-, nu ~ '.Au,;qJvn, ruIiJuy, uwy Classified ICLASSliFiED HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM n e Uwimulan %diieutipKxi, riiuay, JUIY V, i cru announce your special evene, cail Thre Championsk Classified Department ar 875-3300. WWL RUSIOM WUL 0«ýSIOMý l -OHNnliNcEMINTý mmouh(imidTs lm voup (OMMUN11V eCATd 10e anouCeathae birhotd the aeond hid sa abrivait tor an iel. Alicta ynn a bom Junile Tr2f1999 Hial :0 A.M. weihin 819ba aio2:. Spcia Thank goto dve When andes Dpeial ne, Dr. .. in and Nuraea et akvll LALN - Edol and San nee FLewier are peaaied 10 announce Dhevanto G er Mervynd DinD.MJ igandyteourses e dw kil pifed e nn ued evon phoi li Meur I Congratulations Heather U Ion receiving your Bachelor of Science l front the University of Toronto. Weare very proud of you. Debbie and Blair. CHARLTON, Margaret Allson ( Klng ) - At the Kingston Genaral Hoipital on Sunday July 4th, 1999. Marg, lonng wile of 51 yeari 10 the late Albert Chariton, beloved môther of Keith and has mita Judy (Ottawa) and Dianeanmd her husband Ed Connera ( Kingiton). Loving Griodma of Corey, Nikki, Dawn, Marc and Stephania. Survived by her brother Allan King (Toronto. Miiied by lriend Michael Nador. Friands miii ba received il the Township Chap- ai of the Gordon F. Tompkini Funeral Morne, 435 Davis Driva (aI Waterloo Village Kingston ) on Wedneiday July 7th lrom 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 P.M. Funeral service in our chapel Thusday ai 1 P.M. Rav. Bob Shorten otticiating. Crema- lion. For thoie who miali memnorial donations to the Canadian Cancer Society or the King- ston Regional Cancer Centre mould be appre- ciated by the lamily. DREGER, Eunlce J. - Peaceully aI the Park- vievi Nuriing Centre, Hamilton, Ontario on Wedneiday July 7, 1999. Eunlce Jean (ne Stevenson) Dreger, lormeriy of Buriioglon and Milton in her 851h year. Belaved mile of the lite Henry James Dreger. Loving mother of Dannia and hs mile Sue of Hamilton. Loved grand- molluar of Cameron. Predeceaied by her granddaughter Janice and ber aister Edna. The lamily miahea t0 express a apecial mhank you t0 the staff of the Parkview Nuraing Centre for their cireanmd support. Visitition at Smithis Funerel Home 1167 Guelph Une ( one stop light north of OEW ) Buriington ( 632-3333 ) on TIsday 3 - 5 and 7 - 9 P.M. mhere Funerai Service mili be held on Friday July 9, 1999 at 1:00 P.M. The Raverend Orville Jamei Olliciat- ing. Intermant Greenwood Cemetery, Buriing- ton. Il deiired expresions of îympathy to The Arthrfisi Society or charity of your choice mould be aincerely appreciated. McEWAN, Helen - At the Milton District Hoipi- tl on Monday, July 5th 1999. Helen McEwan of Milton, beloved wite of the laIe Charlea Mc- Ewan. Loving mother of Uiz and her huaband Jim Janjevich of Milton. Loved by grandchil- dren Jamie and Doug. Cremation haa taken place. Donationsi n Nelen'a Memory may be made te the charity of onea choice. Arrange- ments Entrsted te the McKersie-Kocher Fs- nemil Home 114 Main St. Milton. McNABB, John Young-On Sunday, Jsly 4, 1999 aI the Milon District Hospital. John McNabb, in hia 82nd year, dary loved hua- band and beit friand of Doria Bromnnidge tor 48 yeara. Loving lamher of Loia of Victoria, B.C., Ken and has wife Mide of Georgetown and Marilyn and her huiband Grant Gooding of Milton. Cheriihed Grandpa of David, Scott and Matthew Gooding and Colin, Alec and Uam McNabb. Brother-in-law of Loreen McNabb of Wooditock, WVard and Betty Brownridge of Georgetown and Allen and Shirley Brownridge of Milton. John mutl be londly remembered by has McNabb and Young cousins. Predecaied by hia parenti Malcolm T. and Jesie Young McNabb and hia brotheri Donald, Angui and Fraser. Friandi mare received il the J. S. Jonesanmd Son Funeral Home, 11582 Trafalgar Rd. N. of Miple Ave., Georgetomn, 877-3631 on Wedneiday 2 10, 4 and 7 10 9 pin. Funeral service mai held in the chipai on Thurady, July 8 aI il am. Intermant Greenwood Cemetery, Georgetown. In mamory contribu- tions 10, the Milton District Hospital or a charity 1of your choice would be appreciated. BKMEMIEAN~ES lin the orro of a donation to The Milton District Hospital Foandation are appoeciated. CLAYDURN, Michael I n loving memory of our ion Michael (Mike) mho paaaed away on JuIy 10,1990. lfs been nine yeara aines you Were taken f romf us, To part with the one you love so dear, tfa the greateat aorrow aomeone has to endear Not a day goea by that we don't think of you aon, We miaaed you thon and miai you more today, Not aeeing your amiling lace, hearing the lasgh- tar ot your voice la ao very hard, Our memoriea together as ail thîl ia leh, We hold thero so very cloae in our hearta, When God called you home to be with him that day, We know he only takes the beat, We love you, misa you, In our hearla Vos are ai- waya there. Ail our Love Mcmn and Dad CLAYBURN, Michael - In loving memnory of Our Brother, Bmother-in-law and Uncte (Mike) Michael who paaaed away on July 10, 1990. lime paasei another year Ifs lonely not having yos heme Sayinggo-bvto you Il mas the =hardi thing we ever had to, do. No= iogrn our Idte 0 hare m onfo you are alwaya there, In our hearta torever Wttl be timea we apent together Love alwaya Tracy, Paul, Steve, Feula, Jeoue and Korey TYRER, Larry - ln loving memory of Larry Tyrer who paaaed away July 10, 1997. Thoughta of Dad wilI neyer die, Allhosgh another year haa paaaed, We think about hlm daily, Our memories mutl alwaya lait, Becauae tfa hard te carry on, Writh ail he did belore, Mia love, laughter and surpriaea, Made him apecial and hard 10 ignore. Our love alwaya Wllma, Carole, Jay, Brent Karen, Ryan, Kevin Wýrer. JACK KING mosld hike 10 think the itaff of Milon District Hospital, Dr. HunIer and Dr. Singal and ai the nurses for their excellent cira mhen 1 mas a patient. Alao 1 mosld like 10 thank laily 1 ad finendi for their prayera. STAG & DOE FOR S VANESSA BOX DARRYLL JONES tMILTON OPTIMIST CENTRE JULY 9, 1999, 8:00 PM Tlcketa $10 at the door Prizes, Gamea, Food CAT, named Spike, domntomn Milton, big white pami & extra toei. 23 Iba. long hair, gry 875-1267 or 905-53- 2233. LOST - cal 10 years old. Mae oane tabby back and liii ad white chesl and pama. 875-1333. CARPET Carpet. t have aaveral thosand yards of nem Stainmai- ter and 100%/ nylon car- pet. I miii cirpet your liv- ing room and hall for $349. Price includes carpet, pad and initalla- lion. (30 sq. yards). Steve, 905-639-2902. DINING table, six chairs, solid oak. $200. l'Hooked On Phonies' math and reading com- plate sets $100. Kida clubhouse mith ilide, tire iwing, dlimbing lad- der $100. 854-2884. FOR ale 9 PC Antique DN6 RM Set $2100 O.BO. 31» JVC T.V., PIP mith stand $750 O.BO. Cii 878-1587. FOR ale camping equiprit; Reaie hitch equalizer liti 2T recv- or~ 10 gai, drain mater tank, Tote-along bise tank, Fitth mheel lailgate fls GMC or Chev 1988 & sp; iolid oak end ta- blai. CelI 878-3013 any- lime. FREE Estimateî..Got wobby chairs meak îprings tired looking mood linishai? We do il al. Cstom mood relin- iahing and tsmitsra re- pains. Fields Cstom Fumiture. 9-9 daily. 875- 4427. LADIES Clothing (Business & Caîsal). Mcetly size 12. Phone home 854-0040 or bui- neai 875-3366. POOL table 4x 8'. Ex- cellent conditlon c/m 3 nem cus, bills, rack and cover. $1750.00 IO.BO. Caul CIiII. Days 876-2847. Eveninga 878-3359. ISAVE UP TO$1000, 16 fi. X 24 Il. o.d. rectangu- lar aboya grosnd Kayak Pools. lndluding docki, lencing, lier, 2 ladidera, iind Biiter, psmp & mo- Itor etc. $5,995. 1-800- 668-7564. SIT ON IT - Don't Sit In Il! Replacement loam for cshionî. Reaidentialicommercdal. Fields Upholitery, 9-9. 7 dayi/meek 875-4427. SUMMER Price Break!! No GST! Want a great nem look on yosr Ismi- tsre? Giva Fields a ciii. Sofas lrorn $598. Love- sata lrom $487. Chairs lrom $198. Senior Dis- counts. Fields Cstom U.pholitering. 875-4427, 9-9 dlaily i/estonets