The Canadien Champion, Friday, January 29, 1999 - 7 *O UR READERS WRITE OakviIIe 's obstetrical problems in the paslt afrom COUPLE on page 6 than Milton without a problem. Their reference 10 prohlems with care in Oakville refers t0 limes past. Under the leadership of Dr. Robert Morrow, we now have one of the best level two obstetricai deparîmenîs in the country. Labouring patients are asseaaed on arrivai ai the nity or not. The highway network should lie juat that - a network that links communities together int a larger whole. Snowfalls don't recognize municipal bound- arien. That'a common nenne. Snow clearance ahouldn't be limited by the boundaries elîher. More common sense. Safe, well-maintained and cleared roada are flot an evil sign of 'big govem- ment'. They are an esuential public aervice. Premier Mike Harris doesn't understand that basic différence. hoapital, and some indeed are deemed too early t0 Leah Casselman, president remaîn. If they conte fromt a distance, as many of Ontario Public Service Employees Union mine do, there la no suggestion of them going M lo u sn a eo home. Mlou sn a eo Pregnancy is an anxious time for mont couples says offended reader and I am sorrv that the Halls have had theirs increased by mnisinformatton. This is a Harris sn Dear Editor: Have your roads heen plowed? winter aince the Harris govemnme thouaands of kilometres of highwar ipalitiea. So what's il like in youra Are your roads heing piowed the to be? Until now, the province ci ways. The coat wax spread among ers. Now your property taxes are tab - whether it's a road that servE Dear Editor: Dr. G. T. Rlley in really at a Ions as to how Councilior Rick Oakville Malboeuf s sonry war record is of any intereat 10 your readers. 0Wjob I believe his youthful lust for adventure led hlm ta foreign land 10 figlit for a foreign nation - ail for a lost cause. TMis is the firat To hear has dogmatic and right-wing rant is nt downloaded beyond the pale. In his own words, " ... Amerlcans ~s 10 the munic- should have fought 10 win it." rea? I'm sure that 50,000 lost souls and many limes way they used that number wounded beyond recognition would eared the higli- think they had fought for the win that was not ail the taxpay- winnabie. picking up the I think it's disgusting that Mr. Maihoeuf would es your commu- go 10 sucli lengtlis t0 lie cannon fodder himself, ail Our Purpose lmOur lasin pupo 0is pro- vide quality care to dedicated purpose of maximizing their health. To increase the poten- tial in people's lives s0 they can experience life 10 the Dr. Angelika Koeth ,.fullest, naturally. CHIROPRACTOR Cl87-5165 SUINDAY, 2-4 PM 578 Hayward $193,500 GLEN THOMAS in attendance RE/MAX BLUE SPRINGS REALTY INC. 878-7777 SUINDA, 2-4 PM 882 Anderson Ave. $239,900 DONNA HORNBROOK in attendance ROYAL LEPAGE REAL ESTATE SERVICES INC 878-8101 SUNDAY, 2-4 PM 770 Frobisher BIvd. $245,900 GLADYS CRANFORD in attendance REIMAX BLUE SPRINGS REALTY INC. 878-7777 SUNDAY, 2-4 PM 341 Wilson Ave., Unit 8 $124,900 BARBARA CROWE in attendance ROYAL LEPAGE REAL ESTATE SERVICES INC 878-8101 SUINDAY, 2-4 PM Weather permitting - if in doubt, please cal! 100 Miliside $162.900 SANDI KINSALE in attendance ROYAL LEPAGE REAL ESTATE SERVICES INC 878-8101 SUNDAY, 2-4 PM 172 Longfleld, Acton $169,900 (Hwy. 7 to Longfield, south to sign) DEBRA TURK in attendance ROYAL LEPAGE REAL ESTATE SERVICES INC 8784101 SUNDAY, 2-4 PM 176 Longfleld, Acton $173,900 (Hwy. 7 to Longflold, south to sign) JOYCE HAGEVIK in attendance ROYAL LEPAGE REAL ESTAlTSERVICES INC 878-8101 for naught. As lie himself suggests, ail that fighting in vain 10, bomb a third world country back into the stone age, bumn villages, and torture passive rural people for what -10o kili a hidden enemy that wax in fact lighting for their own country in their own civil war? I ask thia question of Mr. Maîboeuf: Knowing that you were wreaking havoc, terror and death, how is it that you can stand againat freedom of choice against abortion? DalYre Milton Miltonions there in crisis Dear Editor: Since heing diagnosed with a brain tumour in October, 1997, and having brain surgery and radi- ation treatments in 1998, my wife and 1 have been overwhelmed with the outpour of love and consid- eration given 10 us by this wonderful littie town of Milton. With ail the turmoil woridwide iltis comforting to0 know that we can reacli ouI and help one anoîli- er raise our families and look ahead with some optimisin. Our deepest appreciation goes out for so mucli friendship and love shown. Allen and Gloria Beckwith Milton Cadbbean Country Cruise -- ABOARD THE BEAUTIFUL BOLERO Ou. Week Cruise -February 27, 1999 ... Ydth: Conada's aword wIAnnng top lino dancing inst~ructor. TM Ylvspeople, loves ta '41##,WM teuch, ond loves ta danco! Day 1 Depari Santo Domingo BOOK EARLY AND Day 2 Son Juan Day 3 St. Thomas SAVE $600 PER CABINI Day 4 Antigua Ono wook per poison including airfare froin Day 5 Dominica Day 6 St. Darthelemy IU f Day 7 Virgin Garda 1 4 Day 8 Santo Domingo Added eOnboard Cocktai ,t I e' tuis'7Proh Features! Grup Poogrcih Toronto l irave 16 Martin St. Downtowa 878-2886. -n ADVERTISEMENT RBC DOMINION miSECURITIES Investor Learning Corner Understanding Income Taxes Rob Rubino B.Sc., FCSI It's bard to pay taxes. and it's also hard to pay taxes. No, 1 didn't just repeat myseif. What 1 mean is that paying taxes is flot something that people generally like to do, and that it's also difficult to calculate how much you owe. So, it's hard in two ways. Our tax systein really seems like a maze sometimes. Case in point - flot aIl invent- ment income is treated in the saine way by Revenue Canada. Income froin certain types of jnvestmients is taxed at more favorable rates than others. The upshot - investinents should be evaluated on an after-tax basin, flot a pre-tax basin. Interent ticorne Revenue Canada treats income - such as interest from savinga accounts - in the samne way as mont other income. It is taxable within each tax bracket at the applicable rate, lu other wordn, there in no tax advan- tage witb income fromt interent. Reporting this sort of income can be tricky. How you report it depends on when the investinent was made. and also on wbai type of invent- ment it in. If the investinent wan made in 1990 or after. any accrued interent earaed must be report- ed annually. Accraed interent is deftned as interent which you have flot yet received. but has built up in a particular investment. Income from componnding securities- like GICs, strip coupon bonds and Canada Savings Bond - must be reported by the saine method, called the accraal method. It muni be reported every year, even if you don't actnally receive the income in that year. If the inventmrent was made prior t0 1990, then you have the option of reporting the income by the accraal method - or when you recetve it, with the exception of the securities namied above. However, when uning this method, you must report interest income every tbree years, even if you don't receive it. Capital Gaina A capital gain occurs when yon selI an asset. The proceeds from the sale above and beyond the cost base of the asset in consid- ered a capital gain and, yes, il is taxable. The good news? Your net capital gain is taxed at three-quarters of the applicable combined federal and provincial tax rate. A net capital gain is descnibed as your total capital gains minus total capital lossen. Dividend Inrme Of the three types of investirent income dis- cnssed here. dividend income from a Canadian corporation is taxed at the mont favorable rate. This is due to the dividend tas credit that is applied to the federal tas payable. The tax payable is calculated like this: the amount of the actual dividend is "grossed- up" by 25 per cent. The federal tax is calcu- lated. Then the dtvtdend tax credit - 16.66 per cent of the actual amount of the dtvtdend - is deducted from the federal tas. Provincial taxes are calculated based on fed- eral tax payable minus the tax credit. In the end, you pay nubntuntially lesn taxes on dividendn from a Canadian source than on interent income, and somewhat lesn than on capital gains. lnvesting in companies that pay dividends is certainly an attractive option, but it is also important to consider other factors, sncb as risi, liqutdity and the opportunity for capttal appreciation. By now, you're probably tborougbly confused. But wbo said paying taxes was easy? yes. I mean that in two ways. For more information on this commentary, or to receive a copy of Rob'n newaletter, please contact: Rob Rubino B.Sc., FCSI lnvestment Advtsor or Jody Coulson, B.Ed. Associate in their Milton Office at 876-3466. RBC Dominton Secarities tn a Member, Canadian Inventor Protection Pnnd