The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Febniary 23, 19W9-21 classified HOUES MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM ýýY//i/estones Sée Todays Champion for our new "Milestones" section. 7b announce your special event, cag 71we Chamipionsý Classifie! BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY ert S owi(4 ?~5 -iLove SLydsay, JShzun, NjNhola JENSEN, Lise - Suddenly foliowing a brief il- fiees on Frdsy, February 19M, 1999, LieJen- -, betoved wlfe af John Jensein of Milton. Lavlng mother of Johin and bi wife Connme of lEtto, Inge and ber busband Dave Sanmiya of Strathroy and the ltt Kim Jensen and bis wife Gitlan. Also iaved loy grandchtldren lins, Ni- colis, Lucas, Kalie, Christian and Cary. Sur- vived by. ber sisters Bilaon Andersen af Dan- mark and BleUie Dmnnlng af Engianet Funeral service wtt be betd an Tuesday (today) Febru- aiy 23rd ai 11:-00 am. et the J. Suait Eaify Fu- n"ra Home, 21 James St., Milton. Interment to fataow in Evergreen Cemtery4 Milaon. Il de- simd, donations ta, the Ontario Heari and Sirots Foundcation ln lieu of flowers, wautd be appreciated tb, Uhe famty. %lem *vain 190 Ontario St, Milton 878-6522 Monuments Maricers e Bronze Maricers Cemetary Lettering CHARLTON - In memnory of My wite of near- ly 54 years Betty, who passad awey 1 year ega, February 23rd, 1998. Mother ai Judy, Susan, Petit, Nancy and Larry. Graimme af aur 12 grandchtldren and 3 great grendchil- dreo. RFestlng Where No Sliadows Faii" JACK UNBNWflsvtR" 'UUNC-s , Love 140mnw < " CHARLTON, isley - In memnory of aur dear Mother, grandmother & Getgad motlher Betsy R. (Betty) Charlton osho passeci eway on Februery 23, 1998. Gone, but not forgotten. Deeply loved, mqmortas cherfshed. Sadly mlsaed by ail of your chlldren Judy, Susan, Petie, Nancy and Lorry. Aise your many grandchuîdren à gram- grandootîdren THE Family of the laie Ellson Bail would Ilie 10 thanta thair relatives and friands for their ktnd words, carda, flow- are and donations. Thanks also 10 the staff of Chelsey Park Nursing Home, Dr. Phtibrook, Scott, Michelle and Jeremy et J. Scott Early Funeral Homne, Reverend Ken Jackson and The Bethel United Church ladies. RUGISTERED Massage Therepinoo ecceptin appaiments. $20 intraductary 112 baur message $27 for 112 baur, $45 for 1 bour. Eer cening aise avatlabia. For mare Information, cati Connis Medre "yr RMl, taitfre 1-877-404-5230; (905) 878-5844 The Famliy Place la holding tas GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING MARCH 24,1999 et 7:00 pm et Blshop Reding High School, Milton. For mare Information Phions 878-0121 AUCTION SALE 11mars. February 25 eit 6 pa. for Mns. Mildred Fard and others. To include furniture, appliances, glass and china, displays for trede shows. Sherwood & Gor.don Hume, Auctioneers 905-78-4878 il pc use Arme,* Cberrywaod, new sUtpekge, at $11000, sacic ARAru~ couchas, ram staais, 20 ai dlnig tabta, 5x10 pool tabIe, 12' shuifie bd., universel gym, woaod - bu rn I n g staves ...lesave message. BED, blacke wrougbt iran f canapy, Qusen orioe dic mattres/fae Haver apened, cosi $1,200. Sacrifice $490. (905) 567-4042 L lite disti. Prafessaonefy installed. $200. wartb aif progremmlng. Free. 0 321k1-800-F COMPUTER Pl1-26 I complote mutti-medie,i internat ready, Windows 98, 15, monitor,j $12.50/wk. 1-800-267- 9466. KING BED. X-tbick rtaedcPiliawtap, st&taestili ln pies- tic, ansi $1.500 sal $625. (906) 567-4042. OUTBOARD Motor. 1992 Nissanl. 8 b.p. $85. Phone 878-67 SNOWBLOWE1 10.5 hp. Teammseh.angine, balogen tîgbt, elactri 1-0-279466. PUPPIES, Btack Labo. 9 weeks. Firat vaccins- tion/deworrned. Home reised/paper trsined. Veiy sociable. $175. 878-9297. NORTH 11"11ON m AIJTMOTIV DETAILICLEANUP PERSON lesponsibie Individual with excellent drit- ring history. Applicant muet be energetic vith the wiiiingness to do a variety of esks. Apply to: DAVE RICHARDSON Sales Manager RICHARDSON CHEV-OLDSMOBILE Hwy. 25 et Derry Rd., Milton 878-2393 PARTr-TIME CASHIER REQUIRED MUST BE AVAILABLE For Weekdays. Some Evenings & Weekends 228 Main St. E., Milton eWE STAFF Upo2iourspr weeic Dayver g & wumnsnesdsd. For appicolion, appi ta CiChudleigh 's Requioed by growing local company. Dediceted individuels with a desire to contribute te its suc- cess. Must possess aut of the foilowing attribut- .s: Mechanical Aptitude, Teem Player and abiiity and wiiiingness to ieam. Two shifts aveitable 5 amn ta 3 pm and 3 pin to 12 amn. Preference of shifis wiil be given ta most appropriate candi- dates. Forkclfft experience and/or maintenance experience an asset. We provide a competitive wage, job stabiity to committed employees, opportunity ta advance, close ta bus route, job vanety and a gieat work environment. Please cati 878-8781 ext. 320 and ieave a mes- sage to set up an interview. Only candidates with appropriate qualifications wili recelve notifica- lion. _________ 5r4POIMATION CENTREs SPR5NC TRAINING FOR NEW VOLUNTEERS Spring Training Programn <or new vol- uteera for the North Haiton Distresa and information Centre wilt boUmn on Wednesday evening, April 7, 1999. For mors information and application <orns. piesa cati 877-5311. TA eh ue off data fer tA. ratur,, of ap- piletio foma s arcs *0,1999. p^icati::g feua Z~ elsa era of as. EXPERI NCEDI iExcellent opportunity wihagrowing organîzation - THEIJUT SUPPLY OUTLET Caîl PeggyO0 (905) 634-3355 ATOr CLEANILUBE rr se mew blrtng Lube Techinicians end Car Datait airs Ordy energetiset-mo- tvsted 'epi san.:pb JOBS AVAILABLE Ave yau 16to24ysrsatdCunei- Wcon bai a jofndlb forîreel Ce t7-45. HELP wanted. Busy Hoe Show & Traig Bamn a- qure e ll-thme expert- nef Graom. Frtdsy = mueTesdy, 7 am-4 perta.Non-emuno en- siemn.Cati 90t7- 2234. CLEAN UP PERSON/ 1DETAILER equirrd FIJIL-TIME for the cisses snid disiting af se & asdi cars. Vatid drives lice requirif. Muet be drerdsbke mcireitis aid wiitng * faenmsreins Frd oanat KeonCart Poi-atI 411 Saisi Seren PR. W., Odwtre L6J V0. Fax (9%i requires COUNTER HELP AI Shift Apply ln peraon to: 575 Otarlo Strieet 80 Markret Drive 1 8501 Hwy. 25 North 1 FULL 71ME POSITON4 AVAILABLE Must be able ta worc days & evenings. Apply in persan to: SUIPER AVIDEO, 550 ONTARIO ST, MILTON Rapidiy expanding Osavilie Plastics Mfg. has FULLTIME positions avalable for: Sewing Machine ORorators EXPERIENCE NECESSARY GeneralLburr NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED AMY M FI1159011111 <SP1IMIFY11111 WI1UN JU YU AWFYUI FOR) TO: Reception 0 2115 South Service Rd, Oakville (offt of EW betweea 3rd Lins & Hap.25) oprutsfrBUTCHERS DONERS u The andidMat Pers Lteda majo eu wilIngn abrnle tas e esia undatand Eng -iie directions. be ableto woricin a caoi environont, and be wiiiing ta work shifts. Ouaiified candidates sbouid apply in person la: Ousllty Most Psckers Ltd., 2 Tecumaseth Street, Toronto, ON M5V 2R5S. FULLaTIME LABOURERS $10.40M0 $13.45 + Benefit Ouatity Meai Paclçers Ud., a major meat packing company with 68 years of established reputation fo quality praducts and unsurpassed siervice, currenly bas several outstsnding fult-Urne opportunities for Labourera in aur Taranto and Brampton locations. The candidates seiected muet be wiiling and able ta leam new skilis, understard Englisb directions, be alei ta oar in a cool environnment. and be wiing ta worfr shifis. Oualified candidates should apply in persaon 10: Ousllty Malt Peciters Ltd., 2 Tscumsst Street, Taronto, ON M5V 2R5 or 145 East Drive, Iramils, ON LOT 15BO * . SIE DS THlE DICKCENS se currently accepting applicatons for Lina Cootas. flance te not necessary but se definitely an assai. The right people should have the fotlowtng quatities: Good positive attitude * Team ployer eHard worker - Strong work ethica -Worc watt wtth others Wages 10 atari are between $8.00/hr. 10 $9.00/tir. depending on experience Apply ln persan betweilen 2 -5 pm 189 MIII St, Milton MILLSIDE RESTAURANT Requires KICHEN HELP, WAtT STAFF, à BUS PEOPLE Pleas apply In peison 10: 243 Main St, E., MNlan. a __ 1 1 ý1