Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Feb 1999, p. 45

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i1~ res elI -STAFF Up ta 28 hsauru par week. Days, oveeins & weelcends needed. For appication, appky ta: MILTON MAI, MLTON Clean-Up Person/Dotalor requlred FULL-TIME for the cleaning and detalling csf new & used cars. Valid drivers licence requlrd Must be dependable, coslentous and wllllng tb leam as wie wlll train the right person. Forward resumnes to: Dale Cogswl Kerr Cadillac Pontiac Buick Inc. 410 South Service Rd. West Oukyilse, Ontario LOJ 5C1 Fax: (905) 845-4394 PART TIME HELP REQUIRED Part-Urne position la available for a reliable student/person tIc perform shop clean up, où changea, etc. Must possess mechanical ability and have a vald driver's licence; for details cail JIM OR JOHN 875-2714 Lowry Industriel U-Ift-Trucks LTD. «is Expandlng- W.e require the following feam players: SHOP HELPER - enty levai position, muet be mechanically incllned, dlean drivera record, own basic tools, atart $10.00IHR. MECHANIC/ASSEMBLER - Me- chan"Ily skllled persan requlred f0 work with a final assembiy team, toola required. wages baeed on demon- strated akifla. EXPERIENCHO WELDER/BODY PREPAIRATION - assisting paint and weldlng department. wage based on demonstreted akîlis. For the mechanically inciined indi- vIdual, wie offer steady employment, good opportunlty for personal ad- vancemnent and a full benefits pack- age. Oualifled indtvdcuals are invited ta nil out a 'n application, fax or drap off a resumne. 36 Armstrong Ave. Georgetown PH.: (905)702-5438 FAX: (905)702-0640 TINTER/I SHIPPER xperienced tnter 0fPan.s cotinga requir b y oin protectve cotinga cnpanY. eusa !nce assistance wlhsipping. Applications ta. Materiais Coordinator AMERCOAT CANADA 1174 South Service Rd. W. Oakville, ON L6L 5T7 Fax: (905) 847-589 Trafalgar Golf & Country Cflub A chsmpionship 18 hole private tacilify lscated in Milon, bas the fol iowing seasonal (April-October) positions avaifable: eBartender e Servers a Administrative Assistant We offer a friendly tesa odnled worh enviroment. Please indicafe which position interesis yss and eiher fax (SM5 878-ON or mail yosr resume Io: F.O. BoxU6, Mt", Ombacl LIIT 2Y3 HOSTESS REQUIRED New home development in a distinct Oakville community requires a motivafed and outgoing individual who desires bo be part of a profession- ai sales feam. Must be abfle to work 14-25hrs/wk incfuding weekends. Computer knowledge an asseL. Please fax resumne in confidence f0 (905)-257-6054. We thank ail applicants, but wil only notity those being considered. Mercedes-Ben'Z CAR WASH/ VALET ATTENDANT " Applicant shosld te a self starter wittt a positive attitude. No exp. reuired " Company benefits Mail/ Send or fax resurme: Peter Taimmert 300 South Service Rd., W Oakvitle. Fax (905)-845-3477 1 LOCAL COORDUNATOR IFl Là Student Prograns imes a fele peoçle per- son'ait> sense of humor t0 coordinafe a sommer ESL program in Milon. P.R./ Sales experience an assef. Part-lime,41exible hours oow tli Jsne & full- lime Jsly. Worh from home recrsiting local families lu hosi foreign teenagers this sommer. Sand retiuas t0: Red Ciaf Stuiloit Proorls 202-18U Bieer St. W. Toronto,Onai MSS 2V6 No phone ois please Due 10 retiremerif, Appleby Unitedi Chsrch is seeking a DIRECTOR 0F MUSIC <ORGANIST/ CHOIR DIRECTOR) Rtquimed to starb Jsly 1/99. One Sunday Service, two massaIs: Baldwin 635 organ, Vamaha Piano Console 35 voice Senior Choiih 1 Youth Choir, 1 Childaens Choir. Apply ait> resume and reterence: The Music Search Commilfet, Appleby United Church 4407 SpruceAve.BurlînglonON 17L119. Resumes ani be receîvduWNt May 15, 1999 SALES PROFESSIONAL, REQUIRED Gallinger Motors requires two motivated individuals f0 loin our Sales Team. If you desire a posi- tive, exciting work place with réal opportunity for botter incomne this may be the position for Vou. If you feel you can commit your- self f0 working hard and are will- ing to pay the price for success your new career could start tomnorrowl Please cali 905-875-3673 or drop off resumne f0: Att: Rob Browningf 655 Main St Eest, Milton PONTIAC eBUICK a CADILLAC NEW AND USED CAR SALES We ors currsnlly saeking lwo additionof individuals ta join our professional sales teon. w. of fer eComon cr plan *Abo. ovroge compensation pion eBenefits *Fult management support For a conulietial interview Please Fax resumne ta George Stelankiewicz Fax 905-878-0960 Wallace Pontiac Buick Caifllc Lfd 40M Main St. IL, Milton 1-888-878-2354 S Meray Motors Mercedes-Benz SALES PERSON s2 yrs experienced required eSelf-starter, Positive attitude aCompany benefits Mail! send or fax resumne f0: Bil1 Metcalfe 3005S. Service Rd., W. Oakville. L6J 5A2 Fax: (905)-845-3477 Make someones birthday extra special by placing a Happy Birthday notice in The Canadian Champion WÉLDER 2Cuta Machiner>, Fabri:ating PComairqi , lerith minimum 3, eareue wyasi rac Pli., Mustknow m~gki. u.aleoeab printsodhe som fuie0s l t est willbe gien taseced candidates. Musoevi ble ta wor aner-lime wlien required. Corist waes bnefts a " rft ~hn0. Co~ec Hervy e 876-3838 Merd Meredz-enz BODY REPAIR TECHNICIAN " 2nd year apprenties a Company henefits " Some own tbols req'd e Self-starter/ Team player Send or fax resurme toi: Phil Haneford 300 S. Service Rd., W. Oakville. L6J 5A2 Fax: (905)4842-030 eiF atèchem TECHNICAL SALES/ MARKET DEVELOPMENT Oakvllle-based office of a leading global Chemical and Plastics cornpany has an Immediate opening for an energelic, resuits oniented Technlcal Sales Repre- sentative. You will develop and maintain excellent customer relatons and be responsîble for the sales and market developmirent of a range of high performance polymers. The succesful candidate will have superb interpersonal sidi15, posseas a post secondaoy technical degree in chemiatry or chemical engineering and have 2 years af technlca sales experience. We offer a comrpetitive salary, company vehîcle and beneflits package. To pursue this opportunlty, please mail or fax your resume to: ENt Atochem Canada Inc. 700 Thîrd Une. Oakvlle, Ontario L6J 5A3 AfIn: Human Resources Fax: (905) 827-7913 CONSRUCIONfENTL CO. raquires ful time Secreary. Bookkeeplng and computer experience necessary. Mon.-Fit. Please fax resume 10: 905- 876,3791. Mercedes-Benz RECEPTIONIST * Part-time position * 4 evenmngs/ week, Plus Saturdays * Availabte immediately Apply in person or fax resume to: Lynus Bremner- Office Coordinator 300 S. Service Rd., W OakvüIe. L6J 5A2 Fax: 845-3477 DISPATCH CLERK We require o dedicoted, rai able ond orga- nizad person ta join our leom. You must have pleasant tephone monner and good cus- lomner service sildils. French speaking would be on assaI, but nol essenliai. yumust b computer literate and posass on accurate keyboard spaad of ot leout 45 wpm. lnvoicing ond dispotching exeetc wol be prefierred, but we are willing ta train lthe right peruon for Ibis position. Pleose coul (905) 875-2724 belwaan 9-5pm. SERVICE COORDINATOR ASSISTANT ElectricaV/Communications Contractor in Etobicoke la seeking an individual with excellent organization and com- muication skilîs. Responsibilities include purchasing, dispatching, filing and invoicing. Knowledge of Excel & Word is a must. FAX: <416) 247-2753 E-mail: Mail: Bîrnie Eiectric Limited 36 lKeifield Street Rexdaie, Ontario M9W 5A2 ......-.... Navislar's Burlinglon Office requires s Bilingual Message Center/Speciticaions Support Analyst who wosld mespond to incomîog catis at our message cenler sud provide support bo vanous customer ser- vice tendtions wit>in the framnework of the esfahlished company poficies. Candidates are reqsired f0 have good oral and wrlfien communication skills in hoth English and French. Techoical experience in the Truck and/or Auto lndustiy would he an asset. Gond computer skills and the ahiliby tfuteioo as a teamn player aresa musL. Applicants should submit Mher rsumes no tater/than Marcr 121/r, 1999 f0: JOB-BORN CaaituSlsctIee 370 Mai. St . , Nmua, Ont. LSU lU Fax f (905) 522-2952 Ealljebbon,@spdt.ea CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE Requires Front Desk Staff A busy position for an energetic outgoing personaliy. Compter skills an asset. 20-25 hrs/wt. Aflemoon & eveniog hirs (2pm-gpm) and most Salurday momings. -Bflt .IVAteIy- Cail 845-1665 EXPERIENCED PART-TIME ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT Our clienbs require the services of an oubgoing, ener- gelic ondividual, aibh incenfive, and a nafurel aptitude eorhing aithin tht mental teabh field. " Candidate mustbe a carrent or past consumer of mental hat> services. " Mustbe proficlenf in Windows 95, Microsof, Lobas and Infernal applications. " An excellentl bephone manner ih a positive atitude, and goal woth ebhic is maodabory. " Must be a lesam player, aid work wft>in t>e strict dlienV/coofidenisl guidelites. " Efficient biliag skIlus a plus. Please mail or fax resume hy Mardh 5,1999, in confidence f0: T.E.A.C.H. k, Collucrs lot Ceiuso 225 Main St, E., Suite # 8, Milton, On L9T lN9 Att: ChvIsUm Krawsxk Propa. flrecter, Faic <90)06939278 On/y t/rose seledled wîflt fa in/erveeed DENTAL Raceptioniaf for mtaaemity laava. Paid training adinq ta 30 hirs per week in April. Dental axperiance ra- quired. ABELdant as- patience praferred. Send rasuma f0: Dr. Chapman, RO.Box 300, Cartie, Ont. LOR 1 HO or Fax 905-689-3299. I>ZRECYCLEl VON HALTON Urgently requires * HCA'S " HSW's * PSWs (Up 1oi 4Ohrs/wk) Cali 02-800 ask for Wsedy or lui, or fax 827-2102 usatl laffl a tuotg In uir home, Monday - Thursday, 8:15 - 6:30, starting Msrch 1. Must have own car. Calu 877- 2934. CAREGIVER requirad for two pre-adiaut chld- ran. Muet be expert- enced and have valid references. Stnuctured; Interactive care la te- quired. Please cali W&5 878-7840 abler 6 p.m. CARINO, Home day- cae envlronent avail- ablie for one. 876-4415. DAYCARE evallable. Ful time days. Wood- ward & Wifson. 876- 4978. DAYCARE in my home. F.TJ/P.T., nan-amoker. Hesrt of Camrptielivibe. Eveninga & weekenda welcomaed. 854-3617. PREGNANT? Dedision to malte? Call us we're here ta batan. 875-1245. 1991 CHEV Blazer 4X 4, bune, 2 daoot auto., loaded, Ai condition, dealer malntainad. $6,950. muet set. 905- 877-6497. 1991 FORD Aerostar, 7 passengr, 6 cyl, auto, air, stereo, low lune., $4,000. cart. Siessor Mators, Miftan, (905) 875-5010. 1991 FORD Aerostar, XLT, 190,000, bander damagod, but drives perfect. Obters around $4,000. Chris, Mon,- Frldey, 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. 876-4730 weekevsds 9054BD-3453. 84 CHEV. 8 cylinderasta- tion wagon. Auto, air, exceblent condition. Ask- lng $1500. 878-1035. AUTO INSURANCE. Basbrmies for moat dri- vers includlng higher dasks. Cai Warren, 519 853-4284, 905-270- 1555. Wheni lbuyln or oeline a vohlcle, rememL'or Zbt (atabian HAVE YOU EVIER DREAMED ABOUT Setting your own hours and goals? Generate unimited income right from home? Salais. Fashions, with over a decade of proven success, offers you the immediate opportunity fo generate s. unlimited income frota your own home. We offer a unique combination of both career and casuai utear in suzes 4 f0 plus and delivery in 5 days. No oCher company offers more to their customers. We are launchiog the mosi incredihie Spring Line yos have ever seen. Balance bas fouod an exclusive oe, ail nabsra fsbric t>a looks and tels like liquid gold . Cali today 10 discoveryour Balance opportunity. Cai Gale Ruissil Toîl Fmio 1-877-505-5646 ext. 377 I Cali 875-3300 t. lst yours

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