38--The Canadien Champion, Frlday, May 7, 1999 - . - ADVANCED & GENERAI MASTER KEYING SYSTEMS HIGH SECURITY LOCK SYSTEMS & COMPLETE KEY CONTROL HANDICAP OPERATORS I*D TIA PANIC BARS e DOOR CLOSERS MOBILE *COMEAIL * ASSIDENTAL ELECTRIC STRIKES & ACCESS CONTROL MASTER KY SECURITY CONSULTATIONS SERVICE *LOCK-OUT FOR AAM SYSTEMS 878-5080 -SAFES A H.ritage of Rockweil T.chnology Formoily Rockwsll International Supension Systuin Comnpany 150 Steels Avenue, Milton, Ontario L9T 2Y5 SLINNV OASISf INTERNET SERVICES " FREE Domain Name Registrations " Domain Hosting Services Q Business Web Site Development " FREE Consultations & Quotes Get Unllmîted Internet tîme for only $19.95 per mohth www.aunnyoasi.com DUFFERIN AGGREGATES 3300 HWY #7, SUITE 400 CONCORD, ONTARIO L4K 4MB 'iSupplying High Quality Crushed Limestone and Sand & Gravel to AITD the GTA and Surrounding Areas LEADING BY Information & Sales BUILDING Phone: (416) 630-4422 VALUE FOR YOU Fax: (905) 761-5905 COMPANY 375 Wheelabrater Way, Milto. (905) 875-1427, *Autonzed Servie Deoa Miltovn é FuIl Training ConrcteI omputer @Software & Accessonies Services *Network lnstalling - Salss & Service ' OR Site Service Insee A 4.'Lotus wP rtnsorI Canon Epson ..... Lexmark Microsoft 751 Main Street East, Suite 2, Milton Phnen 878-65l Fax 876-1013 e 1-800-288-0034 Monday - Frlday 9-5:30 pan Satustisy10 - 4 pan 1 A Mnthly Newsletter of the I. Logo deslgned by Shoot Photographlc I'm g lad to be Canadian!! Everyone lunch, mid-afternoon sweet, dinner snd Thank you to the following business for rer ohold have the opportunity to travlt a efe-hed snack. n eA osth'sE> Chamber Memhership in March. developing couinto>' and oee first hand how so slim! By the way, it is very impoute to the majority of the world lîves. I gssarantee decline a meal, sô we learned quickly to Brampton Sports Car you would retuns home more appecative only put smali portions on our plate s0 as Centricut Canadla of how fortunate we trul>' are and mayhe not to offend. Country Depot change too! Upon our arrivai an airport represen- tative who, ushered us through customs seamnlessly, and took us to the VIF lounge to await our ride to Sta. Maria. Benito Fabian andl Petrone>' Barles, two senior municipal staffers welcomed us to the Philippines and whisked us off on our adventure. These two gentlemen hecame our veryi gond friendi and were- responsible for making our visit an experience to remember. Heat, humidity, trsffic congestion, pollution. palm trees, hihiscus liedges, J eepnies and smiling faces melded together to form our l'srst impressions of Manida. Sta. Maria is 35 km. from Manida and it took us about an hour and a half to reach our destination because of the TRAFFIC, TRAFFIC, and TRAFFIC! If there were three marked lanes there would he five rows of vehicles using thens, unhelievable. Nobody seema to have serious accidents because no one moves faster than a snail! Upon arrivaI in Sta. Maria we met Mayor Neneng Nicholas and members of Municipal Counicil at a luncheon in our honour. All the traditional dishes were served and we knew we had arrived! Rice, fish, seafood, pork, chicken, vegetables andl fruit maie up the diet of the Philippines. Mayor Gord, Marin and I soon came to love the fresh msngoes. hananas, seafood and other delicacies of the islands. Food is a ve!>' large part of the culture and Filipinos graciously share what they have with you. Lt is not unusual to have breakfast, mid-morning soup, We toured aIl the provincial and municipal facilities including; the Town Hall, composting centre, hospital, health clinica, fire de partment, police headquarters/jail, and a chools. We talked to people froim alI social levels and were slways made to feel welcome. The Filipinos are a patriotic, religious and proud people. They honour famil>' relationshipo and communit>'. The majorit>' is wealthy in spirit even though the>' are fmnancially poor. There are onl>' two classes in the Philippines, the wealthy and the poor. There is no middle class to spea of andl this is part of the reason the country' is struggling to prosper. With a population o0] millon only 2O millon are registered tapyers and only 2 million of themn psy taxes. The governiment is tiying to change thingo but change is slow and not always accepteil. Filipinos have liveil under Spanish, Americarf and Marcos rule for centuries and it bas only been i the past two decades that they have faced the challenges of governing thenselves. The partnership between Sta. Maria and Milton wil alowus hoth tn learis from one another and offer humant resources training to assist in the furtiser development of the government of Sta. Maria. I will tell you more in future articles. Milton will he hosting a delegation froin Sta. Maria in the next few months and we will he able tn return thse warmi hospitality! The Philippines is a country of contrasts! Imm HALTON NCRIEDIT UNION Proudfy Serving Members Sincel957 EARL DOLMAGE Branch Manager 44 Main Street East Milton, Ontario J E Wulfers Inc. Kwik Kopy Prixsting National Sales O'Connor McLeod Pride Electric Inc. Debhie Drover - Sales Marketing Assistant LOOK COMMUNICATIONS INC. 8250 Lawson Road Milton, ON L9IT 5C6 Phone - 693-0393 Fax - 693-0674 E-mail - ddrover@look.ca Web-site - http://www.look.ca MMDS wireless digital television provider. Janet Whitehead - Owner B.J.S. JANITORIAL SERVICES 100 Millside Drive #1107 Milton, ON, L9T 5E2 Phone - 878-3828 Fax - 878-0926 E-mail - bjs@globalserve.net Full service janitorial Service for mndustrial & commercial clients. Klaus & Christine Regert - Owner/Operators IMPORT PARTS EXPERTS INC. 375 Steeles Avenue Unit #2 Milton, ON L9T 3G6 Phone - 693-0627 Suppliers of new and used European import auto parts and accessories. Saturday May 22nd, 1999 MILTON FARMERS' MARKET OPENS 7:00 arn - 12 noon -4ý -M.0 70909 ITON CRAMBER