10 - Trhe Canadien ChamnplanFrlday, May 21,1i909 Two of three candidates think McGuinty was third t ram LOCAL on page 3 those riches with tough decisions to ensure that strengtb ,-emains." Howard Hampton started as thse d.ark horse in tihe debate anti ended by tossing Mr. McGuinty out of the running, said NDP candidate Jay Jackson. "The race was clesrty between the Tories and the NDP," he said. "I think the Liberals came in third." A limp performance by Mr. McGuinty served to highiight that party's tiimsy policies. said Mr. Jackson. Also, Mr. Harris' erophasis on tax cuts May have sliced Conservative credibility in the debate, said Mr. Jackson. "Mr. Harris is basically staying the course and boping people will believe in bis phony tax cuts again," aaid Mr. Jackson. In contrast, Mr. Hampton delivered the reai gooda, he said. "Our party leader csme out quite well," said Mr. Jackson. "He made some significant points." A strong showing by Mr. MWGuinty duning the debate may have changed people's thinking about the Liserai party leader, said Hàlton Liberai candidate Mohan Anand. 1I think everyone bad the asaumption that the worst performance would be from Dalton McGuinty, but 1 tlsink lac did vcry well," be said. "He held his own, he didn't give in. He showed he could perform under pressure." Far froro flip-flopping on issues, Mr. Mr. Anandi -He was tenacious. He stuck to bis statements and policies. Many people who at one cime may flot have known if he wss up ta the job - I think be dispelled those fears. I think he proved he was up ta the job." Mr. Anand denied that his party lacka policies, stating that healtb care, education and thse envi- ronment are its pnimary priorities. Only if there is extra rooney will tax cuts factor in. PUBLIC NOTICE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT DERRY ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD NO. 7) AND BRONTE STREETIRST LINE TOWN 0F MILTON PR-1594A Notice is hercby giveis pursuant ta, Sections 297 mnd 300 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 as amended, that the Cowscit for thse Regiausal, Municipality of Halton proposes et ils meeting on Wednesday, lune 23, 1999 at 9:30 a.m. ta pesa a by-law for the intersection improvensents et Denry Rond (Regional Rond 7) andi Bronte Street/firt lise, Town of Miltoun. Plans ahowing tise propoaed work may be inspected at thse Planning & Public Works Department~ Hilton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Rond, Oakvilte. On Wednesday, lune 16, 1999, at 9:30 a.n. in tise Haltoa Roomn et tise Hsltan Regionat Centre, 1151 Bronte Rad, Oikville, Ontario, Council daraugis ils Planning and Public Works Cornnittee will hear in persan, or by bis/lau Counisel, any persan wha, claims that bis/ber lands will be prejucticisily affecteti by tise ssid by-taw andi wha applies ta, tise Regianal, Clerk no inter dim Tuesday, June 15, 1999 ta, Se heard. For fiutiser information, pleis contact Mr. Josephs CIsol P.Eng., Manager of Design Services ait extesuion 7610. Frons MlIton/OnkvI1 (905) 825-603 Hilton HI (905) 878-8113 Burlington (905)69-4540 JOAN A. EAGLESHAM REGIONAL CLERK www.region.satoinoec %SEARS *keheiete oGlie d mizwfSom hImd tib ut 100 Niplssmg Raid. The Sw Somr store la lady awmd cdi apaen.td by idu Swffl. ',,'or goodness salke"l 4s brught to you courtesy of GRADE "1A", NEWS MIlLION DISTRICT aigu SCEOL Grade "A" News ai MDHS By Jacqueline Bass and Marissa Cheskey After another great week here at M.D.H.S., we would first of all like 10 congratulate the winners 0f this years "Ultimate Drink Mix" contest. The lucky winners, Terry Anne Fish and Adamn Finkbiener, walked away with a prize of fifty dollars. We would like 10 thank Mr. Charles, Mr. harnilton, Mr. Swarbrick and ail the students who helped oui with the contest. It weni greai! Thanks, as well, 10 ail the students that participaies. lt's great t0 see ail the sehool spirit. We would like to rernind you, once again, of the Student CQouncil eleciions being held of June isi. You've probably noticed ail of the greai carnpaîgn posters up around school this week. this year students will only be voiing for the positions 0f presideni and vice president. the rest of the positions are acclairned. For president we have tis years president Sana Chishiy, running against Jean Kiathavisack. For vice president we have Sony Dhillon running against Gwynne Lockhurst. Good luck 10 aIl 0f y0u and keep up the good work on your cam- paigns. Invitations 10 this years Student Athletic Banquet were given out this week. Rernember ihat tickets are twelve dollars for the dinner and dance or six dollars for the dance. You do not have 10 be an athlete 10 corne, so corne out and support your school. Speaking of athletics, congratulations 10 the M.D.H.S. rugby tearn, They played their besi game of the season on Tuesday after school. Great job guys! Have a great long weekend. DATELINE DRURYV E.C. DRUET aigu SCHOOL Dai:Iine Drury - May 211h, 1999 by Jessica Wellstead and Kaie Murzin If you thought the Mapie Leaf's win over Pittsburg was exciting... wait until you aee what's going on at Drury this month! Welcome Io another edition ai Dateline Drury! This pasi Wednesday, earfy dismissal began for students in order ta give teachers time ta leami the new curriculum thatr ail high achools must implement nexi year. Classes wili also end at 12:30 pm for the niaI three consacutive Wednesdays. On these days, wfhich include May 19 & 26, June 2&9, students Wl stili have their regulariy schedufed classes, hawever, peniods wiIl be aharteneti and rearranged. Copies ai the altered lime table were sent home and are available in the main office if needeti. This la an opportunlty for students ta catch Up on assignments and prajecta. Use the lime wiseiyl Alsa beginning this week were grade eight tours of the E.C. Drury buildings and campus. We were pieasid ta welcome the grade eight students of W.I.Dick ai Thursday May 20 and we hope that they enjoyed seaing wheme they I go ta achool next yearf Wie wili be welcoming the grade îight students of Sam Sherratt next Thursday, May 27. We hope thnal ail grade eights are as exciteti ta came ta E.C. Drury as we are ta have theml Speaking of excitement, next week the playoffa for Drury's rugby teamn begini The senior boys wili play Milton District on Thursday and this should prove ta be a very exciting rematch aliter their aest face off. Drury fans are encouraged ta camne out and watch the tem play Tuesdayf Listen ta annauncemerits for the loca- tion ai the gamet Good luck ta ail players on the teaml. Another important activity whicis ta begin nexi week as Orurys part in a series of presentatiana ta pro- mate awareness amongat pre-teena and teena about heafthy relationahipa. On Wednesday May 26, sixteen Drury peer instructars will teacfi grade) eight and nine students about what constitutes a healthy relatîonship as well as what dos not. Tapics will include, but are nat limiteti ta abuse and violence in unheahthy relation- shipa. A folaow-up session ta this presentatian will be held on Tueaday June 8th and will include a 40 minute play called "The Mirror Game" and ai post-play discussion between students and their peer instructars. This activity has been organized in co-aperation with the Halton Women's Placa. On a final note, we would like ta wîsh evaryonea saie and happy long weekend !We'l see you back here nexi w eek for anoiher edition ai Dateline Drury -ithat iti you're not too busy watching the Leaf playoii gameal r__ý