6 -mTe Canadien Champion, Tuesday, March 30,1999s SCOMMENT Milton deserves a piece of the $20 million pie Hopefully, Milton District Hospital will be recognized by the Ontario govemmirent when the time cornes for it to designate health- care funding to rapidly growing communities. As indicated in a story elsewhere in this newspaper, it will StiR take about another 3 per cent shot in the arm fromn the Ministry of Health for Halton Healthcare Services to balance its books. The rnuch-needed 3 per cent is in addition to the 1 per cent funding recently announced by the Tories for Milton District and Oakville- Trafalgar Memorial hospitals. We have the bard-working Milton District Hospital Foundation and a supporting cornmunity on our side to raise funds, but that rnoney will be needed to help pay for upcomning construction, renovations and new equipment. Expansion at the hospital is in the works in preparation for our antic- ipated population increase -- a further justification for the extra funds. We also hope North Halton MPP Ted Chudleigh wilI help ensure that Milton gets a piece of the pie by reinforcing the need ini bis con- stituency to bis colleagues. We'll be couniting on it. Karen Smith - - WEEVN IED A ~~~O ouIRMEMR 1«< lkAihlAe / alà o e eoe 'O UR READERS WRITE ~ <,,>~ et*s cancel the citizens."J *à ý1' acommittee on stîends Wo coent THE C4iVAJLiV CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., TII Ca.adIu Champlea, publlsited every Tuesday and Friday Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 at 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., L9IT 4N9 (Box 248), laon ofi aTheb Metroiand Prln, Publie"in & Distibuin Ltd. group of sub- (90) 882:41urban companles whicit Includes: Ajax i Pickering Nw (905) 78-2 fl Adertiser; Alliston Herald/Courier, Banie Advint.; Brampton Guardian; Burllngtan Post; City Parent; Colllngwootl 1 Wasaga Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Connectea; Eas York Mlrror Etobicake Guardian; Georgetown lndependentl Mon Fm Prose; K(ingaton Tifs Weec; Undsay Tifs Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Week; Marldsam Econanst & Sun; Mid"an I Penetangussene Classified: 875-3300 Mirror; Mississauga News; Newmarlcet I Aurora Ena Banner; Nortitumberland News; Nortit York Mirror Oakile Buer Oria Ian Oliver Pubfliher Taday; Ositawa 1 Wititby I Claringtonl1 Port Perry Tihis Week; Peterborought Thtis Welc; Richmond Hiii I Titamhiii I Vaughan Nul Oliver A.rsocae Publisher Uhberal; Scarborougs MIrror; Uxbridge I Stouffville Tribune; 1311 Begin General Manager Todas Seniors. RobKeU E&or Advertising Is acoepted on tite condition fiat, In titi even of a Rob Kely F4it o pogaiical error, titat portion of tite advrtiing space accu- Kaen Crois Circulalion Manager pied by the erroneous hemn, togetiter Nth a reasonabli allawance TiCaae Office Manager for signature, will not b. citarged for, but titi balance of tite Teri advertlsenent wlI be puid for at fie apicable rate. Tite publisiter mmn Coles Production Manager renerves titi rigitt tu categorize advertisernents or decline. (77he following letter was sent to Mayor Gord Krantz ansd members of council and a copy was filcd with ihe Champion.) Dear Editor: I have been followmng the oecent articles in the Canadian Champion about town council's annuel stipendoconcema. One councillor made mention that thte cuffent stipend was inade- quate to attract quality candidates for council elections. Firstly, the stipend amount sitould have absolutely notiting to do witit one's desire to serve on municipal council. To serve on council la an opportunity to serve the citizens of the town of Milton, not to eamn a few extra bucks. I wouldn't want to ste a person motivated by money ratiter titan a sense of civic pride and duty. Tlie stipend sitould serve only to cover reasonable expenses related to, Town business, and a token allowance. Secondly, to refer titis matter to a citizens' committee, selected by council, is totally inappropriate. Titis amounts to, ducking your oesponsibility to make a difficult decision. Councilior Rick Day is absolute- ly correct tita titis is a function of council and not a citize's commit- tee. Coiccil is reaponsible for titis matter ansd, if tise public does not agsee wits an isscoeased stipend, we wili lat you kssow. Do tise night thing. Cancel thte cosnnittee ansd Isandle tie situation youraelves. If you feel titat it' s appropniate, give yourselves a fair maise. But while giving yourselves a maise, keep one titing in mind - tise Town staff members make you look gond and your jobs easier. Be fair to titem alse Roger Clament court Street Pud by Steve Nease