A( , 1 .5 ,onsumer's Digest Best Buy for 1998 A four-time Consumer's Digest Best Buy - 2.4L, DOHC 16-valve, 150-hp engine .6L, 16-valve, 115-hp engine -4-speed automatic transmission with overdrive -speed manual transmission e Air conditioning E Value Option Package - Cruise control tir conditioning, 4-speaker e Power windows, antenna, mirrors, ýM/FM/cassette, Digital dlock and Smart DoorSTM locks - AM/FM/cassette with four speakers f-MaY 1 '99 Nissan Sentra XE Af7em '99 Nissan Altima GXE Lite is a journey. VM Enjoy the ride. L F,e PL 1. mir. 0.75% Flveng ,sn0,tO OAC. Sp«Wo .0,. p.d<ooo s tqunu Sm. damier fS daM Dateline 6- The Canadien Champion, Fniday, May 7,19W' I E~PI!ELQGOODI Notices for Dateline should be hand- ed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or fexed to (905) 878-4943. The final deadline is nomn Friday for TuesdayVs editiori and noon Wednesday for Fniday's edition. Dateline items will flot b. accepted by. telephone. Friday May 7 It's Spa Day at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr. 'fli event includes a vasîety of relaxing activities and motivational speakers, a walk to Loblaws for spa meal cooking demo and lunch, and back to, the centre for interactive displays of local business. Registration is limited. Town mayi hav e more money than expected atrom NEW on page 14 Final figures will be presented to counicil at its next meeting on May 17. At that meeting, councillors wilt decide if any extra money should be funneled into reserves, used to psy for improved services in Town, or utilizcd to create a tax decrease for residents. Councillor Lieven Gevaert suggested that counicil should consider using the found money to restore contributions to Town reserves. Contributions wcre slashed in thc origi- nal budget presentation in order to mini- mize the tax impact on residents. could potentially take a downturn ncxt year. "Serious considcratiott should be given to, putting money back into reserves in case the opposite happens next year," said Mr. Gevaert. Mr. McQueen acknowledged that asseas- ment money wiIl fluctuate each year depending on where growth is taking place. "I think you're going to sec a lot of assessment swings from now on," he said. "Next year if we have growth in une par- ticular class, il will influence what Our but- tom line is." f111 1 F(ap Express Yourself with DECORATI NO WHnIE muneaco C.iig White ,rash tt ~ O3A401~l~Ideai for piastor drsyea, * Sp.r Mf0et acustic matoe ad * Intdo,/EaoLxUi Rp - AquaPeat Regal - AquaGto mst ottor surfaces * 100%AcrilllslLatex Be *oe.ssfsemi-91s finish Beautfsl natte *llsth hiing kito.,ba,,osed Rfi - *qâevtFs,ten doff, finish ntevmiate ki-hr ,hlsl.n.,s and *Wstelpaint for fsetsn and vals cng 9qgare Decoradft, wscobte $33 ~ lsest. WIM!MAKEOVER in id §KgAt your partidipating Benjamin M4oore Retaiter. *Darer Clous Slghd Higer.No purchase necessary. Darkr Clour Slghtl HiherTotal approolmate prize value $11.000. Details in store. BIRGSMXS PAINT &WALLPAPER 876-4922 mBeunmiMooreIe 194 Main St. E PIenty of FREE Parking off Mary St. DOWNYOWN MILTON w H Wallpaper Book Orders 40% OFF uo5 0 0/o OFF Window BIinds and muome! A lu The Milton Players Theatre Group pire- sents tic Last of the Red Hot Loyers by Neil Simon. The show is staged at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr. Tickets, which cost $10, are available at Delacourt on Main Street. For more information, calI 875-0629. Friday May 7 - 9 Rose Cherry's Home hosts a fundrais- ing drive over Uic Mother' s f)ay weekend. Participating pubs and restaurants are seli- ing rose cameos. 'lTe cameos with the donor's signature will be prominently dis- played in the participating premises, which include Bellamy's, Charlie Fitzwhisky's, - ee more DATELINE on page 28 Wallcoverings