22 - The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, March 9, 1999 Defensive lapse costs Milton game A mid-evening collapse cost the AA midgets a 5-3 loss to Burlington Thursday at Memorial Arena in game one of their provincial playdown semnifinal series. The Winterbawks sucked the gas pipe defensively and gave up three goals within five minutes, "Mis pretty much made the best-of-five opener a dead issue after two periods. Trevor Saliba was sharp between the pipes once again but without ample assis- tance from the blueline unit his efforts were futile. Milton short-circuited from a discipline standpoint down the stretch and appeared more interested in starting shouting and shoving matches than a nossible corne- back. Defenceman Mike Austen was the worst offender, spending the entire third period trying to goad the visîting Eagles into skir- mrishes. is antics were completely unsuc- cessful. Leading the way with a goal and an assist was call-up Winger Andrew Kirkland, one of four major bantamn affili- ates who helped plug the gap while a handful of regulars were busy with various commitments, including provincial wrestling competition. Bryan Gent and Paul Pento were the other marksmen. A solid penalty killing campalgn by the »e STREAK on page 23 jj..Drury's (1-r) Justin Blllngham, Kevin Heffron and Chad Merritt dlsplay modaes they cap- 9uredlest week eit the OFSAA Wrestling Chempionships ln London. Tough day for gutsy Heffron e from TITLE on page 21 pared to 96 last season, with a handful of wrestlers reaching the evening finals and four others placing among the top 12. Chad Memrtt, 17, pulled off thse teaan's biggest sur- prise by claiming silver in his provincial debut. The 64 kg. competitor - who was narrowly denied a trip to OFSAA last season by virtue of ans overtime bass at GHAC - went 4-1 and defeated a pair of top seeda before bowing out to thoee-time OFSAA champ Joel Powell of Ancaster. Captain Justin Billingham had a memorable end to his high achool career with a bronze in the 57.5 kg. clasa. mhe i 8-year-old overcame a protested victory en route to the medal match - which turned into a bloodbath when hie sustaaned a severe nosebleed early on. Refusing to default, Billingham used aIl bis allotted timeouts to dlean himself up and perseveoed in a 6-5 comeback win. "My armn was completely blooidied when the referee ralsed it," hie recalled. Blair Beaulieu and John McCart were Drury's other finalists, each taking fourth-place finishes. Also showing strongly wîth top 12 efforts were Rob Petherick, Nick Barkley, Sean Burnham and Chris Holmes - who reached the quarterfinals before falling to the eventual champion and then losing a controversial match in which a perceived scoring error denied him the chance to advance. "Our guys tumed in a fantastic performance," said Jaroslawski. "As far as I'mn concemed we didn't lose OFSAA, Brampton Centennial just won it." N OUSE LEAGUE DIVISION Pro-Novice Mar. 13 7:00 amn- 8:00 arn 8:00 amn- 9:00 arn 9:00 amn- 10:Oamn 10:00Oam - 11:00 amn Atorn Mar. 13 3:00 prn- 4:15 loin 4:20 prin- 5:35 loin 5:40 loin- 6:55 loin Pe Wee Mar. 13 7:00 arn- 8:20 arn 8:30 arn- 9:50 arn 10:00 amn- 11:20 arn Red Lobster 1 vs. Brace Hned Travel Red Labster 2 vs. Little Firernen White limbils vs. Green limbits Red limbils vs. Black Timbits Tonelli Arena Tanelli Arena Taselli Arena Tonelli Arena Bedon Dickinson vs. tebekah Lodgt Tonelli Arena McCuaig Insurance vs. Ross Dison Financial Tonelli Arena Clankes Golf vs. Absolule Transport Tonelli Arena Prodental Vrnlex Ieaoty vs. Bians Auto Thsmpsrn Mtmrnsdd Michael's Optcal vs. Key Centre Tbsrrpsrn Mernonial Absolute Transport vs. Doc's and Dents Thompson Mernsdal Minor-Navice Mar. 14 3:30 prn- 4:30 prn. March Break 4:30 prn- 5:30 pin March Break Major-Novice Mar. 14 5:30 prn - 6:30 pm Ma 6:30 prn - 7:30 prn Ma Dantan Mar. 14 6:00 poin - 7:20 prn Cha 7:20 prn - 8:40 prn MIt 8:40 Pmn- 10:00 Prn Anu Senior Mar. 15 7:30 prn- 8:30 pan 8:40 prn - 9:40 pra 9:50 pin - 10:50 prn Toseli Arena Tenelli Arena Tonelli Arena Taniei Arena ch Break rch Break die Fitzwhiskeys Ys. G.0. Controls (E) Tiovipsan Mernnra on Dovage Jeep vs. Wrrnpys Diner (E) Tiacepo Memrei ckles vs. Marvsac Trailer Services (E) Thocepson Memorial First Place vs. Ibird Place Second Place vs. Fifth Place Fourth Place vs. Sixth Place *(E> - Exhibiin Garce Toneli Arena Tanelli Arena Tovelli Arena 18 THOMPSON ROAD, UNIT 6, MIILTON ~ 100 Nipissing Road, Unit 9, Mihton (905) 876-4647 Milton Realdents: ' YARD WASTE COLLECTION BEOINS AGAIN IN APRILI Remember, hold ons (o your Yard Waste untll separate collection b.glns. It atarts the wook of April 5(1. and coflIfUus8 every other week on your Blue Box dey unti the w..k off Nov.mb.r 29(1. 1999. Place materlals ourbslde by 7x30 a.m. * Pincse keep Yard Waste separats from your garbag. end blue box This avolde confusion during collection. " Yard Waste MIt bo piaced mn gim plastic baga <dlark baga wii flot be coliected), large paper yard %vaste baga or open containers (no garbage caes. " *rush muet be bundled and #Lg flot bagged, no larger than 4 foot long by 2 foot diam~to w»t branches a maximum of 3 Inchon diamoeter. " Yard Waste bags or containers muet be no heavier than 23 kg (50 pounda>. WILL COLLECI WILL MOT COLLECT * plants a tree stumps " louves e large branches " grass e untled bundies of brush " smail branches e rocks " hedge cllpplngs 0 sal " smail bundies af brush - e waad building materlals " GRASSCYCLE BY LEAVINO GRASS CLIPPINOS ON YOUR LAWN AS MULCHI " Compostlng (backyard or vermlcompastlng) can diveri Up ta 20% af waste galng ta landill. Pins rferto your WAST MANAGEMENT CALENDAR for mors Informantion. If you do not have a calondar plaes ccl: 82S4-34 ý7 7- r= - IMM