Red Sox blow through opposition It's heen said that you neyer forget your everyone concernied. first lime. Equally untorgettable, however, was the That couidn't be more true, particularly manner in which thc local squad won the when it comes to bcbng crowned champi- two-day event. on. To describe their victory as convincing Thse Red Sox' mosquito boys baseball or decisive wouid be a gross understate- leam served up proof of ibis last weekend ment. Saying lbey ran rougbshod over thse with a memorabie performance ai the competition or were ridiculously dominant Owen Sound Toumnament. would be a littie dloser to the mark. It was their first tille triumph in four Milton went unbeaten at 5-0, loppling years, which in itseif was noteworlhy for each challenger by an average of eight runa tPat Lynch bounces back Pat Lynch sure knows bow to Tbough unabie to pick up the battie back. victory, his four strikeouts with For the second time in just a no walks helped Hagerstown top- montb the 20-year-old Milton pie their South Atlantic League pitcher - now playing with thse Northemn Division opponienis 5-2. clasa A Hagerslown Sunis - bas Overail, Lynch sports a 6-3 effeclively regrouped fromn a sub- record and 4.13 ERA this year. standard performance and He's surrendered 89 bits over regained bis fonn. 76.1 inninga wbile bis 66 K's are Saturday marked his iatest Pat Lynch third besi for tie team. recovery. He aiso has the fewest walks, just 14, of Fresh off a 9-3 ioss to Charleston, in any pitcber in the Suns' rotation. whicb he gave up five earned runs on 1l Hagerstown won the firai haîf of the ses- bits over four frames, the righthanded son but has mun hot sud cold as of late sud hurler wasted no lime in geîting back on reiinquished top spot in their division to lrack - restricting Columbia to a single Cape Fear - whom they traiied by two mun on seven bits tbrough six inninga. games ai the siart of tisis week. Milton cardes most play Miiton's Under 13 boys soccer squad beld Uic edge in play but juat couldn't tum ibat into victory during firsi round league cup action Tuesday. The Magic dominated mucb of their gamne wiib Mississauga's Croatisu club but eventually fell 3-2. They aurrendered the gamne winning goal with about two min- utes ieft in regulation. ibis exciting tilt aaw thc local boys jump out to a 2-1 lead in the opening baif - ibauka to Robbie Wilson, wbo capitalized on rehounds wo score bolIs markers. Mississauga Croatia evened thse counit on a controversial goal, when the officiai appeared flot 10 catch su offaide. Smaith exceptionai Kyle Smith provided exceptionai goal- tending wbile sbowing sîrongly througbout the conteat were Craig Harding, Hariey Mouscos and Rysu Taylor. Milton bas made a lot of beadway aince last season and now sport a regular season record of 3-2. They lifted themaeives over tbe .500 mark last Thursday with a 7-2 tbrashing of East Hamilton. and collectively outscoring their opposi- tion by a staggering margin of 58-19. Tbey ciinched tbe championship by bombing the London North Nationais 10- 2. Starter Scott McTracb deiivered an aslounding pitcbing performance, as did reliever Bradley MacDonald. Aiso effective on the mound over the weekend were Adam DaiBello, Blake Hiler sud Matt Tbompson. TMe Red Sox' defensive efforts were just as impressive - particulariy those of mid- dle infielders Justin Moir and Chris Hickey, wbo combined made oniy one error. And wben it came 10 bitting sud manu- facturing rns, the champs were s0 superi- or to every other team it was almoat fnight- ening. Craig Howse was the star among stars, going 12-for-I 6 and recording 13 stolen bases. Grand larceny was also seen by Hickey, wbo contribuled 1l tbefts as weil as seven bits for 13 at-bats. Other above .400 bittera st weekend were MacDonald, Marvin Hunoid and Mail Lalonde wbile Mitchell Ratby bad a team-leading seven RBI. Taking the greaiesi puniabmenl againat the viclors over the weekend was Owen Sound, wbo were thumped 15-5 in the final division game before retumning for another beating - ibis time 12-3 - in the semnifinais. Otber round-robin vidima were London North Nationals sud Clarkaon/Lome Park. Miiton's next toumament appearsuce is next weekend in Ciarkson. By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion Watch out for that lait step up the provincial peckiig order - it'a domz. ?4iltoê' Tris Van Looa.n fotm4 that out the~ hard way late last monts during round tbree of tbe Uudcr-17 play- downs. Ail bis speed and skilI weren't quit. emough ta clear th ia u dlad qualify for Team Ontario. 'Il have to admit!1 didu't work as bard as the previoua camp and my p!ay wamn't as stroug," remarked thic gifted hockey centreman, who'IIb.arn 16 lu two weclcs. "However, it was a good tesson. Now 1 know what 1 have to do to get belter." Van Loosen's offensive production feil dramatleAlly at tise last liyoist camp - hcld June 25 to 29 at York University - wbcrehle detcdthe twin ouly once i four games lu tbe previous r puid, to wccd oui flic beat frotu across flic OMHA, b. amassed four goals sud four assias.s Ibs despite a ptlled groin, sustaiued in the second of four,gamcas. Befom dm ate scored six tines at dieinitial camp, where he competed against felow Miltonlan Frarik Fazio. Said Van Looscu, "The competition was vcry taugb at York University. Most of the players were arould 190 pounds, much biggcrthdm me!' Mrb Burlington AAA major bautams' number one guner iast season with 25 goals aud 30 assists, lie wus cme of about 100Obopefuls athe final round of provinial paydowns. Van Loosen is thse only local player lu recent uiemô<y to make it that far. Just a wcck afler bis spectacular round two performance, lic was acquireti by the Oshawa Geucrais mite Ontario Hockey League's cotroversial new bantarnuage draft. Hc was talceuin the flfh round, 83rd overall. And while playiug major junior hockey may mo be in thse cards for ibis coming season, eamlng a spot on a T3cr 2ZJr. A club ntigbî jusl be. "l'y. be'en skating wiîh hoth thse (Georgetown) Raiders sud (Burlington> Cougars ibis aurn- tuer. Hopefuilly l'Il stick wit one ofthose teats"liecsaid Mallfencing demo The Ontario Fencing Association piays host to the first Halton Demonstration Toumament at Milton Mail ibis weekend. The July 10- 11 showcase wiii feature 64 provincial, national and worid level competitors inciuding Miiton's own Stephen Wilison. Fencing wiii begin at 9:30 a.m. Saturday and run ail day. The action starta a liitie later on Sunday. with the fiast jab at noon. P iiim1[4JL[J LJi r-i You amv invited to our annual OPEN HO)USE at Ontaio 'S Lveliest Nitdist Park Sundy, July il - 10an to 3pm c rIisrosT ULDNSWU FOUNDATIONWILBEACCETE Ponderoa Nature Resort 1218 11H CONCESSION e FI1FZLTON 5 KMIS WESr 0F HWY#6 C49 659.34Ofor m i.afoe.auon 19Miton Youth Soccer Club Competitive League Standings Girls Under il Gainas Ployed Wins Lassas Iso Points Linica Industries 6 4 1 1 13 Mkctas's Optical 6 3 2 1 10 Richardson Chev-Oids 6 3 2 1 10 Tim ortons 6 0 5 1 1 Girls Undar 13 Games Piayed Wins Lasse Tisa Pointe MIlon Kinn 6 4 1 1 13 Muotn Joyce« 6 4 2 0 12 C MMorris Dsgn 6 2 3 1 7 Van Dongen Land. 6 1 5 0 3 Girls Under 15 Gaine Play.d Wins Lasse Tisa Pointe Moka"ss 6 6 O 0 18 New AuIOtIoI1 6 3 2 1 10 JohnonaCntrois. 6 1 5 1 4 Hoilmark 6 1 5 0 3 Bops Undar 11 Gamma Ployed Wlns Laos Tisa Point Dure uIlding 7 5 1 1 16 cadi M. Hun 7 4 2 1 13 iW 's yDnm 7 4 2 1 13 Cuadianhampian 8 3 4 1 10 Primnus Printlng 7 0 7 0 0O Boysl Undor 13 Gam Playad Wina Lasse Tis Points Tim Hortans 6 4 0 2 14 spobus'MN'I 9pffl 6 4 2 0 12 La Ro» akêiy 6 1 4 1 4 LOcI* CommnunicatIons 6 0 3 3 3 Boys Undar 15 Gainas Played Wina Lassa Tisa Points Bruce Hod Trsal 6 4 1 1 13 TysSnTool 6 3 2 1 10 projeet Automation 6 2 3 7 DominosPis 4 1 4 1 4