The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 23, 1999 -19 Mo narch Basketball (Thnrsday, February 11) Big East Wallace Pontiac 10 Knuckles Sports 10 Event overtime couldn't break tise tie between theoe two weil matcheti teama. Tisere wasn't a whoie lot of acoring, but it waa a highly enter- taining clashs ail tise saine. Chnos Read made some nice shots on net and was named player of tise gamne for Knuckles. Taking thse award for Wallace Pontiac with a great rebounding gaine was Z-ac Sholtz. WNBA Bargain Tire 24 Milton Graphies 12 Bargain Tire used tiseir superior speed to full advantage in establishing an eariy lead and cruis- mng to, a decisive victory. This marked their sec- ond double-digit triumph in as many gaines. A fierce defensive performance by Bargain Tire's Kaitiyn Andrews kept the victors at a comfortable lead thse entire way. Standing out for Milton Graphics with topnotch bail control and overali play making was Lauren Vice. ACC Marinaro/Meritor 30 Bornar 27 Nick Durante's superb passing and tirelesa work ethic helped Marinaro/Meritor eke Dut tise win in an extremely intense and competitive showdown that was neck and neck until the bit- ter end. Bomar managed to stay within striking dis- tance ail gaine, thanks in large part to effective rebounding by player-of-tise-gamne Kevin Boyd. NBÂ4 Domino's Pizza 54 Charley Fitzwhiskey's 39 Domiino's isad a littie more sauce on the court and came away witis the bigger piece of the pie - despite a gallant effort from their opponients, particularly Michael T1hompson had made somte terrific outside baskets. Player-of-the-game honours for the victors went to Darren Chow, wiso was highiy aggres- sive under both boards and ail points ies-between. (Thursday, Jan. 28) Big East State Farun-Cutotia 16 Kssuckles Sports Shop 12 Each team heiti the iead in tisis seesaw battde, witis State Farm-Cutaia eventualiy comidng out on top by a couple of baskets. Knuckies' Evan Presse was the player of the gaine award with great overall hustie wisile an outstanding perfor- mance eamed Cody Commons top marks.- WrNBA Galliger Motors 32 Milton Graphies 20 Milton Graphics put up plenty of shots, juat Dot enougis that found their intent target as they were outdistanced by the Gallinger Motors team. Chantelie Dearoches provided effective out- side shooting for Gallingers while Lauren Prisniak of Milton Graphics gave ail she had tisroughout Use conteat. Eacis was named player of tise gaine for their respective squads. ACC Milton Chrysier 36 Bomar 22 Bomar dispiayed great passing and teain work but juot couldn't counter Milton Chrysier's fierce shooting, particuiarly when they were short staffed. Players of the gaine were Michael Bntno for Bomar - with excellent rebounding and piaymaking - and Matt Adams for Milton Chrysier who amassed 10 points. NBA Hunt Plymouth Chrysler 50 Domino's Pizza 36 Hunt Plymouth Chrysier took a first-isaif lead thanks to some quick passing and backboa-d fast breaks. Domino's came out firing on ail cylin- ders in tise second isaîf but were unabie to make up the difference. Pacing Hunt to victory with a great overaîl gamne was Robert Chin. Meanwhiie, Brandon Goure stood out with a fine showing for Domieso's. e0 Milton surprised by G'town e from LEADING on page 18 McGrane. Milton held an initiai 2- 0 lead and out-chanced their hosts 39-29. 'lise guys were thinking aisead and it cost us," said Wiiliainson, wisose team tinished at 43-5-3 (the best record in club histooy). "Give Georgetown credit, tisey needed tie two points and worked Isard to get tisem. "In tise sciseme of things. this (loos) reaily sisouldn't affect us at ail. We'll have a good practice and corne out ready for tise piayoffs Tuesday." Decisive win In a dress rehearsai for Use play- offs, the Merehants sat out tlsree of Useir top guns and still managed to topple Hamilton 6-i Friday at Memoriai Mena. This otse-sided contest - whicis offered a sneak peek into wisat promises to be a short-lived open- ing round series - was piayed witisout tise services of Gillies, Matt Bannan and Geoff Scisomogyi. About tise oniy tising wortis watciig in tlsis gaine was Jeremy Wenzel, who tumed back 21 sisots to put tise finishing touches on bis undefeated season, wisich included a 21-0-2 record and 2.70 goals- against average. Jacques finisbed at 22-5-1 wiUs a goais-against average of 2.67. O'Flaherty led tise way wîth a goal and tisree assists -wbiie McGrane andi Robicbaud escis bad a goai and two assista. Also denting Use twine weoe Mark Beisel, Jaunie Dubrick andi Mike Wbeeiban. Hamiiton's lone taliy came on tise powerplay, off tise stick of rookie Mark Mazzetti, wbo redi- recteti a blueline shot Usrugb Use five isole. Merchant notes: Milton bas won Useir iast eight gaines against Hamilton, tise last four of wbicb caine in a West Conference sweep st spring ... Best-of-five firot round play starts tonight at 8 pu. in Milton. M anae HOUSE LEAGUE DIVISION Pr9-Novice Feb. 27 7:00 amn - 8:00 arn White Timbits vs Black Timbits Touetti Arena 8:00 arn - 9:00 arn Redf Timbits vs Green Timbits Tonelli Arena 9:00 arn- 10:00 arn Red Loboter 1 vs Litte Fireruen Toueli Arena 10:00 arn - 11:00 arn Red Lobster 2 vs Bruce Hood Travel Tonetti Arena Atoun Feb. 27 3:00 pm - 4:15 pru Rots 01000 Fnancial os Absolute Transport Touelli Arena 4:20 pm - 5:35 pru ClarlIe Golf oo Becton Diclduson Tonelli Arena 5:40 pru - 6:55 pot Mctuaig loooraoru vs Rebekt Lodge Tonetti Arena Poe Wee Feb. 27 7:00 amn- 8:2Oamn Key Centre vs0ocs andDets Ttrornpson Menaiu 8:30 arn - 9:50 arn AslutektTansport vs Prodoal Veodex Reallo Thornpsoe Mernodal 10:00 arn - 11:20 arn Mrchael's Optical ou Braus Auto Tttornpoo Mernorial Minor-Novice Feb. 28 3:30 pru - 4:30 pru Hut Plymnouth ou Shoppero Drug Mort Tootîli Arena 4:30 prn - 5:30 pru Rernao ou Loblaws Touelti Areoa Major-Novice Feb. 28 5:30 pru - 6:30 pru Canadian Tire vs Austin Noble Tonelti Areoa 6:30 pm - 7:30 pru Gorrud vs GoId Connecton Tonelti Areua lidma Fila. 28 6:00 pm - 7:20 pot Wimpysi Dluer os uckles lbornpoe Mernri 7:20 pru - 8:40 prnr MaumTraier Servioes vs. Cliarlie Flt"sey's Thorupsot M.urial 8:40 pon - 10:00 pru GD Cootrulo vs Milton Dodgt Jeep Ttîorpno Mernre Senior March 1 7:30 prn- 8:30 pru Ross Orson Fluanclal vs. Culligan Touetl Aresa 8:40 pot - 9:.40 pot Godite ts vs tclFMie CMkon Touelti Avena 9:50 Prn - 10:50 Prn Gos Mowbray Heatint os Aveali Auto Tanetti Arena 9k0L oWS q Z#*î1 18teiHOmSRI RAD, tDernIeI4LTON 4àrits a w ~ ~100 NpsshgRoa, Unt 9, Milon M905878-M67 " Acres of gardens " Amateur & professionai competitions FLOWER MARCH 10-14, 1999 '7' P .Hours of lectures & demonstrations Extensive garden marketplace &GADENSHOW METRo ToROINTo CONVENTION CENTRE SOUTH BUILDING, 222 BREMNER BLVD. 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