22-Trhe Canadien Champion, Frlday, JuIy 16, 1 REWARD FOR INFORMATION LEADING TO THE RECOVERY 0F A MOTORCYCLE STOLEN FROM A COULSON AVE. GARAGE <near park entrance) SOMETIME OVERNIGHT ON JULY 1(14i THIS IS A VINTAGE DUCATI, VEL- LOW AND BLACK IN COLOR WITH YELLOW REAR SPRINGS. LOTS 0F SENTIMENTAL VALUE. RETURN IT AND NO QUESTIONS WILL BE ASKED. CALL 875-3286 DURING THE DAY OR 876-0683 EVENINGS AN I liumr Au'i 1 Il'E 0MLM Monday, JuIy l9th at 10:00 arn preview trami 9:00 ara AT THE! AGRICULTIJRAL HALL MILTON FAIR- GROIJNDS, RODENTr ST., MlLTON starling atI :a ama wtth a large assorlîmonaof mois5 from ana home, foliowad bya quantily oI antique furaiture (tablas, chairs, reshtnt, dressera, bien- etbxs 4L as, china, walcliea. plctures, primitives, etc. Ie avallaise. TERMS: CASH, CHEQUE W/2 FORMS iD. NO RESERVES, NO BUVERS PREMIUMI* For ltvlher ale on cons#nne kftomiation fax or phone: -fu.gnt-V . AUCRIONEER MM05 08&M7 I 3 FOR 1 GARAGEILAWN SALE SUMMER SHOWROOM SALE %CHRISTMAS IN JULV 'SALE "ILLUSIONS 5V JEANETTE DODSON" 10285 - 6TH LINE, GEO. (905)877-5496 SAT. &SUN. JULY17 & 18TH 8:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M.I lew autstaadiag indivîduals, wilh aI luasl 1 years tape- yeara. 878-7552. rieuce la tta staff ing iadastry. REQUIRED Chitdmin- We aller compelilive salary, boasses, compretieasive der in my home for tanefil package aad car al loance. youra 10, cars for 1 yesr Pleua fax ysur rmesm la confidence & 4 yesr aid boys. Cla- te Jacqusla (9I5) 848-1486 verpark Area. 875-3050. WANTED expenienced daycare provider in Kilb- aido School ares for 3 chitdrsn, 6, 4-1/2 & 2- 1/2. 905-3360463. WANED- Cas "AZ"Daer.Mîîmu 5yesa s- HELP-need rida ta perience. Border crosSing experience a mu st. Must Georgeton and ratura be fluent in English. Heavy laad experience an as1- laMln. daya/week. set. To run upatate New York-Toronto daly. Can be Gas money. 875-1551. home mont nights. Home evety weekend. 519-853- 4680,416-523-0824, Rab. Shoot Metai MeChanC,HVAC AUTO INSURANCE. Illaflor Grup u., n IO 902 rgistred Best raes for mot dryv- compaay, tassa immediate opening an Oskville for risrs iCalun Warren,59 Lirasseri steet metal mechanic wîtt a GT 1 licuase. rs.Ca 853-4284 9-0 AIl aur watt is in the ladustrial, Commerîcal and ansti- & 48, 9520 lutional markts. The position would cansisl aI mosl- 155 ly HVAC installations, relaled dactwork and gas pip- iag. ibis is s tiltime permanienet position payîag up ta $29.13 pet tour. Good tenelit package. A minimum oI tree years espeneance doîag sîmîlar watt is esseatiat. For mare information, plusse cati, $300o435 Cars want- deliver, mail or tas ressaies ta. e. 905-457-6713. Sto C a s h u s N a l r h u l 1 0 c a r t h e t , s i o , i c o s e d 4 55 NarIf Se rv ira MRd. E akvi Ite, ONL 1H lA 5 recycler. 905-457- Phono (905)-338-l000 Fax (9f5)-338-1909 A 5713. Lasswell CLEN FLLWANEDScbolBusDrvers Needed INMAL SECURIY Medical Ca. CLA ILW N E colBsDirequir Ltd. IN CAMPBELLVILLE AREA Milton & Georgetown FULLTIME & PART TIME - FulT e CALGAYORLRITain Now for September Mature Socurity Persons for Milton and sur- ulTm (905) 331-7128OR rounding area. Must be able to obtain OPP Position (90)31-12ULcense. Benetit: package. For interview Busy Milton distrib- arrangements fax resume 10: ution compsny spe- ÀofÀfÀffff 95-7"93ciaiwng in Surgical Arthrosc0pV and AZ Drivers - Milton Ium- DOOMINO'S PIZZA je SportsaMedicine FRE1 oihshar-pe/ust.cttte dg crhpber yard, F/T permanent now hiring Drivers. Ail Proclucts ha an Fetre and mot . 87o315 . poroasillons with benef ils. new applications Wil be îmm.iiato opening ..........Local delivers 10 con- considered. Appty in par- for an en.rgetic struction sites. No tarpa. son any day after 4 p.m. ofic clark. No handbombing. Cail to017 Wilson Drive (at the Dutis Include: Madeline 9-5p.m. (905)- comer of Main SI. and ahlppin/rCOliig, 693-9663. Wilson Dr.) order daak, admiin- ______BE part of our lears and EXPERIENCED shor ltralion anld ware- .iiLlreceive top rates... Ben- order cook and wairs house dulias. 905- C H ERIdeal for Homemakera allas. Newer well main- for Wyidewood Goî 87M CA H E and tained equipmenl. Course. Contact kitchen Cashir reuîre 10 ork day perEarly Retirees Schaduled home lime Pal or Bnuce. 878-4846. OFIEHL Cahir eqiedtowok3 ays eCati Laidlaw Transit off. Pratar us esperi- F -TE HomesE Ra- week inciuding rotating Salurdays. No ence, good abstract, Ml- qulTrad i-aiomhes - Computer skills: levenings. Must be customer service ~ ston based CDN Compa- Aird Haileon roqirs Os- ff ira '97 minimum. oriented, neal, weii groomed and 877-225 ny. Fax resume 10 905- Ar homiesy freenaess Need pole & This ia a permanent part lime position, Laid-law Transit 693-0025. Sho rt terra and long terin $240Iotiarn acurt an mathl CARETAKERt nmlyreeded -homes ara needad. A $24.010alt &0 dtal not suitable for a student. e î emlyr The position involves tax ires room and board tc:hati&dna 1about 12 hra. par week. rata provlded. For more Mon-Fri. 9am-5Pm Application Pen ayb ice prsans 10 contact Knox information cati 878- Please tas resumne ta: fratmyb ikdU Prestsyterian Ctiurch aI 2375, ext.258. 054141 ShlrH m a rda 20 AZ DRIVERS 878-6066 FULL Ume tow trutidd- 3Sy le Home. Hardwar required for Cambridge operaton CASHWY Distribution or roquira. Competitive 38Fte l s A v .eMl o * $0.32 par m ile Centre requ tes 1 M ateri- wages. Benef tts av eul- Southwest Ontario and Ouebec runs avail- ai Handier for loadi & able. Apyin pesn Wu mis îsuy m lui v ilstir10 AZ DRIVERS ing &asmbling ordars to:Durante' Auo&Tw fo-Cznflgebaec for shipmont. Vaid Fo- ing 8473 twy25 Nrh0 ~~o.j.beJ~ lutrla ce reurdII O*I preterrd 401lMilton, Ont. Sum er ob Fatnrshp ffielocal delivenaes Faex resume 10 905-76- Ses Demis. Su me ob arnesipOfie$15.00 par hour. 2875, AtIn: JoIf Kilgour. MAPLEHURST Corrac- Human Rosourco Contre for Studmnts Caîl Steve or Rosillnêe CHUDLEIGN'S accept- tonal Comptes la seek- 310 Main Street East Northerm Personnel Solutions lng applications for sun- ing a casuai cook Up la 878-8418 ext 217 1-888421-6302 mier and tait positions ln 4Ohrs. weekly. Exper- 1-905-564-7912 Retail and Food Service once in large quantity . K Musidon site Iarase. Apply la persan to cooking as required. for chitdrens camp, Rotait Store, 9M2 High- PMesse torward your re- nordh Burlinglon. Pro- way 25, Miltoan, between sume ta: Maplehurst fersiete with meda. Call XP I NC DHAWKINS ANIMAL HOSPITAL 11 ara. & 5 p.m. Correctiona &,mplex 33-00 R61NO DRIVER ::qires COFFEEn:E 'oSuperintendenta Of1- InnieiteyPart Mme Assistant requires Counrier HelPfo Marfin St., Mitton, Ont. or tnbased cornai hI anima e1 MnW rscsptlii ta 405 Marin SItreet Mil- V3 DAYCARE needod P/T Dbvrsasrc eure dle.Hu p o 7pm, and Sathirday ton for 7 manth aid. Start- Drier' abtrat rqwr . morninga. Resurnus plas by post or fax. ing Ociober. 878-1247. 550,fl Ontario Street South. DAYCA eroe and Unit # 5 A my hoe iumeons AUOOYrepaporition, 2 -. Miltaon. LT5E Ontriumo. availabie. E. .E., frii yr. apprentis in obdrer 87883Tel 87548M Fax 875 6653 N'E W Waid. 876-4473. STAFFING SOLUTIONS EXPERIENCED day- nCelbrating Our lSth Annîversary" care, Mother of two. Croative crails, outings, RECRUITERICSR nutritious lunches, ba- SALES-NEW BUSINESS DEVELGPMENT btes wolcome. 876- BURUINOTON 0620. To mark sur 151h year as a leader an the staff ing indus- RAINBOW VILLAGE try. we are etpaading lu the Bari glan/Osteille DAYCARE accepting ares. September enrolîment. In orilPi lu csaisl our clients wilh the outstanding Fulîtime childcare foi