26--Thé Cindi bChasspi o, FiMaichý, 1199à - - ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT We are Iooking for a person who has office expe- riesce and ecroi working in a small company envirosment. Resposibilities would include pro- cessing account payables and receivables, prepar- ing courier packages, aswening phones, prepar- ing statements, and otiser administrative func- tions. Computer experience is necessary. Ksowledge wits using Excel, Word, and QuickBooks Pro would be an aaaet. You should be a well orgarnzed individual who works well with olisers. We are a small yet succesaful and growisg compasy with good opportusities to lears antd advance. The positios is part time (3 dayslweek) with Use posaibility of going fuil Urne in Use near future, If isterested Uses pleaxe fax, mail, or dmop off your resumne to: Humas Resourcea 342 Bronte St Sf#6 Milton, Ontario L9T 5B7 Fax: 905-875-4932 PART TIME BLOCK CLERKS Tis part lime position la last paced and reuires an incliMduel to woult Tueady dudng the day andI posai- bl Thursa evenings. If you possas slrong, inter- personal akUls and the absllty to adapt quicldy la new situations pleese catI or fax reaume. KATHY MACDONALD AT (905) 875-2915 OR FAX (905) 875-2910 Reaurnea wlI be acceplad until April 30,1999 NO TELEPI4ONE CALLS ACCEPTED ON TUESDAYS FOR THE ADOVE POSITION Glem Mille Co-Op requires a Part-lime Co-ordinator Roquiremns: Experience with bookkeep- ing, budgets. Computer ukilis, Administrative skilis, desiing with volunteers, board of di- rector. Strong communications skilîs. Dem- onstrated abiiity to work independentiy. Please send résumé to: Atta: fllring Cenîim Clan Mils Co-aouerlive Homes tac. 23 Daniela Court, Georgatown, ON, L7C 5C3 RECEPTIONIST CU8TOMER SB1VICE Elobicoke - based lotil company is looking for individuals wilh excellent communication skilis & person alIlt Must be capable of working sn a last paced envirosmreol & handling difféetl lasks simul- laneosy Experience wilh customs & shipping is an assel. Company offers ful beiiefils & opporlunily for advanoernenl. Foreign languages are an assel. Fux yeur InrelIm te Ma. Clube et (905)-671-2888 -1 - RECEPTIONIST The Retail Group, a national sales and marketing compasy hax an immediale opening for a Receptionist 10 work in our Oakville office. The ideal candidate muat be able tu work in a fasi- paced envimonmenl andi postesa an excellent ttnowledge of Word, Excel and PowerPoint, If you are molie anti looklng in loin a company where yot can utilize your alrong customer seoie back- ground, FaxtorE«Walu agené i Weaysltiih3la Angola Fortino, Fax: (905) 827-0418 Ony Itose aelectedl for an Interview wll be 2onLace UNVOUCINO CLERK Entry levet position available for Ieading distribution companly. Must ble very detait oriented. Would prefer reent college graduate. Must have own transportation. Pisuu fax your resu.. ta: Ceunie (905) 854-6104 OFFICE HELP One full lime and ose part-time Sec- retarlal/Repllonlet poaitiona are currently availabte in an extremely buay Real EsIale Company. Hours eveitable include daylime, eveninga, & Saturdays. Responsibilflies include an- swering tlephones, paglng messag- es, booking appoislmrrenls, preparing allers andl proceaaing liatings. Rosi Es- late ofi experlence preferred. Muet be computer Matraie. Ploe reply by faxlng your résumé ta: (905)877-1571 - -..... A National Dlstributor in Georgetown sa enmding, creating the nee for PROGRAMMER ANALYSTS Minimum of 2 years business experlence ualng Visuaf Basic o - VisualO.. Dbase proqrammlng prferably weithin a diallibu- llon/invenloiy environment. Knowledge of NT, Noveil and Microsoft Office an assai. Do you Ihive in a amall growlng environ- ment Ihal la cuatorner service focused Don't delay ... fax loday oulllinlng alary expeclations toi: FAX: (905) 873-6170 Be part of a growln team. lJàwsuIIU iI available to dlean your home. Reterencea and axperience. Pleasa caîl Anse Marie 905-878- 9836. FLE1S I RECYCLE L'HSJAE patient trealment for problem gambling. For an appoinlmenl caîl 693-4250 or 639-657. PREGNANT? Decisiona to malte? Cal us %wre heme b listes. 875-1245. LU. u0-QODI D3 . Zorop car thet, seli to Iicensed recycler. 905-457- 5713. ICRU 83-34300I Let ail Milton and area know RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To lease or purchase your car or truck Ilwy 258S. at Denry Rd. 878-2393 1 CUTOMKITHEe We required a travel co-ordinatorlreceptionist. This is a position thatwoutd suit someone who bas worked in atravet agency environment and experienced in travel planning. Also, parf-of this position is expenience in handling reception duties, which inctudles answering the main switchboard, sending faxes, and deoting with couriers. The ideat candidate witl have great communication skilts, bath written and verbal, enjoys dealing with both internai and externat customers and has a great attitude. Travet plqnning witt be a large part of this position, the ideat candidgte witt have token courses in Travel & Tou rism. If you* enjoy a busy, dynamic enviroinment, and have good word and.excet skilssend your resume to Systems Xcellence. A competitive satary and excettent benefît plan are offered with this position. Mailo FaxResuro5so ImdwshrImI Rd. Fa xr 5 . 6.1e84 Omtere *ut . il * ' 100 L9T5C2 IIIIX Mfeel Pias T AvII -oy j,711LE _ -'1r a W.k1