Questions stilfi lingering about new super board By IRENE GENTLE The Champi on Thie Greater Toronto Services Board (GTSB) ie offi- caally a go, but some Hatton ceoncernis remain 10 be addressed. The GTSB ie designed 10 run and fund GO Transit as well as help coordinate municipal services in the Greater Toronto Ares (GTA). The legislation was paused December 10 of Iast year and came int effect January 1. Despite extensive con- sultation by the Minister of Municipal Affaire, AI Leach, the final sud does nul address some key region- ai issues. It does not, for example, include a clause exempting Halton'u Iandfill from use by the reut of the GTA. Rt also doesn't exclude Halton from having to sheli out for any future landfilî rites. The Milton Iandfill is reauonably safe even without a clearly rtated exemption, raid Halton Chair Joyce Savoline. The rearon jr that Halton would have 10 give approval before other areas could use it. "We'd have bo be willing hosts. We're not," she raid. "We'Il keep a very clore eye on il but t feel we're protected." Ms Savoline raid she'll also be taking a close look sut the funding of GO. Currently, GO jr 10 be funded by the regions uring it,'meaning Halton, Toronto, York, Durham and Peel. Hamilton-Wentworth wiIl also be called upon to uhoulder some of the cortr, though it iun't part of the GTSB. Expansion of the transit ryrtem jr estimated to cost about $1 .2 billion. Ms Savoline raid rhe's hoping to convince the fed- eral and provincial govemrmenîr t0 help carry rome GO costs. "We're trying to encourage the federal and provin- cial levels 10 assume their rightful rerponsibility and interest in capital funding for a safle and efficient ryr- tem," she raid. Membership in the GTSB could corne aI a high price if more than transit couts are evenîually rhared, raid Milton Mayor Gord Kranîz. "The 905 areas and Halton might just be îhrown onto the board just 10 help Toronto as we know il. That's one of my fears," he raid. "Do we want to pick up ail their social costa? No damn way do B want 10." Evert the future direction of the GTSB jr in ques- tion. At prerent, it isn't known if it will remain a coor- dinating body for the GTA or tum mbt a whole nemu level of govemment. That uncertainty doesn't ait mueil with Halton reni- dents, raid Ms Savoline. "I think taxpayers expect some predictability. If B went out and taîked to, taxpayers today, 1 wouldn't be able to give themr that," she raid. "People'r uncertainty about what and how it will evoîve - that's big." In the meantime, Ms Savoline raid heing a member of the GTSB will be a whoîe new baIl game for the regional politicos. "We're going to play in a playing field where in a lot of caser thinga are done differently," she raid. "Bn Halton, we're rpoiled. We don't experience ail the sensationalism, ail the big poliîics." Juet being heard wilI be a challenge, raid Ms Savoline. That's because voting on the GTSB jr bared on pop- ulation, with more votes given to high denrity arear like Toronto and Peel. The total number of votes jr I110. 0f that, Toronto has 55, Peel 21, York 15, Durham 1l, and Halton 8. Since mort GTSB votes are won hy a two thirds majority, that means it would be a tough slog for other regions to kiborh a policy supported by Toronto and Peel. THE TINE.MP 0F II 90'S If your car is. more thon one year old or has travelled more thon 40,000 kilometres, YOU NEED A MOTORVAC' CARBONCLEAN' SERVICE! Emissions testing has begun... stay ahead of th e game. EMISSIONS MAINTENANCE TUNEaUP Includes: *Replacement of all necessary filters * Fuel injection system service *Inspection of ail lune-up components, including RC.V systemn <motorvac carbon dlean) *Complete exhaust inspection including catalytic converter service. Corbon, dirt, gum and vornish horm criticol engine components - resulting in Iost performance, rough idie and overolidriveobility problems. After your engine is cleoned by o MotorVace CorbonCIean' Service it wiII: * Restore new-car perfo rmance * Improve acceleration * Increase fuel economy * Reduce harmful exhaust emissions * Correct driveability problems related to carbon and other contamination For more information coul or visit Bob. 18 Commercial St. 878-7926 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 9, 1999 -1 NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING I Regional Officiai Plan Amendment and Niagara Escarpment Plan Amendment A Joint Board will hold a public hearing regariliog a proposai hy lannock Lsmsted lui pruceed oeils an undertulung, rumey, tise amerdment of lise Regior of Raltor Officiai Plan and tise Niagara Escarpmeni Plan. toi aIisw tise inclsonof oapproxnsaly 31 isectares (76.6 acres> ofland iris, tise Urhan Area of tise Teown of Mîlon Tise Joint Board îill be composei of nnembers fr~m lise Envirosmentul isueussuent Board unt tise Ontario Municipal Board. The subjeci landei louinit uithe Nîînih-Easl corner ofSîteeles Avenue anit Tremoîne Hîîîd in tise Tows of Milton, in the Hegionol Musicipalilo of Hiton. The legai description Ion lisis uanis Pt. bols t & 2, Coscesis 1, Ilegisteret Plan 20R-261 jr lise Fermer Townssip oflEsquesing, sou su lise Tour et Milles. Tise suisiect lard s iecaled ir as area dessgruated as "Enuirrmnerlul Protectsor" urisis lise Niagara Escurpmenl Plan and il idesignaled as Escarpmen Pretection and Escarpmrenl Rural Aiea" jr lise Regier o ealton Oficiae Plan. Ts priceed oils tisis urdenluisirglJarnc Limited huas seugs: (l> lise amerdmert oftse Niagara Escurpmeri Plan ts delete tisese lards issm lise heurdary oflthe Niagara Escarpmeni Plan, 10 pernt tseir inclusion jr tise Town oflMilton Resus Expansion Ares; >2> lise amerdmert sifthe Regssr o Hatllen Officia Plan ho show fon Urisan Exparison/Future ResideriJa. Tse Joint Board aill heur tiseappicutien t and lise Niagara Escurpomerl Plan ligetser ails tse appea o utarreck Lirsled rn respect ofîRegiora Ceurcil's lanlure 15 adîpt lise requestedl Official Plan Amerdmert Tise purpese ofla JointîBoard Reunng iss tisheur ail sIfthe issues relaîrd lu lise undertaking ait one finme, ratner tsar isaurg lo sr moere separate hisg, tegetser hy trie er mure hourds lise Ails heirg ceessidaed for tisis iseurerg undthlie appnsnals heing seugsl are outi isels rn tire section entitledl Staisalsry Auliserty. Pieuse rasil tsaI section caretuilo lui ersare UsaI pou are aware of ail oftse precessea andlor isesninga tisaI are heirg comeoidated. STATUTORY AUT'IORITV Tise iseunsng s hesrg iseti urdier Use usority efthe Cossiduted Heuningu Act, R.S.O. 199, c. C.29, us amended, ubîcs applies jr respect ot an urdetking rn relation le oeicis mere Usun one iseing is un muy be requsred sr isel isy nmure Usas one tibunalimenter ene or mure Ails. Tise urdertakirfg prepseit ho iarrsck Lemitet requires aiseurirg under eacso ithe tsilewirg statues: esuissecisu 12>21o etse Niagara Escurprnent Planning and Deneletrment Oct, R.SO 1990, c.N. 2, wics under a iseaing museb iseid hetune a isearsrg elfecer jr respect ut an appliculsur fur an amerdment ts Use Niagara Escarpurent Plan; esuhsectn 22>71 oftse Planning Ac, R.S.H. 1000, c. P. 13, es amendet, urder ahics a pensum may appesi a municipuityis refusue adupt a requestet Officia Plan amerdment 10 Use Ontario Municipal Bound. 110W TO PARTICIPATE Croups un indisidouis erterestein l panhicipatirg in Use isesning may express ejffler Useir pnivate cuncenuis sn Ilsein ncenra regardirg Use pulc irlerest. TAti, eay pafflcipate us ejUser a Pneserler, Patiipant or Party. A Pneserter rsay muSe a atatement 10 Use Round, ejUsen oratiy ur n awmisrg A Paricipant may stake a stutementî Us te Round, ejUsen nratly andor inuarilsrg may recense copies ofael documenls reiet uper hy Use Paries, sud attend site isus. Nsnrmaly a Panicipant s especle to attend ceey day oflUse Resnrg. AOPanty, ussumes Use regis sud respeusihilises sIfthe tulieut isrm ef susoteement an Use hesring pruceus ircladsrg Use uigs le cuti sitsesse unit cussamrire ujisieuses culled t hUen paries. Paries are ussaiiy nepreserted ulthUe Resrng ho lega csuuse un an agent Tise Round sesl cîrsder requess fon Partyoandt Participant satus aitUshe Preinry ttenng. Aipsue wisî asishes lui panlicipate an Use Resfng ssud attend Use Puic Infrrmation Meeting. turdence ouon siss negandirg Use pnospe seul nul ho heurd t thUe public information meeting un Use preliminryayinr Sucs infonmation wiii only, ho neceised althe nain isearnwiuch is si e iselit a date lu bue anneauncedit uthUe trrei ly hearing. PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING Staff oftthe Officero sCuonsliduled ttesengs irrite ail irlenestet grsups un irdiaiduals lui attend a public: tafoemation meeing lui discues issu Use, car participate su Use tauing Tise date, lime, losatie, sud purpese ofthe pubhic irlurmahur meeting une sel eut heiuw. Ail pentues un gnuupsasiisingluo participaIs su Use hearing asulit attend thepuiblic inkenattea meein. Thsepubliic infrtiaon meeting seril hielit su: Rate: Munda,, Feismanti 22, 1999 lTme: 7:00 p.m. Place: Gier Lasur>letseweud Rsem, Uonls Regeous Centre Regiuna Msnicspalityetoftuiten, 1151 Rrsrtettsad, Calville, OntarioM 16 II Tire porpuse oflthe public information meeting la to. *pnsoide groupa un irdisidual s irtinfrmratiun en Use iseuning pnecess sud Use dillerent ways lu uhics Usey car paicipate jr Use isesnsng; tsdentity gus sr indrerduas wiss iiash to pnicipale rn Use iseursrg, and nuftîre hou Useyxuitl be sinieled: *usk eacs perasu n orgreup Usai ashes to pafflcipate 1oi deacrie hUeer crucenuis usd te aay asi Usese are importantfor Use Round bo conaîden; *prsvsde an uppsrlerity Inn Uhse uaîU sîmiun sulenesis le dscuss Useen issues sud curcers to se lfan smisreia group car represent Useen arteresis aI Use iseuning: *create a Lest il Puteral Paries undt Pafflcipanls; sud eprepare a descripioen sf ises trlu h ducusseit ulthUe preliainary heai FILINO0F NOTICE 0F INTENT TO PARTICIPATE Aller Use puhic informautisn meeting aeiUs staffoftse Office of Ceusotidated Reuargs aryssu seisîig lu parispate jr Uhsa heureng sissud suismil rtter roice efthUeir inient lui paricepate 10 Use Round oy Mueta,, Mardi 8,1I998 Tise Notice o> rIfent ahoult curtuen ucleur utaiemer ofUse penson's or gnoup inierent in Use isuring ard uiseffer 16ey uish o obtain sateus a poro'. participant on pneserter ai the heoning. PIeuse incdudte Use rame, aditreos, lolepisone inities rumser eflUse penaes whio unit be commuricuirgwiUs the Board on fihsof tse indîsîdoul or grsup. Tis Noice should be auhmstted tei Use Office et Cosaeidated Reunîng ut Use aditres holow. PIeuse quete file sumiser 98-074. Pieuse rote UsaI tho rames, uddresa, lelepisune sud tus surlier et contact persurs asy be cîrcultein s aitauce oftse iseurug rn order 10 emsure diacusaien ameng poteris paries undt pafflcipanls. PRELIMINARY HEARING A pitmeM heai seul bisheldt hUs theint Buard appointe to cerduct Use iseuneng en Uhs auderuking. 'Rue date, ime, lecalso, sud purpose sIfthe preliainui hearWn ane set ut heom. Tise pretimirar, hesnng wii commence su' Rate: Tisursady, Mancs 11,19le Tîme: 10:00 s.m Place: Clernrchy>Raanta Reom, Ruler Regenna Cenre Regeonal Muricipaity o stls, 1151 Rrunle 0usd Osilie, Onturio LOI 6II Rue purpose ufthUe preiamirsry hissui a te' é heur suisssa frm Usîse saisi uill ho seekîrg panty or paricipant status; *aderiy Use assues toise cesdered t the seurrng *plan Use pre-iseng pnscesa (informatlson sud document escisunge; meeisof parties un thUeir legal sud lecisnicut represenitulsees; acspirg of isues reselulsor of conditiont oftapproul; plarning oftse nain isarg): *desi oeils any oUser prelimirury natters, MAIN IIEARING Tise iseurîng ofleoiderce unît commence orsa date undt ua locution tei ho determîred ut Use preimnM bearati. Noice efthe ale sud lucution sf Use nain hiserg aitl roi ho puhlished ir a reuspapr. Iftyuu seaish 1 finit sut uher sud amiere Use murn iseursg ani ho holt pieuse attend Use preimonor iseurîrg un centact Use Reurirgs Regîstrar. TAure unit 6e ne coudi repeffiro services prouidet hy Use Office of Cursolidatet Beuringa for Use Reuing. Iftse parties and parlscipants cunsden Ute Use reapuire a trauscript ofthse proceedirga Use, may, wts Use Buands appruva, eistuir auc service ut Useir user espemse. Rue Ruard iss ne ubjectien ts Use ursistnusre tape-recordiri oflUse proceedîrgi. PLEASE NOTE: Fou maphboafeced bty thse deen the Bord makir ffyou lam eorern, ou uhoudenmei ta epubhic information meeting andt, ifrecessunj, the prelimmuxp Ouann, or hanusumese attendahou can rerreset ysurcorrr. liu (or yur urer aie) du nuluatendi, thettBord maopmceed in ysurabsaece and yuurireioreceive ny tirtherrnoticeuflIseteprceeing. FOR FURTIIER INFORMATION Copies eftseappicatios sud documentation aubmitted isy Use prepsuent pertairin o t Us sudertaking are sosaiaietfor inspection durng normae business iseursaut Regiosa Muricipsitof utRte Municipal Offices 1151 Broute Ruat Osinile, Ontaris LO 6II PAuse: >W5)>825-00 Fus: (9ffi) 25-8838 Office oftCsrsoidated Reurirgs Suite 1201, 12Us Fluor 2300 Henge Street Toronto, Ontario MOP ICI Phsse: (416)484-7800 Fus: (416) 484-7n25 Fer Isulser irfermatien short Use isering, oucun checku sur seehuite alaasoeetgasrsca of cuti Janet Martel], Reurungs tegissar, Office ef Cosnidalet Reurirgsat (416) 314.600. Tire Roait ucce coilecI calta. Mis. Martll muyo lie resciet 5o e-ruai ut Ilii our reupesnsihiiity 10 contact lse Office oflCemuliadtedit engs lu detlermire tise dates, lisses sud location lue Use hesraug sit proceeds. Datedt antsm, is 28Us duyof Jannarp 1999. laret Mutel Reangs Registrur Pour obstenir un exemplaire decetavse r arcua, oeuîtes eos aditresser au Bureau de jenclson des audiences, en comrposant il (416) 314-46008