MILTON PUBLIC CRi let vs L.U 781 MAIN ST. #1 & 2, MILTON 876-4785 A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 140 No.. 16 Friday, May 7, 1999 40 Pages 750 (GST included) ,Whi*ch track will the voters choose? By KAREN smrTH Trhe Champion While Halton MPP Ted Chudleigh says the June 3 election is about Ontario being on the right track, his opponents contend it's about get- ting back on the night track. Following the Tories' rocky term, that featured a controversial over- haul of the education systemn, a hard-fought race is expected. But Mr. Chudleigh responds simply by asking -what election isn't? "Ontario's on the night track," he said moments before Premier Mike Harris' etection cati Wednesday. "Lt bas been strong leadership that got us there. There's been some tough deci- sions.', But those tough decisions have been the wrong deci1sions, according to other party leaders, wbo say one of the rea- sons they must be elected is to undue the damage the Tories have caused to Ontario's educa- tion and healtb care systemls. Mohan Anandi Ted Chudlelgh the Halton Liberat candidate, said the Tories' "undermining" of education must stop and the appropriate resources must be retumned to the system, as with health care. He called thse tax cuts announced on the eve of thse election "a bribe" for taxpayers, but he doesn't tbink they'll bite. NDP candidate Jay Jackson echoed that the Tories are "trying to buy the etectorate off' with a "tax-back scheme." Six-point agenda He said the NDP bas a six-point agenda to -start on the road to recovery." Lt includes a 6 per cent rollback of Mr. Harrs' income tax culs for the wealtbiest people., The money would go 10 health care. And Family Coalition Party leader Giuseppe Gori said thse Tories aren't being as fiscally responsible as they would have taxpayers believe because they are still borrowing money. "They're not realty as conservative as they appear," be said. "Not when you took at thse numbers." Meanwhile, Mr. Chudleigb credits bis government for taking the necessary my, one that bas created 539,000 new jobs in Ontario since July, 1995. And be said thse pmomised furtber provin- cial income tax and property tax culs will put even more money in peopte's pockets. Acclaimed to represent the Tories in Hatton again, Mr. Cbudleigb said be thinks citizens are pleased witb thse economy and e. CHUDLEIGH on page 3 on Sunday, May 16. Participants wilI depart at 10 a.m. from the museum and make their way up the Bruce Trait to the hip of Mifton Heights. The final leg of the trek offers some spectacular views and bikers are encouraged to bring a camera 10 capture the scenery. Hikars are also asked 10 pack a lunch and baveraga as the guided tour takes two bours. Fees for the avent are $5 par par- son plus admission to Kelso Conservation Area. Pra-registration is required and can be dona by calling Halton Region Museum at 875-2200, ast. 0. 1i:uu a.m.I SUNDAY SCHOOL IQ1:00 a.m. j_ lurmscîprvidd 76 6 pflOtO Dy L*IAIIAM rAINr Spring's in fit bloom The Milton Gardon Centre's Nancy Saliba gives these potted and hanglng basket gerani- Ume a much needed drink of water. The Brante Street plant store wiIl no doubt b. busy this Mothers Day weekend. L - -