If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 Dr. R.N Strohan OPTOMETRIST 106 Wakefield Rd. Wakefield Professional Cener, Miltn,Otaio Dr. Ron Strohan 878-5882 OPTOMETRIST Houri: Moi l9. m97O, Wed, Thur, FKL9.5 Q:Hea oflen abeld one have tiseir cyes exanstned? A: Censtdering tisse yesr eyes are sctually a part of your brais, lise iseallis of tise eyes arc very importamt. Mlasses vetti net belp yeu tf yeur cyes mnd vissai systees are net beatiy. Se tise betief tisse yen enly need year eyes examisscd for glassea is a mytis. Yoa abeuld bave regular ecutar visan amseasments tI mtebk_ luim Mmny limes we examine people aise feel lbey're seeisg just fine, but in fart tise beati of tise eyes may sctualty bc delerierating. Saris rases saris as gtanroms, macular degeaSratien, and diabetir retinepeisy cmn steel yen blend berause people dos't notice some- ttsisg bas rbmngcd, tomneimes aises it ta tao late te iselp. Se se one sbonld assume everytlsing ta ekay based on wbat tbey lisin t liey cmn are, as tise mind bas a peaierfut mestie of isiding visal problemns. Regutar orulo-vissat asuessesl are neceasary te maintate bealtby visies as s preventative rare, mnd sbouîd te dose snnuatty. Esperiaily if yea are ai beat is anatd if yen bave a family biata- ry of any eye disorder. Q:Cas eutie lamai. h. worn by eveuyne? A: Contact lenses are mode of plastic. Sefi lemea contais, and abaoeb a crtais percentage of water, ae as toa sow oxygen ta penetrate tise tees. Gms permeable bard contact tense sllowe for tise excbmnge of oxygen Ibroogs tise les, but do net restais mny aeer. Stace evcry ose is as individual wilis différent tear qostities, tise osly aay te safety wear contact tenace ta te bave prefeattenal eye examinations te determion if contact lena wcar ta sf for yesr rerneas te, breatise tbreugi tise contact les. Inadequate fit and contact tens types msy preduce irreveraibte dantage te yoar eyea, and predirting or aamtsg everyese rsn wear amy contact tees ta putting tiseir eye's beati in jeopardy. fie sure ta contact yosr eye doreor regatarty le assure tise besits of your eyea. 75 Nip Rd. iDon Q: Do yen know of asy crulse packages that offer something a littie different for Canadian traveflers? A: We are pleased to introduce our Collectors Series Tour Operators offering special value for Canadian travellers. Ise first in our sexies is an 11 day Maya Equinox Cntise by Royal Olympic Cruises wlsich includes free airfare to, Galvestos, Texas and offering two-for-one savings. Highlights of Ibis cruise aboard the Stella Solaris include: n Enjoy stellar programn of enrichisent lectures by renowned bistorians and astronomners. n Joursey back intfinie and discover the mysteries of the lost Mayas civilization " Explore ancient archaeological treasures on optional tours to Tka, Copan and Altun-Ha. " Wttness tse Vernal Equinox - a celestial phenomnenon wben tise "Sun Serpent" descends thse gi-eac pyramnid in Chiches Itza - on a compli- mentary, full-day shore excursion. 11 Day Maya Equinox March 16,1999 From $2,035 Cdc, with FREE AIR! See agent for details Taxes extra Rea #4631644 NMRON HEALY Registered Nutritionat Coxansellor Marion H.aly 50OîeotSManager R.N.C. 55 ntro t aSUit 18 (90)875-2889 Qt love my Rapta nali Pssta, bat wbat's wreng aliah Il? ùWtsea bealis cosctous people embrace bai fat cootiag, lisey tend la cul isset an lise amousri af ment lisy cand shtitate pasta and otiser rltciydrates fer i. If thats tise case, lises ahat ta airosg seili cating more pasta. bread, rire mnd potatoes? Pteaty, tf yen are smsg lie cati- maled 25 pe=ect of lise population ltist cenatdered taitali reatant "lssamtta resistance» aiti become lise boxa ward ta m diel asd nutri- lias fieldsai thie coming yeasx. For people seuls Ibis condition, ealisg carbolsydratea crealea cravtag for more carbolsydrales. They gain wetgbt amd bave difficalfty lontng t. Il ta eslinsstedl iat 75 pescent Of avereigso people may bc insai resitast. lse mnswer ta lise question I Love My Bagelsa md pasts, Bat Wbal'n Wrong Wti Il?' ta long mnd comptex. Fer Ibose wbo are sot insitsn resitat lise repty ta pcobably notbtag, s long as lisey remnember lisse esebobydeates do bave calories, mnd lise slow fat dico ta not a litesse la est as msny sagais and atarchea as desired. For Ibase wba are isain resitast, lsowever, tee ach pasta and otber carbolsydrstes mea ta mation a chais of events liat may begen ails wcigt gain mnd misea evestaly leali te serious isesrt disease. 1. lamuia, acting as agrowts fartor, produres prolifération of lis cees- ponients cf lise aulnat watt te taitiale or aggravat aliserasclerosa. la addition, lis greait fartor may aise art on lise saller blond vessets, misas ronlribuiag te, hypertesion. 2. Excess isslia aise promalea lise mtsst tabastar absoeption of aedi- mus, lisse ta, il mates a pesos rel a it. ln addtion, il stimulâtes lise aympatbetic aervesss ayslem, pradartag s rapid beaur rate and vase- censtrirtion or tigistesstag of tise bleed veaseta. iserefore, il fuetiser ceoleibutea ta isyterteistos. 3. Tisecrma tasmîta promolea lise ltver'a prodaction of VLDL (very tew demtity ltpeprotia), aibicis resaits ta depressedl fat rlesarne. As more mnd more researchs acrssmates tanlise medirat literatare on imaulta reaitaaste, tise popolar media bave begun te take as isterest in il, paticalarly ils tmplicstioem for wetgist taxa. w UfMFI LQRIRS fl n Carpet * Vinyl aCoramics e Hardwood aPaint sWallcoverings Showroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL G.rtdlaH.tmt 45mh I. .1D.878-4210 Q:My basement has dark wood panelling Do 1 have te rip It down? A: Fear not! Transforrn your roomn the easy way -by painting or wallpapering over the surface. Firstly, wash down the walls with a solution of TSP or sîrnilar product which will clean and etch the surface. Next and most impor- tant is to prime the area with a super adherant primer - Pratt & Lambert's Suprime #1 is an excellent product. After the required drying time (TIP: Leave longer than instruc- tions state) you will be ready for your finish coat. Pratt & Lambert Accolade Velvet cov- ers well and there are lots of colours to choose from. Voila! Try a textured roller for a faux finish. If wallpaper is your choice, then corne see us at Cornfi Interiors and we' l show you sontie special wallcoverings that will transforin the look of vour room. lina Doney 86 Main St., Miton Connl* Francoz PHYfIOTHERAISTS 876-1515 0: 1 would lie ta duat -om iter aports lis er. Coulli yen pieuse, provide samn alivice on how te prevent Injurie A Winteraspors cmsppemaighatriof ijuiyf yo do'mskeimîeti s conditioanmd prepare yoar body abead of lime. Winter sports are greal fun, but taire a senions naiment le cenaider wblethor yon a sdy unid bow ta paepare. Dc't ltebfor prasel mihaï because yan contillaed a regatar camecise 1trgrm il mag sser duat yen a ulcatity ready fer ialer sperts. Phynspislw ay iater inutae tcluding mascle strais, ligament aprais, ains, satie asd cuber fractures, as aitil as hart sud etk injuries. Avoidisg lii spitta liat are put of iaor sporst lite "ttg, tee sattg cr mnow football ta impoasible, but lie tigla cendtionag cas reduce lie odda of serions tajsoy. HIeme a as few waya yen cas preveat iter aporst injuriea. Before yen eves gel os lime aaow or ice chek pose eqaipeet and clothiag. Clolitg shoild te am and comfoetstsle. spoets eqatpsseat aboutid te ctecbed ta essae liait itlfits propruty for maxtium foncion, perfaemance, and prarec- doas. If yen or yoar childme are sea tes aspoetlitte stimg, wear extra prelectio li te lm scNd elbow patta wtm by ta-lise attr. laatect yose envirenmeat If yen am Maning ta wtt entdacr, matre aire pamr pntadya art clear and fee frein me and waim relleclive ctltsig s lisat yon are visible. Refoe yen get oat enta lie dopes, mpemmd 5-t10 mants dcisg a ligsl selivity ls & saltisg ta ai ap. lbaseul telp ta peepare yenr musaclea, redmetag lliffneas or lighsas. Wear a comfomrtsbte soalis caver, scsef ce face rusait ta lie cold ta ama lie ai yen brsli, especiaiy if yaa bave asy apectal coad- lient sc as astsm. Wbea yen bave flttashed ycter ontdoor aeivity, den't forgea ta cool downanmd ta aliaeis. Laliy, do nol stop yonr regatar exeris peagrsm. Par&tcpaae ta a regatar exerctse prograin ail yeu rund ta teep "fit". A igtibr tevel af fimss sull redace yoor nat of tajaiy. laclade ail lihe casqtensa of flasesa ta yenr pro- grasux Tlse taclade exercsem fer slresglb, flexibiltty mnd serobic: exetcise fer yenr huart Pbisttaierapitas as experts ta molity cas peavide tadividal sdvice or as exercise progsain ta telp people timprove Itte physicat fllnsa tevel or pre- vent tajamy. If yen bave asy further queslionaboot exertse or apors injuries tatka a asedicat prefexaiena saris as yonr plsacias or phyatotterspists. Copliments of Tna Dancy and Coasie Francoz HCRC physioherapists To <tdvetise 70Wr servie in "lAsk ¶1w Professionals"' cati.. 878à,2341 TODAY! ..L- «r..-.,i.ý» a 1 ocàà-,tl