The Canadien Champion, Friday, JuIy 2, 1999-21 Clasifiead sei Li: uçpE 'I i iin *I I Il Ioo CKMCHUGH - DEVLIN I ESTATE AUC11ON SALE ice lt.e grajduat ioto Russell and Daine McHugh are pleassd le Wednesday, JuIy 7 ai iiveraity oest erne announce fie forthcoming mamrage of their 6:00 pmiSharp at aceo of Fin dahai Danie & Marn Devlin o Tte Estate of Mr. Colnt ac c atn 1h BalicheorFn e ausr o fer& tarys Dln, FrTe Estate ai Mrs. Helnt. ac ock nd od luck in lthe fture. os Saturday, July 17,1999 et In the Agricultural Hall, Robert Street, Milton Da Ja I St. Pauls United Church in Miten. Fairgrounds, Milton, Ont. finana <'~ ~Don Calling Auctioneer (905) 877-0117 Fax (905)>877-7895 AIR, Codiioe 1,1 ANGLIN, Pamela - In memory of a dear f riand Those we love don't go away They walk beside us every day lJnseen, unheard but alweys near So loved, sa missed, so very dear Love Ann, Alice, Sherry ANGUIN, Pamnela Angela - In loving memnory ai a dear daugitter, siater and granddaughter wha lait us on July 2, 1997. Beautiful memories are wonderful thinga They lest tli mhe longeaI day They nover wear out. they neyer gel aost And cati never be gîven away To sarne you may be forgoteri To othera a part ai ltse past But 10 us alia lovoci and aost you Vour memory wtt alwsys lest Sadly mleu by famlly and frid. deer momher, Betty Jo Stover, wha would have been "70" an June 28, 1999-. Being your daughter ha taught ma so much over the years, and l'il alweys remember ta be the beat I cen be. And I want yau la knaw mhat yaur ovîn lIfe has been mhe beat exemple I coul d have. And if anyone ahould say thet l'm juat like my mather, Il would meke me very proud and happy.. Because I mlink you're ana of the most wanderful people in thia warid. Happy Birthday, Mîasing Yau and Laving yau Alwaya, Lise As you were, you wif I always be treasured forever in my memoy. BTU Fedders. $400.00 0.0.0. 878-5872. CARPET Carpet. I have several lhousand yards af new Stainmas- ter and 100%/ nylon car- pet. I wilI carpet your liv- ing room and hall for $349. Price includes carpel, pad and installa- lion. (30 sq. yards). Steve, 905-39-2902. GLEESON, Fanny-lAn loving memory of e dear moîher andi grandmoiher who passec away July 3,1968. Your presence we miss Vour memory we Iresure Loving you always Always rsmembered I U -GARAGE SALE The Gleeson Family j OK n ik eme iet aeti SATURDAY, JULY 3 opporunity ta thank family and friend fr ai 81214 4 TEELE KEYWORTH, John S., - "Always laved & re- te dihsnrgar ote 5h124SELS membered " January 31, 194 1 -JuIy 1, 1994. Wj,17 nve rsr.llalwaysberemj Househald items, kids laya, Little Tyke. Some From Carolyn, Jacqueline and Joanne bered. horse tack. WATSON - The famtly of Leroy would like ta SOHOUTEN, Chris - In bovig memory of a express their sancere thanirs ta ail wfio sent ex- MOVING GARAGE SALE desr husband - father-. Opa. pressions of sympamhy in the form ai fiowers, SAT., JULY 3 Silent memnories true and tender carda and donations. Special thanka ta di . 9 JOYCE BLVD. Jus tosho wealaysremrrierScott Eariy Funeref Home and ta the Ladies 598 Juatve ta sowr we awas riebrAuehlary ai Brandi 136 Legiai. Lt fRm Foreverin aur heer Dine, chlldren "m Il 0rnoN e Th Weteon funIy Lot ofmt The family of the late Jacqueline Luhrn Les Laughren and sons Jed, David snd Kevin, would like ta express iheir sincere thanks ta so many: - First, ta Gladys Goddard and the late Lloyd Goddard for raising such a fine daughter vîho becamne wife and mother ta us. To mhe countiess itienda, who h]elped us through ail the trials of Jackie's iliness in so many ways - witii meals, with transporta- tion la, Jackie's appointments, aith flowers, carda and persona] visita and wlth mhe efforts of so many ta, keep Jackie involved in their lives. To mhe doctors, nurses, techniciseis and volunteers wfio work in ancalagy bath et Credit Valley and Sunnybroak Hospltaf s. Ta Dr. Schachter and staff, and ta mhe Victorian Order of Nurses and, Cammunity Care Accesa Centre of Halton, ail of whose efforts allowed Jackie's wiah ta remain at home.a reality. To Joanne Sutman and Marilyn Pilarczyk, who taak so much time fram their own lives and familles ta, sea ta, Jackie's care. To mhe staff and nurses at Milton District Hospital, for their professioaeism and kind- nasa at mhe end. Ta the many friands, neîghbours and relatives whose kindness and consideration duning the time orf aur losa, made mhe losa eesier ta bear. To the J. Scott Eariy Funeral Home and ta Father Mike Francis and the Christian Cammunity of Holy Rasary Parish, who hetped us through aur Urne of losa and grief. Dur deepest mhanka ta you ail. dlcages. $30.00 eacfi. Cal85-3523. FOR sae camping aquipmeit; Reese hitch aqualizer fil 2" receiv- ar, 10 gal. drain water tank, Tole-along blue tank, Fifth wheel tailgate fils GMC or Chev 1988 & up; solid aak end ta- bles. Cali 878-3013 any- Uime. FOR SALE wall unti, 3 pico ncludes china caie.Cal 878-0635 aiter 2:30 pm. FIREWOOD - you cen pick up 4' -8' ail you can pu on yaur 1/2 ton. $500 or $105.00 bush cord deiivered cul and aplit. $175.00 bush cord delrvered. AIl hardwaad. 878-8251. FREE Estimatea.Got wabbly chairs weak apringa tired lookinq wood finishes? We do il aIl. Custorn wood refin- ishing and fumiture re- ~ irs. Fields Custom umilure. 9-9 daily. 875- 4427. PINE dining room sel. Table, 6 chairs, buffet, hulch, washer, dryar. Moving. 878-8902. SAVE UP TO $1000,16 it. X 24 it. a.d. reclangu- ler abave ground Kayak Pools. lndluding decks, fending, lier, 2 ledders, sand lifter, pump & nia- tor etc. $5,995. 1-800- 668-7564. SIT ON IT- DonIt Sit In fît Replacement foam for cushions. Residentiai/commercisl. Fields Upholslery, 9-9. 7 daya/weekl 875-4427. SUMMER Prics Break!! No GSTl Want e greal new look on your tumi- ture? Give Fields a oeil. Sofas f rom $598. Love- seets f rom $487. Chairs f rom $198. Senior Dis- counts. Fields Custom Upholslenng. 875-4427, 9-9 daily. PARAGON Equine Training Services. Dressage and jump- ing.Training, Instruction, Board, Sales. Oualily care, large indoor erena and ouldoor sand ring. A quiet facilily localeri et Trafalgar and 401 visi- tors welcome. Cali Kimi- beriy et 905-693-8993. BAUNESE kiffens OCA registered, f iraI shols and $300.00. Cali (519) 853-4382. CLASSIFIED ýW 1soe HOURS _ _ _ _ _ _ MONDAY TO FRIDAY d u______________ 9:00 AM 5:00PM ]See Toda.'s Champion for our new 'Milestones" section. To 1/54~$~Iannounce your special event, caU The Champions Classzfied ]-jgýDepartment at 875-3300. DUKE, Alan - In loving memory of e special husband andi father eho lait us June 29, 1994. M.,'ýKLN, "s ýýi H 1011