Learnng to make the most of a littie garden rriuwu uy uflM-lRm r-jgr Merlan Thorpe (fer rlght) offrs gard.nlng tipa to urss rasidants who'rs cur- rsntly snrollsd ln a communlt gardoins course. Il ANNOUNCEMENT Andrew Gorman, Gêneral Manager, and the entire staff of Garruda Auto Group are pteased ta wel- corne Davs Young as fie joins aur dynamic team af Salea and Leasing Consultants. Dave has 15 years ot experience in sales and leasing ot new and used vehicles. Dave fias been hiappy to oeil Haltan His home for nearly aIl fils Ite! Ha and his tamily now rasida juat around the corner in Acton.The local cern- munity is important ta Garruds, and we're praud ta walcama yat anothar Halfon His resident la aur staff! Dava has rnany friands, farnily andf custamers in the ara, and ha invitas ail et tfiar, and the Milton carnrunity ta visit fir at Garruda Auto Graup. Discovar the Ditteranca of Na-Risk car buying witr aur uniqua Gorrud Guarantees, and aur unfleard et commitment ta custorner satisfaction. Welcome aboard, Davel By IRENE GENTLE The Champion A nunusually hot, dry summer took some of the bloom off the debut of Milton's community garden last year. A late start also resulted in a less than bumper crop, said organizer Wendy Pai. "It was a success but we didn't get it started in time," she said. "Last summer was very difficuit." This year, organizers are planning ahead by offering an environentally friendly gardening courae before the start of the planting season. "We want to make sure tbey select the rigbt planta, the right seeds, and learn how to plant correctly," said Ms Pal. Heîd every Tuesday night until Marcb 23 at E.C. Drury High School, the programi is aime' at giving even the rankeat amateur a craah course in green gar- dening. "It'a environmentally reaponsîble gardening. We encourage them to plant and use water properly," said Ms Pal. 'We let tbemn know bow to garden witbout using too many chemiicals." The $25 course includea thc purcbaae of a 10 foot by 10 foot (three by threc metrea) lot aithei gardena, (aubject to availability) located near Allendale. The course is free for anyone who bas already pur- chased a garden lot. The community gardens is a non-profit venture aimcd at giving people without a gaiden a lot to plant vegetables and herba. Maater gardener Marion Thorpe leada the clasa, wbich teachea eaay orgamc gardcning techniquea. Holding bugs at bay without Uic use of chemiàcals can be as simple as ensuring that plants sharing Uic saine insect predators arc not planted aide by sîde, said Ms Pal. "Tomatoes and peppers abare Uic sanie bugs so you don't plant tbcm too close together," she explalned. Planting marigolds also acts as a natural bug repel lent. "Tbey bave a funny, pungent ameil," sad Ma Pal. "It works." flic course offers tipa on getting gardena to grow even in bliatering aummer conditions wbile atill con- serving water. For example, watering should take place when thc sun isn't too bot. Also, ratber Uian spraying dic gar- dcn, watcr directly on Uic planta. Placing straw or mulcb on Uic soil will belp mini- mize water evaporation while offering some shade. Putting mulcb down will aiso hclp control weeds, sald Ms Pal. "Once tbe crop is growing, tbe seeda from weeds won't be able to permeate Uic mulcb," abe sald. Learning bow to plant correctly can also save water, said Ms Pal. 'Tbe distance is vcry important for cnvironmentally fricndly gardens," abe aaid. "It dictatea bow mucb water you necd." To join Uic course, caîl Ms Pal at 878-2584 or sbow up 10 minutea early at E.C. Drury for an on Uic spot registration. 'TVOntario teacher awards Nominations are being sougbt for Uic eigbUi annual TVOntasio Tcacbers' Awarda. The awarda programn recognizes outatandinig educa- tors who bave made a différence for Uicir students, Uicir fellow teacbcrs, Uieir achools and tbeir communi- des. TVOntario bas a particular intereat in Uic applica- tion of television, video and oUicr new technologies in thc classroom. Thc deadline for cntry is Marcb 26. Nomination formas can lie obtained by calling (416) 484-2825, or toîl free at 1-800-258-8625. JOAN A. EAGLESHAM REGIONAL CLERK REGION 0F HALTON PUBLIC NOTICE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS BRITANNIA ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD NO. 6) AND EIGHTH LINE, TOWN 0F MILTON PR-i 729 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sections 297 and 300 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 as amended, that the Council for the Regional Municipality of Halton proposes at its meeting on Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 9:30 arn to pass a by-law for the intersection improvements at Britannia Road (Regional Road No. 6) and Eighth Line, Town of Milton. Plans showing the proposed work may be inspected at the Planning & Public Works Department, Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Road, OakvilIle. On Wednesday, April 14, 1999, at 9:30 arn in the Halton Room at the Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario, Council through its Planning and Public Works Committee will hear in person, or by his/her Counsel, any person who dlaims that his/her lands will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law and who applies to the Regional Clerk no later than Friday, March 30, 1999 to be heard . For further information, please contact: Mr. Joseph Choi, P.Eng., Manager, Design Services extension 7610 From Milton/Qakville: 825-6030 www.region.halton.on.ca