Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Mar 1999, p. 12

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m2-Te Canadian Champion. Frlday. Mardi 5, 119599 Sehool board looking at selling surplus lands By DENNIS SMITH Special fa The Champion Selling off surplus land is the lateut tonic suggested for the Halton District Scisool Board's accommodation difficulties. Tihe board is seeking ways 10 build new scisools in growth areas. But provincial capital fundiisg is siot available unless tise board eliminates capacity surpluses of 1,800 elementary and 3,200 secondary spaces. Oakville Trustee Lyuin Roberts bas proposed tise board consider sales of surplus land as a lesa divîsive means of fussdraising tisais closing schools 10 reduce capacity. 'Tisis would allow us to provide bricks and mortar and we could have savings in reduced transportation," ase told last week's accommodation management meeting. "And it'a impor- tant to addresa tise issues un growtli areas and establisised areas aeparately." Superintendent Gerry Cullen told tnastees tisat, recently, boards were limited by a regulation stipulating they could flot sell any lansd parcels wortis more tisai $50,000. But this regulation was recently put to reat, lie said. "Our expectation was we would revisit our list (of surplus lanids) and bring back potential ones for sale," sasd Mr. Cullen, adding ie bas concerns about tisese proceeda being used for new scisools. Tise superintendent said it could take six months to one year to selI aisy particular propcrly. Burlington Trustee Sheila Flook saad ase liked Ms Roberts' ides, but was concemed about lier suggestion bo constnact scisools iismediately. Too much risk -Wisat would happen if tise land didn't selI?" Ms Flook asked. Ms Roberts sald provincial top-up funds for operating cos could bridge the gap until surplus lands sold. Staff have previously recommended using top-up funds for new scisools and Mr. Cullen sald lie believes tise board lias autisority to do tisis. Tise province is expected to send tise board a letter of con- New RCschools c Tisousanda of Halton's I Milton, a new scisool will Catliolic elementary students replace Use agiisg Holy Rosary, will enjoy spaîîking new scisool wliile Georgetown's St. Francis facilities come September. of Assisi will receive major Four new Cathliî scisools alterations due to be completed are due to open tisis year, wisile by mid-May. another three scisools will In Oakville, construction is receive major additions or ren- underway on two new scisools ovations. in Use nords end of town. BoUs "Staft has set erred to this as a source of' tundissg t0 kick stant new scisools," said superintendent Wayne McNally. "But it's not what you wasit to liang your bsat on Use long run." Teustee Marianne Hawthomne of Oakville was cool to Use ides. "It's far too risky, since Use money for Use sites and disposai of Use sites is not guaranteed." The committee eventually approved Ms Robert's motions Usat administration report on Use process of selling Use surplus lands, disbursing proceeds for capital projectsa nd using Use funda raised 10 purcliase elementsry scisools for Oakville's River Qaks ares nd souds Georgetown. Isese two aress are among four suggested by staff as priorities for new scisools. oming on stream are sciseduled 10 open by September 1999. Norths Burlington will alto tee tise opening of a new scisool in tise Mîlîgrove area. Construiction has started on Use scisool, which is tciseduled to open for Use 1999 scisool year. Major renovations to Burlington's St. Patrick and Ascension scisools are also alat- ed for August completion. A new funding formula from tise provincial govemment lias provided tise overcrowded Catisolic scisool board with accets 10 capital funding for new scisool construction. Ready for the 'Countdown to 2000!l Submltfted by: Reverend Dan Rogge, Senior Pastor of New Uife Churda, Millon Many individuals witisin our society pouseus new Conditsoned by vsdeo ganis toay4 chidxpects a minduets, modemn paradigmi and fresis approacises 10 contsnuous cisange o! dirctin c(x tumtion sud tcaditional concerrus. Tise churcis iacisallenged In keep ssp anticipates a greaser level o! xitmn iound every with tise limes, 10 mantai a modemn relevancy and to corner. If tisere's a pause in tise actiio, or if an activity bas address currant isse& yet, ot compromise tise seuts of bast its excitemfnt, tisey are quick tu say "Shs is boringf' tise uncisasgiggspl and Isefore you kuow il, tisey have mentally cisecked out Periaps o hve cad it sasd: "Thte more thsngs and moved on 10 nometiig else. change, tere J y w ~ te(ne! Metliods cf modem As we "ountdown to 2000P', isow eau today's ministry may chne bu t emssage remains tise sanie! chrc the ned o! Ioday's cisild? Tise metisod is npsce fthe message is! 1 Toa' fl lves action, adventure , mystery and Wisile many churcises are learning 10 confront tise itgulSn adcildren's chorus can isave actions culture, and are engaging in pro-active ministry, tise assis&dto tIem. Bible utonies eau be dramatied, challenge o! reaching a-uew generation is daunting. ccitlewt viisuad isernes, depictionu cf bravery Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton the C/turc/s on thte Hill 878-2411 Rev. Dr. Mark McDermott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 a.m. - Holy Communion 9:10 a.m. - Informai Eucharist 10:30 a.m. - Sung Eucbarist Nursery Program, mvm Church School & Coffee Hour EC WI]EELCIIAII5ACCESS TIIIOUGII PARKING LOTDOI5IRS HO0LY ROmnuSARY PAR S H htijlwwwgsld-eae-we-smitolp-olyr-sry-m.hIm S878-6585 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Martin Street Mass at 5:30 pm Saturday 9:00 arn, 10:30 amn & noon Sunday OUR LADY 0F VICTORY MfISSION Milton Heighta Mass at 10:30 a.m. Sunday ST. PETER'S CHURCH 9th Linse & Britannia E] Mass at 9:00 arn. Sunday Rev. Earl Talbot, P, SBANAl PRAYER «R Io Me* louage of Sui spirit wh fflcls aao f God. When. li pMaer. we ame freed hrm cd oulward Ihng oed fum Io Goden m H l as If li aur hauris we hear Mie vo"e of Gad" - firm the Baha'/ w#igs LOCAL: .... ...... ..... . . .................578-OOU REGIONAL: ...............1-800-3-284 GLOBAL: www.bhsl.ors SUNDAY, MARON 7 9:.45 A.M. Sunday School for Every Age Group 1-0:45 AM "IGROWING IN LOVE", 6:30 PM "ENVLARGING OUR CIRCLE 0F LOVE" and cowardice, love and jealousy. By distribating some entertainmient alone will leave children spirstually starved, simple costumes, a narrative cornes alive. Today's child hinder their Christian walk and stunt their spiritual will more readily understand the age old concepts t o wt.A eeaietelf fCrsH i o Scripture if they have had the opportunt to pu th.A eaietelf fCrsH i o tisemselves into ise shoes oftsesesistorical fig=. e t4I1tin His disciples, rather MIe involved them in Today's child il desperately searching fo mnit, Let's look for opportunities 10 do the samne! individuala~~~ ~~~ wh"irtk ieOU !abs a~ ing. 1-et's challenge children with ministry opportunisies, individ.uals ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *1si the churcr ie u f uy a o it to love and to comude with slsem. Deasis, se &'.on wtith urh and community. Let'a assias them, abandonnetodioc a fractured many farnfr,; iselieve in lhem, empower tisem! Il woeks! Tody'schld ustbcgivý te pportunity 10 openl op Mom! Dad! Today's chilti needs olMaea and shr h iateteoio hat lies just beneath tise inetetit h utr fywci 1b anov ngte surface.. in a church near you! Attend wit thm ep(e to etertaed chl 10dst bc educaîrd, not j551l establish a strong moral andehclbseuo hc enetie! hhs lkDife-csanging ministry will do more tisas titillate tise emotions, il wiîî Soucs tise iseart sound decisions may bse made'Tdè scurhi ekn wiis tise transfonssing power of tise gospel. Games can bse to meet tise needa of today's child, bust the trutis .. used effectively tu inirodace a leuson, yet, a steady diet of Today 's ch ild sueeds YO U! S Tii. Salvation Army Church 1U Milton 100 Nlplsslng Road, Unit 3 To bo>ok a spot in the Captamns Dan and Wendy Broomne ]Reigious Service SUNDAY SCHOOL rety 9:30OAMDf0tr MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 AM CallIKathy' Weekdy Programmlng for all âges For more Information pIease at A ~ 1 Gall 874-2420 MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St, N. e 878-2022 10:00 a.m. -The Lord's Supper il1:45 a.m. - Sunday Sohool 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday7:0pm Prayer and Bible p.m. !I Jesus answered, Except a mans be bomn again, he canisot sec the Kingdom of God. Johnm3.3 123 MAIN ST., MILTON, ONT. u N î Tf Ministers: Rn,. Bob Nose Director of Muslc Camse fawrsl Judv Hunter LENT 111 - SUN. MARCII 7, 1999 10:30 a.m. Worshlp and Churefs Scisool Classe Bernin tUie: uTHE WATER 0F ACCEPTANCE" SscmIent of Batmm Mseay Caoe Asralab Suerya nou W ccees dtarsg contrutio VUs/ aur NEWWbl: VUOTORY BLJE OHUONH Have you ever wondered wisy you are isere on carth? Have you ever wanted 10 make a difference in tise lives of others? Do you wonder what tise keys are 10 being succesuful in aIl areas of your life? If so, tisen I would encourage'you tojoin us at Victory Bible Cisurcis wliere you can be equipped Ilirougs ils ministries 10 bave a life tisat is fulfillsng. VBC is a cisurcli where Christianity is not a religion, but an opportunity 10 bave a relationship witli God nd His word tisai will change livea for etemity. 10:00 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP MILTON LEISURE CENTRE (BOARD ROOM) (separate services for cisildren 9 years and uoder) "Living A Victorioas Life By Tise Word Of God' Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Emasi: s a i

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