Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Jan 1999, p. 8

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Coli 16 T ii S.1 H.Miti 8 FeW4pçWXA j ffl - CL Eva anid gai our cust supportedi M bter music OCIN.v iCoulter would like tuo thank mers S- tNdents who have is over the lasi 16 1/Z years eut 'MMNI4O StOCK IT 0E 3OLD!9 at 0argaÎns! ýreat Das Wh d ohe driin core say te'rejs lk Yug, D rivers Maybe it's because Young Drivers has thirty years of instructors over the past 10 years. experience teaching collision avoidance. OAnd has achieved Registration to the coveted 150150O And over haîf a million graduates, coast to coast. And more t/ian a million dollars invested in dri- ver training research, plus another million invest- 9001 Quality Assurance Management Standard. No matter what they say, no one else is anything like Young Drivers! JANUARY 16, 23, FEBRUARY 6, 13 FEBRUARY 15 9:00 AM - 3:45 PM MON. & WED. EVENINGS 6:30 - 9:40 PM 4 SATURDAYS 4 WEEKS wA8 75-0480 Young Drivers of Canada - That's what parents arefor. By IRENE GENTLE The Champion A slighl decline in toys collecled and food hampers given out over the Christmas season doesn't mean Milton bas tosIt its heart, said Sandra Rosa 6If the Salvation Anrny Family Services. "This ix an excellent town. tt's very sup- porlive and generous," she said. "I've worked in other towns and here people really care." Although demand remained constant, 207 food hampers were handed out over Christmas, down 13 from the previous year's tally. That isn't a sign that the grinch has moved mbt Milton, cautioned Ms Roux. "tt's flot unusual," xhe xaid. "Nol every- one took bampers. If they were going xomewhere wilh a lurkey dinner lhey didn'î take one." Mucb of the food for the hampers; was cotlected througb a massive food drive boxled by the Milton Fire Depariment and local xervice clubx in early December. A loy drive cenîered in the Milton Malt, boosted by both corporale and individual donations, gave 383 kids a Christmas, up one from taxI year. Even SO, toys were xligbtty scarcer than in previous years, causing Ms Ross 10 con- sider stxrting the toy drive a little earlier for bc lasI Christmas of the millennium. 1"Toys are alWays a concemn and thix year we didn't gel as many," she said. Despile the xlight declines, Milton revealed ils generous spirit in the long hours il took 10 put logether anoîher suc- cessful season, said Mx Ross. "Everybody pitchex in. Not juxt the îown's people but the businessex and the sehools," said Ms Ross. "It'x reatly somne- thing 10 sec the people corne in at the holi- day season." Even the children gel involved in the giving. "We sec litîle children coming in to hand in their change," said Ms Ross. "And îwo little girls gave up prescents aI Iheir birthday parties to donate 10 us." Ms Ross took lime to remind people that the need doexn'l stop once the tinsel hax corne down. "Most people sec the need at Christmax lime but we do Ibis every month," she xaid. During a regular season, the Salvation Army helps up to 200 fami lies per monîh. GRADE ""NW MILTION DISTRICT MiSE SCEGOL Grade "A" News at MDHS By Jacqueline Base and Marisma Cheskey Happy New Vearl We hope that ail of you enjoyed the break as much as we did. Now that we've had aur great two week break tram school it's time for us ta remind yoa that exams are right around the corner. They will be starting an January 28 and continuing tbrough ta February 3, sa farget about shoving your books ln the bottam of your locker for the next few weekends. Its time ta study. If you don't have a copy of the exam schedule make sure that you pick one up in the main office or student services. Grad photos wilI be taken on January 18, 19 and 20. If you happen ta be a graduating student at Miltan District High Scbool be sure ta stan up outside of the business office as soon as passible. If you do not wisb ta purchase any photos you will not be charged a sltting tee ta have yaur picture taken for the year book. Att grad- uating students should sign up for a session. There will be a twenty dollar sittlng tee for those who wish ta pur- chase a photo package, son don't forget your money on the day of your session. As welt, "Buddy Photos" will be taking place again this year. "Buddy Photos" are a chance for students ta get their pictures taken with ail of their friends. They are a great way ta remember ail of your pals tramn MOHS and you can spllt the price wlth yaur fniends, s0 it won't cast you a lot. Sa watch for the sign up sheets. They shauld be posted in the near future. "Buddy Photos" will be taken affer the grad pictures are thraugh an January 21 or 22. We wauld like ta congratulate the top five winners in the Choeereaders Christmas raff le. The flftb prize win- ner was Mr. A. Hood, the fourth prize winner was Mms. J. Snow, the third prize winner was Mr. J. Colavecchia, the second prize winner was Mrs. E. Hotchkiss and finally the prize winner was Mr. M. Cosby. Congratulations and enjoy your prizest Here's the latet news oegarding Semi-Formal. It is now lime ta search high and low for those dancing sboes and go shopping for somne funky attire. The Semi-Formal dinner and dance will be held on either Thursday, February Il or Friday, February 12 at Hafton Itilîs Place. Tickets will go on sale within the next few weeks. We wîll notîfy you when the date, time of ticket sales, and ticket prices have been chosen. This is a great event that you don't want ta miss, so listen up at schoal taa for details. We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and good luck ta those of y0t who are studying bard for upcoming exams. DATELINE DRURY E.C. DRUR! Bie SCRUOL DaMllne Drury - Friday, January 8, 1998 by Jessica WeIlstead and Katie Murzln Welcome back and a Happy 1999 ta ail aur readers! We certainly hope that you enîoyed your holiday sea- son and rang in the new year safety and happily. E. C. Drury is pleased that ail of aur students and staff returned safely Manday moming ready ta work bard for the last three weeks of the semester. The staff and students here at Drury would like ta thank ail Milton businesses who made generous dona- tions ta aur annual Adapt-A-Family food and clothing drive. These contributions helped ta make this year;s fundraiser aur mont successful ever. Overail, Drury collected and presented ta the Salvation Army over 130 boxes of tays, food and clatbing as well as over $200 in gift certificates and vouchers. Drury students sbauld also be proud of the money tbey raised in December for the Rose Cherry bouse, a hospice for terminalty ill cbitdren. $103.68 was collected during Looney Parking day wbich was organized by tbe Student Cauncil. Anather Laaney Parking Friday will take place on Friday, January 1 5tb. Students are encouraged 10 donate a dollar in arder ta park on the schonl campus and it is hoped that the samne amount of generosity will be sbown in the contributions as was last lime. In current sparts news, Drury wrestlers hope ta defend their excellent track record as they compete at a toumament la St. Catharines today, Friday the 8th. Tht team will also be attending another tournament in Georgetown on Wednesday, January l3rh. Drary wishes you ail bestl Highligbts during the Christmas break for Drury included twenty-five senior Drury students celebrated the New Vear by travelling ta Montreal, Quebec with BreakAway Tours. Along with nearly 4000 other bigh school students tramn ail over Ontario, these twenty-five students experienced the Montreal "nightlife" and culture dur- ing a thoee day, two night stay la the city. This trip will be remembered as many as their best new Vears Ever party yeti tl s now time, bawever, for students ta change out of their "party" mode and get down ta some seriaus bard wark for tht rast of the semester With exams only a short time away, if's important that students buckle down and tougb it out for the next tbree weeks. Remember, its neyer 100 early ta start studylogl1 We hope that everyone out there bas made a New Vears resolution as we have: we intend ta continue intarming yau of ail the happenings and goings-on here at Drury and bopefully providing you witb a windaw inta Drury lifel Until next time ... remember, there are only 72 more days until springll Sandra Ross To donate food or money, drop by the Salvation Arrny Famiiy Services office at 100 Nipixxing Road, unit fOve. Despite small drops, Milton i a giving town, says Sally Ann

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