Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Mar 1999, p. 17

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If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 Dr. Tong Wide' T Tooth TaI1k ' Towne Dental Group Tony H «Wmn Milton, Mail - 55 Ontarlo St. B.Sc., D.DS. (905) 876-1188 Dental Care For Aduits Ltk flic rest af your body, your gmra mill naed apecial cira as yaa get aider. Whlc cavfliea are flue flamber ona problcm for kida, gain discasa is dia primaiy cancrri for adalts. It develapa very elowly and aflan pain- laellly but becaines more apparent in middle aiga. Left antraated, infection may dcstroy dia gem tique and banc that keepa yaar tealli in place. Gem dieeaae is dia main caase of toodi lacs in aider adaîts aid needs flic atten- fian of a denfist. Luckily. gum discase is asally prcvenfabla, treafable and sometimas reveraible, especially if yan clcan your teedi well at home. Bruih yoar (cadh it leait twicc a day to remove dia plaqua that causes galm discase. Flaasing Isalpa tai dam ouf dia places yoar bruali can't reach. In (acf, if yoa're nof faossin8, yoaîre miissing 35 percent of avary foodi. Good home cire doamn'tjast spply fa naturel feadi. Crowms, bridgea and dentures llliald also ha cleanad regalarly. If you don't, dia plaque and bacleria diat buds up on diasa arfificial teedi cai spread ta yoar nat"a feedi. Be sire toi soak your dentures ovemniglit and fai dean and massage your glan. Dental implants cai ha trested more like nafual feadi, bat diay require a liffle more diligence whcn brushing aid fiaîsing. Gem diseasa is especially froiblesome ta people who have crookad or ovarlspping (cadi. Theic people have a mach harder time keaping dias feedi dlean. People ceho amolc aire alsa more susceptible taiaiu diueasc. As arc people diat arc plscad on long fera medications tdcl have aide cffcf of gîving dicai dty mandi. Goad home dental care wilI go a long way in preservisg yoîr taila forsa lifatime, but ramembar to have regalar dental cheekapi aid fai let us know about any changas fai your general healdi. If is a conunon iniscon- ception fliaf toodi loss is a conseqience of aging. The trudi is diaf teofli lacs is a disease dhi cai ha prevenfcd. Dr. Ron Strohan OPTOMETRIST OPTOMETRIST 106 Wukefield Rd. Wakefield Prafeasionai Cester, Milton, Onturio 878-5882 Homa: Misa, 94, Tm.. 9.7-.30, Wed., Thurn, Fn, 9-5 Eveing and Saturdmy Appoilnmects Avallable Q:Wbycreciy e aldmba leu okmdithcomputcer,aaid maruteima1da for M. eye but moti malcte liea iiavd ind Il."o ofldi ep&, Wtuea cead, piu me ouq in afinibrnsauts pur ryes nui mak effuciaidy. flblak cf pour epe dia aip cdu cacieda depedcui pat of yoir body. Your empam ccucuid meia, ktcciiig, utaag ad adpasla tllu hd acndiion Pmoperni m c iuiig coudiai= r cma- raff for ccepai"a atkeicicidp. m epe hI mcii bkak la ader su pmoviur c celliig oflde tae layer muer lbcnss Wban à peu.n w baa i cqmer zces, ce ap vilc thel bllib rue mdaer tu "ci »5. Ibo le ipemi cf die couon cma agmeavite du ancae of pur aima naît Ohrbpalut Ifiacesacmntal, acdeflitly dqmndacon ltedA u uneaiel. llac cela onpurerbaoraimic miuan c difféentsam-in of kit. fluierefai if due cpm dc o et ai ang mcgeidy ai due daca ei meomu aie ar a mil mai sua liev cf faigue wdid weai dama pcreuam cer. Aid amnier, m bavetcc i umaepe duaie menit lu wcik lagidie. Cvcic one epe cimne if àc un eiage a chit a lbe edier mill tall pi if botk epai ai ccuiag efficimntl lagedme. Saiaiimc ipecilla apdecor-ai recive tenua, er eyc eseerisea mcp b reqmiied ci bilp toae pcer epe'î muacuar eràdui Yaucplcianuidmeuan dus tipa rmglur uldi as"uani Your eyei mqta tuapai piulaer. If pi aimia meuoinfaabli positi, pliiiciilp, dieu pourceyi mill demecisile nsmilu diffitiic i aicplig la your pose ic e n iailb snove i emiiion su die psiiciig cf poue body. Piiielg of poue mocio sighdp huwer dim paie dit l cf sigle wl*l siaeg mpuigbr as cana ferurie pm ta hmte "u Ail mm lilaing lbild tuverble ai> dabrm ce âghter thdi " lt. Ridueuica ofglee aid aclecisa is ai imporutant hndie b lctan, a viel as je &Ny pain cf glassespyoum-y bc mrtin: Giviag yo iesv ced paie mirai proper ra: 5 eidaaiaiu due wme eetp 20 tu 30 cium mll ireleve d ie m put ce ur Yi"ec iitce Sc gai cmip, sud sa imm ~piicii eseuuii ichili geiîng a cool drink cf mraie mil dc maider fer pour cpms. Yu mc> ecin cetai bmail ibid a diffcit iighi tuac brsaeng situatioa ch piu m ailthe civn &Mdeybad. Cetafesahile vision, ltigi, puanste, ind gerd qatty epicat and cemrputan pendacis oubi piur iifecamien, Wi maie efficient in du comnpotar coui place. Kcepiug dca in ie yi, pierenatt citude la pinr beildi aid wtil boeig ire nceaiay fer peur vinai bcAldi. Kcepiig piur epas pbyaiciuip meit tatid miii allow piu te surf lb weh quncber, obcaincng inforationcqmicker and maia. We'rc an flac WED .- htapu/mwwlglhbacrveieI-cltcmselry/ailltaJt lagincatmas esiseercirqi peur eyes and t(udr hcalIb, i;acre fiar you! I Hawkins Animal Hospital Debbie Hawkins fl.Sc., DVM Doator of Veternaary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, Milton ai(Plza Hait Plaz) ealI HaMnda Phome (905) 875-68 8. se., DuM Fax (%0Ç) 875-6853 Q:What is von Willebrands Disease? A : This disorder la prevalent in many breeds of dogs; as a heredlfary abnormality. Most often if will manifeat ifself in puppies under a year of age, who have under- gone sorme form of trauma ta thec body, wliefher if be (rom a tom tocr nuil, losing a baby foofli, a akin lacera- tion or surgery. However, many braeds have a higlier ganetic incidence, and a faw examples of sucli breeds are Shelties, Scoffish Teeriers, and Dobenmans. If you have recenfly acquired s new puppy, at firit check up, consulf wifh your vefarinarian as fa flic liki- liood of this condition exisflng. If your puppy is a higli incidence brecd, lie or ase should have a blond test bafore any elective surgery is perforunad. This would include spaying and neufering. Dogs fliaf have von Willebraids disease have blood thaf dlots very slowly, which could cause fhem quite easily to blced ta deaf h affer any surgical procedure. By defecfing this discase beforeliand, your veterinariai dan taire cerftain actions foi prevent flua type of blood losll from occurring. Forewamned is foraarmned. To snswar aiother recent and (raquent question - Ycs, I only work at my Animal Hospital in Milton. In error, Yellow Pages in fliair 1999/2000 adifion, also enfered my name under another vefarinary hospital, liera in fown. Wiahing you and yotar pets good healili and hap- piaills. i care Vînyï i Ceramics i Hardwood i Paînt , Wallcovenngs Shouroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Gsradlmsakth845 Main St. I. Eltl 8718-4280 Q:Wlat la laminata fiooring good for?* A: Absolutely everyfhing! Alfhough W considered a naw concept liera, laminate flooring lias bean vcry succeasful in Europe for a number of years. Available in varîous affects frons wood planks ta cafamic, aven a fumblad marbla look will be available soon. Formnica and Wilsonarf hava co-ordinafing countarfopa for anme designs giving fliat complafa designer finish. If using in adjoining areas or large spaces, one cao infegrafe between flic wood aid ceramlc, or aven cre- ate a border. Mannington boasts an historical collecfion for that warm feeling of yesferyear. The biggesf selling feature, of course, is ifs floating floor systeun enabling if f0 loose lay over levaI existing floiors, ba if ceramic, wood or vinyl, without thle headache of a rip ouf or new subfioor. As if is dimen- sionally sfable if can ha used on s number of sites: below grade, cottages, sunrooms, aid Formica wifh ifs 15 yr. waterproof warranfy is greaf for bathrooms ton. The benef'sts range fron flic warmfh over ceransics, (ceftainly a perfect choice whera allergies are a facfor) higli resiliancy (4 fimas fouglier flian liardwood s0 stands up to flic fraffic of our little darlings, 4 leggad anas included) For flie do-if-yourself enthusist we at Comfi Interiors have videos on how fa install it. Beaf s TV and dare we say hockey niglif. Pop in aid fake a peck ait flic choices we offer ranging froun enfry levaI medium wear fa higli resilient prod- MARION HEALY Registered Nufritional Counsellor MarlonManager R.N.C. 550 Ontaano Si. S., Uit 1 (90)875-2889 Protein Vol. Carbohydrates fluela a palar muiccaepdia dosii ma àdiii coquain aubittial animais of ceiby-' drales. jit l aivitably cotait in ired aidlabai peoplemho bave unitmp or murgy %c cynicl toques ai tend ta bidhieve dbm iach matmci a iginsien frai caispanu icho ccqan l c-d f Prcmlaci big qailiy piao" diii praibica (mbich ae am didllcakt la for- milita and espenive to0 preae), bat are quita capable of mikica dccii caiobydecie (uaig) vouka (en) ta formulote and very cbecp m0 abe). lvciYcae Imm Mt lem ii amolli fia aboinuitica ad phyiclgy, laiiy dut the body cig lucose (Lu aigur) for cem", raid diii dm major aoinla i ii ccdicbyikiic mci bie amicicid if onei ii ta feel energece Ucihreuaiii dm wiy die bcdy baoila foiid, and dei maieras diy caicici.a cimportant futcursin ceigla redodci Feula (wWhdm cairenica ce ipecil diciiiy pridaca) ne ncc iviabe le dhe bcdy ai iacb ai muai be biikea dama. Thue dugesive prcaciaci ccir mcicly in die siiaaick ad unscl intestine, saidne beougle &bout by emmes mbich breakr dama prue (liti umioi aida), ciibMydrn iai smihmple aillai inch ai glcose, frucs &id palumes) ad fila (litsu fiily i"d, glyeecl mono aid digiycmide). Thic aibvaay enzymes cii breck dama aireb, bai food iaint aiily ceed lonig cimcgb for docs cn ake i maiar ccniiedni. llaaaialy ait thecbiprodicl cf digesioni am nci a i àai lâhcb cou be abhedaie dith hinr iadb ibrrpmccccid. flic absorption cf disse imcple niceic "l reqaicai k mad diacefce coci gy. rois by dii lime yoaimenatsi bave bacc absacabc, yi bave ibeay med gâtle ali cf energy indriri. A major îidy fuiai dii tii miniml pecleta uiake meqid ci preet brai cf lma bcdy musi (Le. mcccle) tica liii calorde diai ias 1.26 fanci cf prtin per kionsaa cf body meagbc pie day. flicy "li rqtucid diii dii bigb proi rubaz ahio iaiprci migIe lot i cli baie aibjca, mbrc caipiccd toaiesc cf lai ce a lom prailc bigb cadiaydale aloie dit flic pccrii ceaimat makin dii geaii ccntribitbi le testioialgh lbkily tu peafimn pbyaical eceecice (kerpi tbe "zup" ic the individat) aid eibiece mcigbl rediclica. bidividmali ai da bicb piitcia dit bad ii liy lai baiuger and mce ah mach lec pe-oceied midi food. A ficdier cicieqiece of dieu en mbacb ciibcbydniie hi bai aid! le replie Pm"ei is de poluciit cf cipcia cuti loe iriik cf lai if lei body nm (ai- cli). Ont of the main iduiigs iit die compituion cf meigkt lais dies ii diii the diii mmi praere the lia body mai (Lc. moucle) by mckicg aire diut die niteila baumaierl positive.' In cahir icedi, in ccier te pecieri mucle dame, an iidividal mcii miaii" ai idiqui iitakre cf peitaie. Pineeme, bigb caebcbydecte dict a c came lais cf muscle dace, iccica appeite, aid mcy eai eeaîk in depecilici of extra fit. Te date, erieaatb bai iidicat- id diii a diet mideiiely bifb in piceti mcy: *imprcvr meigli rodictice. prmueiepcec muscle isace. mdcuce nation cf bailler iciae lieve cf incmate meaubetir ai 1In uomy 50 main bt, Milton Con1 FaîST 876-1515 Q: YlbOhavteA"PIdblw hi Mmaogacwy 1ee aveà ea elbo dtrasp liait f tirer, baut I# sill dmc nail kel. Wlic m I do? kTeunis albcw, alo ncma a laiera epiceidylitis, en bave-ay case. Moui affan if ecciri by cvereucig lbe muscles cf lbe cutside cf dia (ocara Actiaiirstdiii ccmmaily casie lbe masclai t fa tigue icide aiu spors libe lecclî ce squash, keavy lifting la ycar jcb, repaflive bamaerlag-type iduivili e orypaug is compotier teriniai fer ay bcuts. Aauy cdvity diii bavolves repctitvr arum moemeaa cf lbe lumer mnn muscles ccc cause lac- Tennis elkcmuli bac be r h iî uncr-calug cf lbe amatlea mhere p ilickto h lbohae au lbe la" epicoidyle (lbe atiide pat if lb alba). fluta amscle fonction In esnd lbe wciii aid bmnd lbe albc. Scrtie cf the muscles diii ccidd ba invlved aidath estecsir digiicramt commuais, cita- sir coup aidiais Icagis, ced esteuuscrcacpi adialia brevis. fluy ail aftach ai lbe outide cf lbe albcm. Widi amauie, scine cf lbe muscle fibres itarf toa alowly iaair ap faim lbe baie casing pain, inflimmdai, and cea dai, weckoeu Coctti aigu aid iyuaplamt are taieneais, pain midi realalai raumenaient, eîpeciilly affer the cami bas baac reafiîg fcf ahila, meabaaî ic grip itength, ualling aid wmid ai th lb» la ca. Saitadam, lciiclkace ic icI ai elbom prebleai iIl. Tenis elbam-lice syiqtfcccc cia reîilt faimt prablnumi i lbe icck. Samaetimai paie postue ar a lacs cf range cf motion a the eck cati cause maacle, jaintio ce ave changms kick cubre ai perceive diaf diere is pia au d lba, waba accail- ly, lbe prebleaislir frathe lbeck. libs n creaveu midliccit iymin cf paie in lbe uack. Tmc tenisa eihcm cia be latud by ice, mcaage fa lbe tenudr ares fai belp brak op cae iue, aid setcuing cf lbe forcirai muscles by batping yece eibcm alraight, snd usiez pair adaer luaad ta fiai lbe mciii dama. Ibis skdddd bcehbld for cf lenti30 seconuds, aid atpeaied lbaiughauî lbe day. If il dcc no( go amcp in a (cm meeba, piu mcy aatd fa sra yacr physiciai ce a plupsiediar- apial, mba cii asacu (cellier fa fiid lbe tuie reaso for lbe preblami. Hr lpfil hints brought cIyoa by Coasse and Tini. physiothrpistifraai the Hion Comicit Rrliabilitatioi Centr, 86 Main Street Wet, Multon 876-1515.

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