Sparks ignite big grass ire îng frceht train hurntd fence posis tor two kilorne1ret The Mississamuea Fire Departirnîent haîndlrd thc fi The Miltona Fire Department was notified shortly before 5 p.m. that a huge grass lire had erupted along the tracks from east of Ninth Line to Tremaine Road. Smoke billowed through the air along the path of we east ot Ninth Line whie the Milton Fire Departnient knocked down the blaze to the west. Two hours later the job waa done. "If the grasa is dry it will race ail the way along," aaid Milton Captain Mark Cross. Krantz wants issues resolved , tramn BYLAW on page 2 dizing transportation in other areaa of the region," he said. Oakville Councillor Stephen Sparling wondered at the timing of Mr. Gonnsen's appearance before count- cil. "We do everything on a priority basis," he said. "When we were spending tens of thousands of dollars on expansion in Burlington you didn't have a prob- ,lem, but you have a problem when we tumn our focua somnewhere else?" Mr. Krantz took exception to a suggestion that council may be too hasty in looking to approve the bylaw already. "You state that this is premnature. I wonder when, in your view, we may mature," he asked. "At the risk of boring the bell out of my colleagues, this bas been going on for a dozen years. When will we mature?" Burlington Councillor Jack Dennison thought a 60- day delay might manage it. "I have sympathy that the approval of HUSP and the development charges should include transportation," he said. 1I don't really feel that a 60-day delay would be the end of the world." It wouldn't help much, either, said Halton's plan- ning and public works director Pat Murphy. Murphy warns of delay "The 60 days represents a real delay in project comn- pletion," he said. "If we don't start projecta now we won't be able to guarantee construction by June, 2000, which we'd like to." A separate development charges bylaw for trans- portation wiII comne before council in June. .Council shouldn't hesitate to approve the current bylaw, said Oakville Councillor Kathy Graham. "Any delay will send the wrong message to, the developmnent community," she said. "I think we've worked very hard to find something we can ail agree with. I'd certainly encourage that we move forward on this.", Milton Councillor Barry Lee expressed stme confu- sion over the purpose of aIl the debate. "I don't know what we're looking for under the mat here," he said. "It has been 12 years and I haven't found anything. Let's get on with it." IAAD' iAGS N-0' mîsgIO FARI ISRBU p ne AT oS- MOTEE CASU S - - SWEtreEStr Sok DEIM i POYETE :OID VOGUE TRPIA CLBUTITS- RCTECLCE POLYSTERCOTTN PINTS-PATRO PAIN LINEN-LOOKldlldull prlcedPITS PITS RI - NOVLTY SITING- WID BowmuiOT s ARTI ATEECE O.PDS PRINT DEORA SOID & o RNT - HOM DE EXUE - CTAIN LAE RAERY2FREEEDSHER Sale ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0s int ApetA rl2-a 19, nslce nsok H RE' 26.MaORSBy 1.fa - - 'ndi e . Motie m a ile in moe soe.f n fe Sr uni ofslc e.~eg Pice Ge the ex 2. of.. . . . . pie 'rfr to Fa rcln' eeua cansoepe. eqa vau FREE'O- * Leatiter runflifl boards, new tires, pecassette *tecse payments ore plus taxes wi$th ZERO clown, tli + Sec. onl4, OAC. 'T.rn .sp t48 sons iia l . See dealer or detais LOWEST FINANCE & LEASE RATES 0F THE VEAR ON USED CARS AfTTENIMiON ALL USER» CARF BUYERtS! IF WE DON'T HAVE THE CAR YOU'RE LOOKING FOR, WE CAN GET IT FOR YOU... PLEASE CALL FOR DETAILS!!! E. The Best In Sleclon and Price Anywhere 547 Main St. Milton. 878-0931 p The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Apnil 27, 1999 -3