RÉ*-the Càanadian Champion, Tué,4dag, ébrtjàry 9, 1999 KKEK!IT GLE2O GRYTOAY Thomas" *FWk*lm Bq.ye OverS bacagak peau WbS Aafaa %ma. khauen PW-u Aoe aaab#aiaa -oglg tées -cardI iae IHME UV' 'VVVIW * 1 1/3 Acres *Attrucive muiS-levl homite * 5 Bedroom Tudor Home FINALLY, À A IN * Grent Tisaturi leaioas * Lots of trees for privacy " Upgraded Toconhome * Lots ot spuc & stctage * în-îsw suite * Great Complex * ee r,%nos&sdn *Gealcti. " Early Closing Possible *NetCai.wnws&iic *Grtloto, $13919W$9,00 sn.pieuse call te araw. * Cati for an appointmant - THIS 3 BIEDROON HOM IS A "10» Situated on 12.5 acres, good saze oulbuilding with hydro (suita"l for horses). Otfered are Petsa win- dows, new oak kitheawih buili-in appliances, hard- wood flooring in most mrooei, huge sunroomn over- looking 16x32 ft. pool with cedar decking. This home is truly a muet see. Located oniy 10 minutes from the 401. $439900. $379,900 ISTORIC CLAMSI Sangle famaly home converted into tniplex. Home features two 1 bdrm. apts. and one 2 + 1 bdrm. apt. Ai renovated. Unique setting backing on toi Miil Pond consevation area. Ideal income or residential property. A muat to see. Walter Sales R.pr.s.ntatve 878-7777 READY AND WAITING.. For you 10 make your move! This one bedroom condo la located on the 6th floor of 100 Miliside. Offers central air, central vac, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer. Asking $1 34,900. Cali me today to view this cosy spot. Mo. MiIjourk Hail of Fame Assoclate Broker 878-7777 ,Valuable Experienced Professional of 19 Years ti Ucdergrotd Parksing, Libay, Recrenation, Landacaped Coutyard. *For prstas. paesantatio el 0 as at oct aite baside Holy Roaty churrt, SatiSac. 1:30 - 4:30 Pmr A I.NHWR IMAUILTF noIm On Beaver Court, this large semi-detached offeui separate dining room, est-in kitchen, bright living room, larg finished recreation ares, central air, 2 washrooms, very dlean & tasteully decorated ail on a generous sized lot. $1 75,900. Cali Moe. 'V W ' * Papuat recrel ou gifat laily ebee PROM 111l9,000. * Ne. oustlobarid! * 1112 -2 AeaLots * aeizetl yard *10 Custcm Hom Plans * Great Lccation * Na. Clair, meseartosace, C/esc beli- * Cati Gary or Glam fcr a lits. patdm ftl cf leatrmfi CaSi tc Package today! ien. $199,000 RAT TOWNHOME In small complex. Tastetully deocrated, with large master bedroomn, professionally finished rec roomn and fully fenced back yard with large bi-level deck. $1 39,500. FE ATURE Hç.. Let an experienced professional help! yemm -ÙbgIf you own one of these properties tawe 3l brbna- ayueaa d ebm' ~ and want to seli, maybe 1 can help. addaoe. a. pe road as ata 50t058 ada cat- fuaddtin ais rot hawkasing garagand alocal-r Bungalow/backsplit with garage in CLAY on a largelo bacldng ota a park anrd dlosa ta os ak echools. Cal CW to via. Èrle sewH. Doatas.rk c O mNau m m LAMGE FAMILY NEEDED *Country property on 1-a- acres with m om M UILW Mou toi move into this 4 bdrm. brick basement suitable for in-iaw suite. Ass4ociatet ma executive 2 storey. This home tea- Country executi ve home on I + Broker is lie tavio for tures a spiral staircase in entrance, acre up to $400,000. Hall ef Fame hmflt tesd ca ai *los ee 80doS Large bungalow in old Milton or 2 NtL mantir lamely fireplaces, 4 bathrooms, main floor storey with main floor bedroom up lmrenhr"krt l family room, and double garage. t 2000 Ms, ceral ai, a Top this off with central air & vac fin Ssmt cuti a and a 60 x 120 ft. lot. Cali Cîmyton Industrial space 10,000 aq. [t. to statolp ard et bat. Ltcta onra quie tititOa douba îteairnd clM or scirls and for furiher details. Asking $262,900. lease or buy. paris. Caiaylo tatW wMs a l kia mrfor yru.aesi a ISales Representative Associate Broker Brokerj Lid CAMIPBELLVILLE MANOR CAMPBELLVILLE ESTATES MAGNIFICIENT ENGLISb COUN#TRY MMOof Ln88aY J- Nasbled aaay on aquiet cout tis itaresivao eorgei Stately anrd appealing ahis castoe-Suilt brick Juat 25 rminuemat ofala Pearsontr n atiall l anrd M CLarn* Matai teajures 2 aaiaey toyer wib openir al atait- hom5e on 2 actas ith rtblous lairdscaplas ar ito i~dir.caoa aa d irfiva ta * ~ casa, radMl floa, sapinrtte LA k DR, krigt et-t anrd circular pavad driva. Features 4+1 keri- 5 kadroora horae in Campballilla Eatataa la iaa.aamaa custom kikare, moa fic FR weh hp, liklry, ltige mte.rs 3 1/2 kais, cocker LA wita marbia tire- Lprox. 4400 aq ft plu o leelan101cd #saturea for- MBR aebh trarndoas arcadte, 3+1 sacorc bari p1ca sLaaeD.csc 0 ice a. DRo vir-bia Flaaý3Oiivhaap, m i6 Tac 1k 825.448 plce saeasDcsocakkthnvihB ppliaace, FF. 2 alorar lar rmral FP lîrr. moras, 1t2 bains, rec aaaitsfrplaca and ira flcor, appi acao, main-Iliror FR erOlh brick lirapiaoe, huge MBcR wirv atvdracliîre& FP. 3r12 as Ru. 854-2451 la-la., sulle on loaar levai and parfiasally lard- tac mt & games r logriord "o and spa, lighl- mapclar 45 rev un o/oaa frrpiace b grade lovai REIAX aped 1.3 acre lot weah irlarlocbltg store dri. For cd tairais cor,4crgrg n uhmore .010 haalad ngroord pool. hot lob. patios. devko. REM furher deails or fibis fiva honte, plaase cortact For lullirar details on this line homea, cal Lindsay .nr ardiir. cnrvrc o Lfrndors Mvarv 74«o Lirdsay J. McLaren. Askbing $497,900. J. MicLarenr. Reduced iir $6100,o Clryor parsova viaingv ir aig avr.00 o Tha markcet s ctrosg and the DEMAND for homes as high. If yos are considering selling please oeil me8 for a confidential evaluation of your town or rural home. Most of my lictings hava uSOLD" asd I srgently need more in town & rural listings for sala. Pissase oeil Lindsay J. McLaren.