Merchants, Scouts and resource centre - nominated for Organization of the Year AW1 r s-t e a~.sç Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Brad Granta Milton Merchants offer a hockey programn that unites the sports communhty each season and also helps top players land uni- veralty echolarahips. By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion T he 1998 Civic Organization of the Year nomination list boasts an overwhelmning theme. Wbile eacb group in Bine for the annual Milton Chamber of Commerce Community Award takes a different approach, ail tbree strive to help young people reacb their full potential. Doing so tbmougb tbe exciting world of sports are the Jr. A Merchants - which not only offers a hockey program that local youngsters can aspire to but also a launcbing pad for those who make the grade on and off the ice. In recent years the teamn bas been incred- îbly successful at securing scholarsbips for their top performers, including many bomegrown stars. Over a dozen players are currently attending universîty on financial assistance or are going to tbis coming faîl. Owner Brad Grant explains that aggressively pro- moting players to that next level is one of the key elements; of their winning formula. "Right now we've got two local boys at Ivy League achools. Tbat's sometbing I'm extremely proud of," he said. Mr. Grant took over ownersbip back in tbe late '80s wben it Iooked as tbougb the team might fold. He didn't want to see tbat happen, but also wasn't counting on such a long-term relationship witb the club. He explained, "I got booked on it. It's been very rewarding, not from a financial standpoint but ini many otber ways. I was really flattered by the (Civic Organization of the Year) nomination. There's a lot of great organizations that work bard for this comnsunity and it's nice that people would consider us among tbem." Meanwbile, the Milton Community .Resource Centre caters to a mucb younger audience tbrough a variety of children's programs - for infants rigbt up to adoles- cents. And tbat's just one of tbe many areas of focus under tbe umbrella group, which alto includes Information Milton, the eses NOMINATED on page 10 sevngYu Bul Foo ees Fo 17Yer (Cnein akn ih ie he-Daer EveryDay i Senors *ay in. tr *Mr PrieJLIb. <.mpetit.r's lPrhelb. instant Skim MIIk PowdIer 4.79 5.44 Parmesan Cheese 7.95 8.89 Raw Almonds ô»9 7.60 Natural Honey 2.19 2.59 Our Own EASTER EASTER PARTYTIME EOGS BUNNIES $79 $79. $299 $2 1lb. $2- b. lb. PLUS B1N-STORIE SPECIALS PRicES vALID MARCH 27TH TO APRIL 3RO. 19 La-Z-Boye Rocker Reclinera Fromi L.a-Z-Boy- Uving Room Sofas Frons La-Z-Do?- Chaise Rocker Reclinera Front $5919 La-Z-Boy- Full Rectinlng Sofas From $8199 We've opened our doors to another brand new la-Z-Boy Furniture Gaflerie and sax re celebrating vvith unbehiev- ably Iow pnices. Stop in duning our "Grand Opening Sale" and expenience the la-Z-Boy Furniture Gallries difference. We offer the CSE I widest selection of Genuine La-Z-Boy home funshings in Onaro AUteltstsye etua.nsxditntgl lenies-reciners, leather, living moom, bedroom, dining roomn antanoil then Plas orgly tred sane sixf ditnc gaoid NOIIRS nd f aml rooR PlOrhgl rie ae tf iipoie NE INUR'S pfessional design assistance and heip you work with our exclusive OR DONt Screen 'Test Video Catalogue. So for a Delightful ShoppingL y Expenience orne to la-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries. But hurry in. An event this grand svn't last long. -3 OUR GRAND OPF',ý%*dNG K "Ný, 1,ý', Yo u, i 01 r youm Fill-l-iè