, witb provincial competition slated for August 13 to 15 in Brampton. Is your advlser swltehlug yen lu and eut et yeur unutual fuuds? Flud eut h.w Ichard luvested $2 15,000 la 1991 fer his client and turued It lut. $1.3 million... ...aud why that mutinalinmd lu stil ln thse elieut% aeount. * Are yau over diversied by holding toc mnany mutualfunds needlessly? 9D Tas efficiency - Understanding how various mutual funds hava differens long term tax consequelces. Il Leam the investmnefl secrets of the Iegendary investor Warren Buffets and which mutual fundsfollow hlm. 0 As the DOW hovers around 10,000 many people are paralyzed with fear as ta what cornes next. Let us show you how you can take advsnsage of this. LOCATION Hugh Foster Hall, Milton TIME Thursday, Aug. 5th 12:00 pin and 7:30 pm (refreshments) Featuning J. Richard Charlton Autho Ex.cutéve Vce-PresWeft, Senior FrueFinanclai Corporaton gow*SUt goulu u -m ut usunSu 0 un wm"Uf P" m e "e md mu*4u 09 = kg2Muws MW M g0SUt ~o dfuIsu lusU' &WOb" M CrAo~ To Reglsser Caîl or Fax Phono: 1-888-446-1666 ,_ax: 905-337-2516 Paul Macdonald shows the stuff that has made hlm a champion competiior. 10o aut yOU Tom/s stu inL y-L planning stage ofyour ponc -t IVacKinnon Waterfalls & Ponds 724 Mai S . E.Mlo We stili have lots of Pond Building Supplies & lots c Free advice on building & maintaining your pond. Our Aquatic plant section still has lots to choose fror to make your pond a real show piece! Oh 5Y01 NEW FLOATING CHAIN. Don't reach down to thc bottom of your pond anymore, just attach the chaint your pump or filter or even pots for easy fertilizing. If n 0l ~ PROFESSIONAL AUTO SERVICE ULYACCREDITED TEST & REPAIR FACILITY 1