COMMENT Ali« Town wants to eut deal Residents living by the E.C. Drury complex shouid probabiy settle for whatever compromise they can influence municipal council to 5HoULD o strike over developinent slated for the site. 0 * It's clear that counicil is moving into a conciiiatory mode with H.D. Investments, the firm aiming to buiid homes for seniors on the proper- ( ty. Evidence of that springs from the volte-face counicil executed at Monday night's marathon meeting. Counicil is now going for an in- depth report on the development proposaI. The so-calied technicai report wili no doubt be replete with details6Q A B j Y $ WLI and concemrs about the project. These wiii formn ripe ground to dig for further negotiations with the developer. 's That done, counicil wiii be able to say, with some satisfaction and là Il credibility, that the best deal possible was hammered out over the building proposai. The residents won't be happy but they wiii be less unhappy than ' they were, and the deveiopment wili proceed without a hearing before the Ontario Municipal Board (0MB). . sa o In supporting a technicai report, counicil has aiready iost ail political capital with the nearby residents. They are wiliing to do that because they must know their position before the 0MB wouid be weak, even untenabie, or at ieast too costly to defend, for too littie gain. E 'O UR READERS WRITE You Twss oadedtoral lgh ~ Now the shoe's on the other foot in town D"r FÀhor. weekends on my stechof the wad, but expansion plans, says life-long resident As a imident of Twiss Road, 1 waa itteroeed in a Jane 29 article by Irene (lentie auid your editortal on the saine issue coespimientng towncoemcil an its action copatuing tiie ciaitailment of traf- fie on Tgliss PÀ Mthogh 1 live south of the section under review. 1 féel a duty te off«t my comles'u. Unfil reading aboui inlu yow pq0er, aiy traffic problso n Twïiss Rud. Tisere are uny 41# tad crves ltat inhlibt fast drvri n * r toeÈ ay W me< TI m i't pogied now a"t shositi remain tisaI way. Triaffic la heavy on always oo'dee'ly. Ibe few truckcs that use the road are not a prbleun, eier, Also, 1 fée) it would be a iaistake ta instali a faur-way stop on Steeles Aveniue coesidering haw ight the traffic is northiand souds on Twiss Road cam- pared witli tihe relatively heavy east- West triffic on Soles. 'flscefore, I suipport, tie position Yeu have atatodi yor editorial and trst countlVwill cotiue te reaist takiug drastic actiog rn response te %lsat 1 wottd call a tmpest in atospoL Rfchd I*H Dear Editor: I'm wniting in response ta the let- ter ta the editor 'Stop this town expansion' by M. Coulter in the Jane 22 issue of The Champion. Now M. Coulter knows haw tise 7,000 odd inhabitants of the then, small, peaceful and quiet country town af Milton feit when they were inundated by tic major residential expansion of Dorset Park, clasely followed by what naw consista of the major development of the urbanr town of Milton. Ihis ail hegan somte 30 odd years aga. M. Coulter was are of those peo- ple wha enarmausly swclled the citizensy muid who with ail thc oUi- ens, braught thse residents wha goew up here incrcascd taxation, watcr Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Tbl Cauia Caqle., publshed every Tuesday and Frlday lflctCs, Onc Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 at 191 Main St. E., Miltton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is one af Tite lection, ina Metrotand Pttnlng, Publlshlng il Distributing Ltd. group uf sub- and a hastî QP7Q ~ 4 ~ urban campantes which Includes: Alixs I Pickering News tions ta our (905) 878 -2341- Advertlser; Alliston Herald/Courler; Barrie Advence; Brampton M. co<l Guardian; Bulington Pont; City Parent; Colltngwaod / Wasaga Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Connectlan; East Yorkt Mirrar; Etobicoke Guardian; Georgetown A vriigFax: 876-2364 tndependmntl Actan Fiee Press; Kngston Titis Week; Lndsay ibis P u AdvertisingWeetc; Maldiain Econamlst & Sun; Mldiand I Penetangulsitene Classifted: 875-3300 Mirrar; Mhslssauga News; Newmarletl1 Aurone Era Banner; Northtumbertand News; Northt York lrrar Qakville Beaver, Oriltua Ian Oliver Publisher Today; Ositawa 1 Witby I Clarînglan 1 Pari Perry This Week; Peterborough Titis Weelt; Richmond Hill1 I Titorhili I Vaughan Neil Oliver As.eociate Publinher Liberat; Scarborouglt Mirror; Usbridge I Stouffvllle Tribune; BigI Deffn General Manager Tay's Seniors. Mdvertising is acceptetl on lte condition titat, it thte eet ofta Rab Kelly Editor typograpilical errai, titat portion ut tihe atlverilng space accu- Steve Crozier Circulation Manager pied by lte erroneaus item, together wit a reasonable altowance Ter Cu OficeMangerfor signature, wll nat be citarged for, but lte balance ut the TerI eeue Offic Manger advertisement wlll be pald tor'at the applicable rate. lTe pubtisiter l'eu Colon Production Manager reserves lit rigit ta categorize advertlsellltlts or decliue. reased vehicular traffic, of other unwanted addi- then serenity. er sys we have a quiet and peaceful town full of loving and caring people - loving and caring people pcrhaps ta a much lesser degrec, but certainly not a tawn full. What we have in Miltan today is a populous who, by muid large, arc city people who have came ta Milton ta escape city taxation, wha, gcncrally speaking, want ta have ail tic amrenities that: go with a cîty (Toronto) muid, who, by Uieir volume of numbers, get their own way. I don't cali a tawn such as Milton quiet muid peaceful when ail anc has ta do is rcad the wcekly police reports - twa armed holdups of the credit union within two wceks nat ta mention a hast of oUier crim- mnai activitica that occur on a rcgu- lar basis. M. Coulter says hc/shc? doesn't want Milton ta bcame a naisy, bumper-to-bumper car town. Perhaps, he/she has nat been out latcly in a car ta sec that bttmpcr- ta-bumper traffic arrived a long time aga. My final observation ta M. Caulter la now the shae la on the ather foot. Alan W. Waters AfiIon Democracy a real blessing Dear Editor: I extend thanks ta the minister and people of St. Paul's United Church, who set aside sacred space in die beautiful sanctuary eveey day far townspeaple ta affer prayers for peace in Kasova during die war. Isat peace was negotiated days after aur democratic electian in Ontaria sadly impoesses us with the blessing that is demacracy - it certainly did me. E. KiddIe Milton by Steve Nease THE CII ADL4N CHAMPION 1