Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Apr 1999, p. 6

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6 -The Canadien Champion& Tuesday1 April 6, 1999 SCOMMENT THE CNADIN CHMPIO New youth crime act is tougli enough 110W We agree with Halton MP Julian Reed that the proposed Youth Criminal Justice Act -- recently tabled by the federal govemment -- is as tough as it has to, be. mi 1 Contrary to, Halton North MPP Ted Chudleigh's comments that the current Young Offenders Act needs a complete overhaul, we believe it needed some adjusting, and that's what's been done. The required changes have become necessary as we see more seri- ous violent acts being committed by people at younger ages. Should it pass, the new legisiation would empower youth courts to impose aduit sentences on violent offenders as young as 14.- Previously, only 16 and i 7-year-old offenders could receive aduit sen- teces. adut time at age 14 is a strong measure for an obviously !NA T L mixed-up teenager, but one we feel is justified. Thus, we believe Mr. Chudleigh's cali for aduits sentences for vio- lent offenders as young as 12 years is just too extreme -- at least for now. Karen Smith - 0 OUR READERS WRITE« Gevaert deserves support: reader Government sp~in doctors using technology to Dear Editor: councillors fuîltime. I knaow that .h,',oppose Merchant Seamen's compensation cdaim 1 read with interest the two articles in the Friday, Apr. 2 issue of your newspa- per criticizing Lieven -Gevaert's atten- dance recordt at Cowscil meetings. Reporter Itenm Gentle'a write-up stats off by saying that Ward 3 residenîs miglit féel neglected by bis absenace, but fails to, pnvide any evidencr to support ltat suggestion. As a loaig-iime resideart of Ward 3, 1 feel it is incumbeaat to respoSd. As a resi- dent and taxpayer of the Town of Milton, other tItan Barry Lee 1 would mtech rather have Mr. Gevaert represeaating by interesis part-time than any of the other highly intelligent and dedicated to any responsibility tlsat he assumes. Also the fact tlnat hic talents arc recog- nized iaternationally by acting as a con- sultant in lsael is a further indication of bis talents. 1 was sorry to Ieamn front your paper that he had te forego a firther con- sulting job, juat because of thse cotaflict witlr regular attendance at cowacil mreet- ings. Ail of Milton ix most fortiate to have a person of bis calibre on council and ha deserves our support. Richard Hall Twlss Road THE CtNADwILii CHAMIPION Box 248,191 Main St. E. The Canadian Champion, publisirer evety Tuesday and Fniday Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 ai 191 Main Si. E. Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Bnx 248), jsone ni Tire Metrnland Pniniing, Publiniring & Diniribuiing Lin. grssp of suir- urba n companien whicir includes: Ajan / Pickering News (905) 878-2341 Advertiser; Allisian ilerald/Catnier; Barrie Advance; Bramptan Guandian; Barlingion Pont; City Parent; Calliagwoad / Wasaga Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Connectian; Eaat York Mimeor; tobicake Gadian; Georgetnwn Independent/ Acion Fret Press; Kingston This Week; Lindsay This Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Week; Maririam Ecocamini & Sun; Mudland / Penetangainirene Classîfied: 875-3300 Mirrar; Mississaaga News; Flewmarkei / Aunera Era Banner; Narthamberland News; Nartir York Mirrar; Oakviile Beaver; Orillia Ian Oliver Publisher Taday; Oshawa I Whiby I Claringion I Part Penny This Wceir; Peterboroagir Tis Week; Richmandi ll / Trarnirili I Vaagiran Neil Otlver A.saciate Pablisher Liberai; Scarboroagh Mimeor; Jabriuige I Stauiiciiie Tribune; Bill Begin Genera! Manager Taday't Seniars. Rob Klly Eitor Adveriising ix accepied an the conditian tirai, in the eveni ci a Roh Klly Eiteartypagrapnical errar, thai portion ai the advertislng space acca- Karen Crus Circalauion Manager pied by the erranecas item, iageiirer wliir a reasanable aliawancc Teri Casa Oûice Ma a r nignatare, will calt be charged far, bat tire balance aftie Ten aaaa Offie Maageradvertilemeni wiil be paiti ian ai tire applicable raie. The pablisirer Tits Coles Proaduction Manager reaercea ihe right ia categarize aticeriiemenix ar decline. Dear Editor: The bureaucrata of Veterans Affaira are engaged in a letter writ- ing campaign using Canadian newapapers and the Internet to challenge the demanda of Canada's Merchant Seamen for compensa- tion in lieu of veterana benefita denied to them after the Second World. Their letters have gone out over the signature of a Bob Gardham, director of the communications division. Mr. Gardham refers Canadians 10 the Veterana Affaira webnite. Herein lien a pmoblem. A searcher will find plenty of information extolling the virtues of Veterana Affaira, but abaolutely no mention of themost important document in the Merchant Seamen saga. TMat in, a statement by the Mininter of Transport in 1945, to the effect that the government withheld these henefita becaune the Seamen would be needed to man a Mercantile fleet for which Canada had plana after the Second World War. The Veterans Affaira website makea no mention either of a December 9, 1949 atatement by Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent, 10 the effect that the government will not subsidize the Canadian Merchaist fleet. Sometime between, Transport Minister Lionel Chevrier's state- ment of 1945 - and the Prime Miniater's declaration of 1949 - Canada found if could not compete with foreign nhipn. Il had becomne clear. There would be no Canadian Mercantile Marine, but the govern- ment did not follow up by recog- nizing veteran statua for the Second World War Merchant Seamen, who had survived the North Atlantic and Murmansk runs. Instead, the Veterans Affairs websitc is straight motherhood, regurgitating pap about the few benefits that did emerge. The tirai was in 1962 with an allowance for Merchant Marinera who were among the homeleas. The second was in 1992 when pensions became available, but only if the death or injury occurred in direct action with the enemy. It occurs to me, however, that there is some- thing acary here. Are we seeing the spin doctors making use of tech- nology by referring Canadians 10 the govemment webaite? Perhaps acceptable, but only if the Veterana Affaira home pages on Merchant Seamen tell the whole story. If, however, the media cam- paign of the VAC bureaucrats bla- tantly invites the public 10 another barrage of ita propaganda regarding the current Merchant Seamen con- troversy, veterans organizations will have to tight tire with tire. We, 100, have websites. Clif Chadderton The War Amps, Ottawa Consultant to Canadian Merchant Navy Veterans Association Pud by Steve Nease -. - - j

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