Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jun 1999, p. 29

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Thé Canadien Champion, Fridey, June 25, 1999-25 LENSSEN, Joanne Theodora Arîtorrot Maria (nee deHaan) On Tuesday, Junu 22, 1999 ut the Honderuon Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario. Dom Auguat 18, 1924, Tcetlo Holtanci. Ann, beloved cife of Louis W. Lenssen orf Burt ington, Ontario. Loveci mother of Fr. Louis M. Lenssen C.R.S.P. of Stoney Creek, Amie and his mite Gait o! Milton, Witt anci his wife Christine o! Guelph and Ted and his wife Lorraine af Orillia. Deer ~randmother of Ryan, Brandon, Shannan, odn ameron, Tesse-Anne, Jorden anci Justin. Daughter ai the lte Amoldus andi Hendrika deHean. Sister o! Ria Hammink anci her husband Wittem of Hottanci, Henk deHaan anci his cite Johanna of Marfcham, Mie p Lanke and hem husband the lette Jan a! Holtanci, Thea Liefenink and her husband the taie Gerard ai Oakvitte anci the tata Nofda Visser anci hem husband Gerard o! Hottand. Sister-in- tac af Weis and Frens Besslink, Marie Van Hall andi her fate husbend Thea. The tata Bernardine, Willie Lenssen andi her hus- bandi the fate Johannes, the late Wilhel mus Lenssen anci Wilhetmus andi Hermine Lenssen ait o! Hollanci. Meny nieces andi nephews in Canada ranci Hollanci who wiii miss hem. Family wil t receive friands ai Kapnive Taylar Communnty Funemel Home, 64 Lakeshare Road West, Qaille tram 2- 4 andi 7-9 pm Thursdeay, June 24, 1999 andi Fnidey June 25, 1999. Mess ai Christien buriat will teke place et St. James Penish, 231 Morden Roaci, Oekville et 10:00am Setumdey, June 26, falltacec by intemnment et St. Juda's Cametery in Oekvitfe. Donatians ta the Canadien Cancer Sacieýty caulci be greetty apprecieteci by the tamily. The femity would like ta, thank Doctar Myers andi Assacietes andi the staff a! Hendersan Hospital tan their cancem andi came. m- in memory of Harold and Marloons Mages, msrried June 251f,, 1949 at Knax Presbyterian Church. BOWEN, Harold J. - In toving memory o! a dearfther cho passei acay on Jane 25,1991. Eight years havealsready passeci Sinca that ssci de y you cere taken. But scéat ramembrance tests foravar. Sadly miaaadi always Voun Ioving daughter Janet. BUCHANAN, Jimmy - In toving memory of s loving hustranti, fathar and grandiathar, who passeci awsy June 25,1989. A million limes I'va needeci you A million times t'va crieci If lova caulc hava saeac you deer You neyer wouid hava diad. Thingumav feat most deepty Are the hardesl lhings losey, My dearast .. .1 tovaci you In a cary specisi wey If i coutd hava one titetima wish One dreas that caulci came feue, Id pray to Goc with att My haart For yaslerday and yau. Untîl we meat again Vour lovlng cite CMtie,§James Laura Nlght Nlght Papa, Kristi JACKSON, Margarvi - Iv Ioving mvmory o!~ HUTCHINSON FARM dear wite and mother, who passed away June Since you cama catieci awsy. Sa many things to share th you Though absent, you are avar near,ra 1 Harold, Bev &i Ted ourvirgrc, o Cramer of Fi s e Produce &5 Flocr LEMIS, Doris - nr toving memory of s dear if a, mothar and grsndmother, cho passaci Tenidery cie trese the past VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. At Milaon Triathlon Juty Manrories that ciii atcsys test 10 for registration, bodymsreing, caler staps, traffic When cve cesse f0 lhink ai you controi etc. Cati Kay 878-4122 or Hsnry 519-856- Witt ha Mhen Goci han catiaci us 100. 1154. by huaband Roy & FamiIy RANGER - In toving memory our sonibrother, Phitip Richard Ranger chose fle ces taken ___ June 27, 1987.- Twelve years have passeci since that terrible day, The day that cfanged our lices forever, We hotd onto aur memtories, As a strang famity, we've helped acIi other Terre daesn't heat, it gos on. We miss yau, thinking af you atways. Lave gam & Dad Michael & Chria Susan & Jim, Debarah & Doug Jonathan, Rickl, Jamla-Suz, Bryar & Nicole Please dont! drink & drive! If's tIha innocent that die! SHEA, T. Joseph Jan. 28, 1923 - Feb. 9,1990. Donald T. May 19, 1946 - June 26, 1996. Ttioughts today Memonies forever Bulle, Jackie, Margie & Kn A heart-fett thank you ta aur good friends and netghbaurs for ait thetr support, also ta Grace Churcli ladies for lunch and ta Daug Kacher for his understanding and cary efficient service. Blancha Swann & Raemary Ryan Dear Faraily, Friends and Neighbous uf Musa Lisa Scarcella: Musa mas a unique and passiosare persan. 1 guess tisaIs why rhr gaad Lard paired ber wilh a fabulons Italias family. He tsew whai was seeded sn ber tife. 1 had lIhe privilege uf speadise tise Marcb Break wiîh Masa. We tlketi as mach as passible and wrole a journal ut ber wasrs and requesîr fur ber last wish- es. Her sicksess chaneed ber. She said il made her appreciare rach istite Ihise ID rimes mure. The warralh ut the sas. The cbimes is ber home. Whes the breeze moved Ihera differenlly eacb rime il blew she would ihisk ut someose special. Whar Musa wasied ru do ausl, had she bec welt enough. was ru write each ut yuu a persunat ltee ru tetl yuu isdividually how mach you ail meant robher. 1 dusIt îhisk she had ru.. you atready knew. Il showed in the upouring ut lune everyone witlisgty eave ru Musa's famity darne the trre lIsys ce spens sayisg guod-bye. 1 would lite la personatty thank you att for atlow- isg me, ElaiseAhola, cassis ut Musa Scarcella, lu see and be a part ut a special lime. Thar oirrus, E. Aholu. Camrbridge, Ont. 15 Sideroad. km.e West ut Trafalgar ri Rd, iat arm & ondiin north ie teart 87774n requires COUNTER HELP Att Shits. Pamd training. Uniforme aupptred. Apply In persan ta: 8501 Hwy. 25 North, Milton 575 Ontario S, Milton 80 Market Dr., Milton Excittng Career Opportunittea now avaitabte with Canada'a targest Fiffless Company. Goadîtte Fifflese Club tn Mitton naw requires Fitness Tramners, Personat Trainera, both Fuît and Part-time. Memberahipo Co-ardina- tara and Reception. Please forward resumne by Monday, June 28, 1999. 855 Steelea Ave., Miltan, ON L9T 5H3 876-FIT <3488) Attentian: Diana Parry Fax Na. (905) 876-087 TORONTO AUTO AUCTIONS 2 vacenciea carrentie snt in the Maintenance Departeent for. FUU..TIMIE MAINTENANCE WORICERS " Muet be a quiet teamer. -Punctuat " Retiabte Valid Ciasa 'G Orivara' Licence Handy-MarlJanitoriat stuitis a plus. Srarting rate: $8.50 par hour, Review atter thres months. To appiy ptease cati Harr Pemshad or Alain Caitiemar. 875-2915 1 No Tuesday Catis Ptease PERMANENT P/T Georgetown/Milton Positions Available: " Muterial Packugers " Shippers/Receivers " Production Line Workers " Sunitation We Require: *Warehousing exp. *Bondable *Avaitahte to wort shift & weekend work *Must have own transportation Fax: 14161253-6034 E- mail Attn: Cheryt AZ DRIVERS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Mitton HERE'S WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU! Competitive wages *Comprehensive fuît range benefits *Locat or C.S. Nights/Weekends/Overnight HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED! Verifiabte experience Professionat attitude Witling ta work Dependabte 7e Cali Bob at 1-800-661-6718 Fax: 416-253-6034 School Bus Drivers Needed Milton & Georgetown Train Now for September ffff7ffoflfi ideat for Homemakers and Early Retirees Call Laidlaw Transit 877-2251 Laidlaw Transit is an equal opportunity employer WORKERS NEEDED Oakville plant needs strong workers for heavy, down-n-dirt packaging of workout equipment. APPLVIN PERSON. 7171 Torbram Rd, Unit 5, Mississauga (Corner of Derry Rd & Torbram> Caîl 1 -905-678-8386 anytime or leave message ai (905> 339-2099 AUI catis retumed ASAP FULL TIME GENERAL LABOURERS Required by manufacturer. Transportation re- quireci. Expenience in manutactwring environ- ment or shipping/reoiving is preferred. Muat be fluent in Engtish. Fax reaumae only ta: (905) 3354952 BEVERLY HILLS WEIGHT MANAGEMENT AND NUTRITION CENTRE requires motivatiosat Cousselor with a background sn sales. Enthusiastic team player. An interest sn nutrition un asset. Trainingi providsd. Fuit-limne position. Appty in person wuth reaumne or fax: 550 Ontario Street, South, Unit 18 -(pizza Hut Plaza in Milton) Fax (905) 875-4148. Construction equipment rentai cornpany requires FUIL-TIME PERMANENT Driver/Maintenance Porson Must bepbysicaiiy strong (same massai ioading and unIoading invoiaed), seit-starter, respontibie, mechanicaity inclined, awn transportation. Medicai/ denta hesefits, pension, protit sharing. Drop att resume in persan, inctuding drivers abstract, ta: 1363 Corawall Roam, G11aklifl (403 er OEW ta Ford Or., S. te COnil Ni.I) 1 lrIjSI gattlng $et for THE MILLENIUM Off ering excellent starting wages If you're between the ages of 15 ta 65 thon WE montyoa. Several FIT CLOSINO SHIFTS available 8pm-3am shits available wît Paid Training*Free unitorrn If you meuid i/ko t. jo/a Our fmaIIy Appty ut 8t Market Dr, Miltas or cati the Manager belte il arn or aller 2pm ta set-up an interview ai (905)-493-0657 QDALIFUED0 CAR DETAULER/ CLEAN - UP PERSON Cai (905) 844-2320 TOW NE valter Weddepohi A tursn usivery Take-Out Restauranti s now hirin9 Deiive:y Drivera. Muai hava own car. Appiy in person ta Wings Up, 465 Main St. E., Milaon. ASSEMBLY people re- quireci aI Eltn Mau- tacturng. Haavy iiftQing involveci. Appty et88 Nlplaaing Road, Mil- ton. CARPENTERS Halpers raquireci for naw rasi- dential extariar tria. Fuit time houriy positions. Waedepandîng on ex- patace. Vehicta a must. Wore is in thse g rester Toronto urea. Cat (905) 335-0337, teave massage. CHEF Dominic is over- lookeci. Kitchan staff neadei for fine dining and cetening, $7-10 hr.. Cati Trattoris Domenico, 876-0499. DISHWASHER/Prap persan Bus persan raquirec by Mitîsida Restaurant. Appty in moan ta 243 Main St., FIRIST Chance Haîrcut-' tara raquinas Hatrstytîsts for busy lacations. Wa- terdocn-Buhngton-Mil- tan. Guaranteeci haurly + excellent commis- sions. Acivanceci train- ing pravideci. Ho duies- tala nacessary. Cati 905-815-3216 or 905- 319-3155. FREE estimates - Lave p ur sofa and chairs? aeyour cafaurs? Give Fields a caît Summer Savings - Na P.ST. So- fan tramt $598, Chairs tram $198: Senior Dis- counts. Filds Customa Uphaistering 875-4427. Dat 9-9. SHIPPERI RECEIVER Computer knocerige us asset.Vutid Driver's Lic. requtreti. Drap off resume ta NAflONALM 4W11 CUEMRS, 4122 South Service Rd, Bsrtington, or Fas 6344010 LAKESIIORE PLACE Reîîremevt residevce islhrivg HEALTH CARE COUKS Minimum 3 yrs eap- Pieuse fas resme ta: Fao: 905-333-3103 LABOURER Menufac- turing Envirosmant. Fuiltime. Siarting ai $9.00. some liihing re- quiraci. Fax 905-878- 3012. PETRO CANADAJA & W raquirea Part time parsonu for att shifts. Must be avaitabte for ceeatsys & weekands. Submit resume la: 235 Steaeu venue., Mtas. PRESTO POOLS have part lime positions avait- sabie in Iheir store. Appty in person la 305 B Steates Ave. E.. Milton. TIRE parson naeded immediatly. experi- enca. Dring or tax e- sue to Queeno Tire, 387 Oueen St., Actas. IFax: (519) 853-3190, Ph. (519) 853-3940 ut- ter hours (905) 794- I2718. ITORONTO Auto Auc- Piesa cati 875-2919 and ask for John Parm or fax resuma ta 875- 3219 (Ho Tuasday caîls plesse.) Fax us your Classifieds 876-23641 w___ au"

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